Done and Thrilled
All the cricks and aches were pretty well worked out of the body at the Super 8 pool this morning. After a cup of cold morning coffee the cleaning bug hit. For my way of thinking there is no area that is less desirable to clean than the bottom portion of the kitchen cabinets.
It’s all about the far corners after the drawers are removed from their framework and then emptying all the contents of the drawers and cupboard shelves. Dennis was right in there with assistance. When it comes to helping with the cleaning, Dennis’ favorite saying is, “Well, whose dirt is it?” With only several all-purpose cleaning products that are our favorites, the under-the-sink area is quite sparse.

Older cabinetry can take on a desirable modern look.
When everything is out for the total wash and wipe down, the real story of our kitchen cabinet framework is quite telling. The bottom base has been made out of used lumber with the face of the drawers and cabinet faces being plywood. Originally, the faces were varnished plywood. Dennis and I sanded them down and painted them white. To us, with new hardware attached, the end project is just as desirable as the white cabinetry we see in Lowe’s or Home Depot. One of the cool things about the old craftsmanship applied to our cabinets is a metal plate that has been applied to a spot on the bottom of the base to cover up a mouse hole. Our home was moved in to its current location from a rural area and I am sure field mice loved to chew through the soft wood. The house, being set on a new basement in the 1950s, has allowed for safeguards of little visitors. One of our kids did suggest several years ago to purchase and replace the cabinets as the drawers are heavy and they do slide out on wooden skids. For the life of me, I don’t think we would fare any different from our kitchen if that were to happen. Dennis and I live very comfortably with what we have. Just two old timers living the simple life.
Dennis and I are set to end this day with some mushroom and beef patties on the grill, coupled with American fries laced with onions. Adding some great green veggies will round out supper. We can chalk off another one of those fall cleaning items that brings a huge amount of contentment to me. Mama loves a clean house, and when the 100-year-old home is spit and polished, I can’t imagine being anywhere else. Life on Stauffer is priceless.