Dennis’ Koi

One pail at a time to net the Koi out of the pond. The dye from the leaves has made the water dark. It was getting to be a job keeping the pump going as leaves continued to fall.
Two more needed to be netted to join these seven. As cold as the water is, they can dodge the net to no end. This horse tank will be their home until late March or April 0f 2017. As soon as it is 45-50 degrees they go dormant and do not take food.

This is Dorothy. Nicholas and Megan brought her to our Koi pond quite a few years ago. Dorothy had been in a fish bowl on Megan’s dresser way before Nicholas was born. Nicholas is now in third grade. When Nicholas came for a visit with Megan and their mom, Nicholas walked up to the Koi pond and out Dorothy was plopped. She was no bigger than a minnow. There was no getting used to the tepid water from the two hour trip in the baggy . . . just right out in the cold water. She has done well and has acclimated with the big boys.