
What a treat to be outside without the strong winds.  The mornings may still be cool and we all know that will change before long.

With tree seeds and that which the wind can move around, the Koi pond and the filters were in need of cleaning.  After the cleaning it may be that we will will shopping for a new pump shortly.  We tried to remember when this current pump was purchased.  We are thinking it is at least ten years old.  It does duty 24/7 right through the winter months when the Koi are in the horse tank in the garage.  Hmm.  It is amazing that we forget there is a life span for all things.  

The house is beginning to smell wonderful.  There is a pan of scalloped potatoes with diced precooked boneless porkchops in the mix.  Each day our evening meal has slimmed down frozen contents of the freezer above the refrigerator.  Our goal is that this weekend we will unplug the unit.  It is a frost free freezer above the refrigerator but indications are that there may be a line plugged up and we are finding water on the refrigerator shelves.  Our solution is a good one.  Some items will be put in the refrigerator in the basement that also has a small freezer space.  One way or another we will find out what is going on.  I think the refrigerator must be about sixteen plus years old.  When Carrie and Jeremy moved into their home on Sterling Terrace, the timeline that this refrigerator may have been bought before Megan came along.  Megan just turned 16.  It matters not.  Dennis and I have this!

Our potting shed was relieved of a few yard art items this afternoon.  We have a wonderful item that my brother Michael made for us.  It is fabricated from a cedar high-line power pole from the home place.  It is a planter that resembles a moose.  Dennis is washing it off getting cob webs and dirt off.  Tomorrow we are going to check out if Roger the Moose will take cedar stain.  Initially, and over several years we have used Thompson water proofing.  It may be that the sun has worked its whiles on it as it looks dried out.  We will find a spot that is not able to be seen easily and give it a test run.  I’ll keep you posted.  There is always something out there to keep us going.  For sure a day such as this is not time to stay indoors.  

I will say that there is an unrest in regard to people being sheltered in place in their homes as well as businesses not being open due from the virus.  Ironically Dennis and I have not been impacted to any degree as we generally are homebodies.  Hopefully there will be some credible answers coming down the pike.  Lots of ideas, not any real solutions.  My loved ones are my priority for their wellbeing.