Dog-gone Cat
We have a cat named Snuggles. His hair does not match his name. His hair is more like a hogs; bristly. On one of the nicer summer days, I had driven with the rear passenger side window open . . . and forgot to close it when I put the car in the garage. UGH! I swear Snuggles checks out the windows each and every time when we have parked the vehicles. Sure enough, he got me.
A time back I had bought a lint roller in the grocery store labeled “effective for pet hair.” Not! The next time we were in Sam’s Club my all time favorite Scotch brand of lint rollers was featured on the end cap. Today was the proof in the pudding, so to speak. The vacuum cleaner didn’t want to lift
enough hair to make a dent. The Scotch lint rollers sheets are similar to the weight of wax paper and man, talk about sticky pickup ability. It made cleanup of the car mats a breeze. You can only guess who was sitting not far off waiting for me to abandon the project for him to make his way into the car. That dog-gone cat Snuggles. Sorry, not this time. I have learned my lesson; stick with what you know works. It saves a person a lot of grief.