Days such as this, with temps in the 40s, my littlest puddle jumper, Kevin, would have come home from grade school soaked to the knees . . .or the butt. Either there would have been a snow melt puddle before he got on the bus to come home . . . or he would have made sure to hit the shallow ditch upon getting off of the bus before he made it to the house. It just happens during a January thaw. I was going to go out and get rid of some of the ice sheets that have trapped water under it. There is nowhere to go with it even if it were 100% loose. The sides of the driveway have banks of snow from previous snowfalls. The slush can be pushed, but it will find its way back in a heartbeat. Best to leave things be until the sun can help evaporate some of it or it will freeze dry during the night hours.