Dennis had been enjoying the Sioux Falls trade show since 1988. Each February he would set up his goodies for a three day weekend. This year he turned the reigns of his tables over to a very good friend. Each year upon renting those trade show tables there would be a coffee cup sitting on the tables when Dennis got there to set up. Well . . . today all of those coffee cups were pulled out of the top of the kitchen cabinets and with Dennis’ help we got them washed up. Kitchen cooking steam rising to heights that can easily be ignored over time. Not today. Kevin has taught me to let go of things that I do not have an emotional attachment to. As Dennis washed each cup and I dried each cup, there were memories of good times. The cups will remain in our home for another day of sifting and sorting . . . just not in the kitchen cabinets. They are clean and stored in several storage containers in the storage closet in the basement. If we ever need to serve coffee to a huge crowd . . . we may dig them out. Right now Dennis has a Thermo coffee cup that keeps his coffee hot for six or more hours that he is very fond of and can carry around, aka: sippy cup for adults.
I am not guilt free when it came to those cabinets. As I said yesterday I don’t have sets of special china, silverware or such. I do have some water glasses that I have an emotional attachment. It is an assortment of Noritake water glasses that give me a cozy feeling of MINE! It may take both of my hands to hold them to drink out of but . . . MINE!
There is one more day of cleaning in regard to the kitchen cabinets. How many recipe books do I actually use . . . not many. My Betty Crocker cookbook that my sister Elvera gave me in 1962 and Mom’s church cookbook are my favorites. With the Internet it is so easy to look up something on the spur of the minute. Then . . . there are some spices that need to be reviewed. Needless to say it will be an interesting day and thankfully no step stool needed. I have had enough doing the uping and downing of the kitchen step stool to last me for some time.