Dennis Knows How to Shop

Dennis stopped at the Farmer’s Market this afternoon and he knows how to shop for good produce. That ole cowboy picked out wonderful cucumbers and onions. The slicer that was my Mom’s might look the worse for wear, but I can’t imagine slicing cucumbers or raw potatoes with anything else. It really saves on the hands. Cucumbers, onions with dressing is co-mingling in the refrigerator for supper. It would not surprise me if Dennis had a huge portion of the creamed cucumbers with a slice of butter bread and calls it good. Dennis also knows how good the plate of Peanut Butter cookies is that he found at the same vendor. The Platz family from Springfield work hard at multiple locations with fresh produce, canned produce and the all time favorites in the baked goodies. Wait until they come with their chocolate zucchini bundt cake. Dennis is bound to bring one home touting the benefit of eating zucchini. Ya right!