Damp Day

There is enough humidity in the air to allow a snowflake once in awhile.

During this cold spell, I spent time at my desk in the bedroom porch of mine.  It has been a good feeling to get to several projects that I had on the far, far back burner.  The first was the circular wooden box of Ester Schafer’s.  It is now a sewing box holding many of the mini pillows I have stitched.  The second was using some of Esther’s silk floss that is now a bell pull sampler hanging next to our front door.

The third project is now done.  I have been saving some small wooden blocks for decades.  They had been stored in Esther’s wooden box.  They were 1.5 x 1.5 varnished and waiting.  My dad, Raymond, had cut them for me.  Dad passed away in 1992.  Hmm.  These blocks have waited and needed to have something done with them.  You all know I was not going to do away with them.

These blocks are now donning decals on all sides.  Some floral decals, some Christmas ones.  They are now housed in a wonderfully wooden bowl that my great uncle, Roy Grunewald, worked his magic on in his workshop.  Dad spent many hours at Roy’s house as Dad learned the ins and outs of using wooden shapes to be glued together and then turned on a wood lathe.   I have a lamp base and two smaller vessels that Dad turned out using walnut wood.


I come from lineage that always had something going on the side after their daily work was done.  Did they think idle hands were the work of the devil?  I can’t speak to that.  What I can attest to is being creative comes second nature and it is oh so rewarding.

The older priceless treasures have been touched and finished.  

Today I went to the studio and pulled an embroidered pattern I had downloaded some time ago.  The pattern used Maderia brand embroidery threads.  I use only Isacord brand.  The first thing I had to do was to go online and find a conversion chart to print out matching color for color.  I liked the design enough to purchase it, so it warrants embroidering it.  All the spools are lined up on one of the church tables like sentinels.  I am giving serious thought on what to embroider it on.  Time will tell.

Dennis is having a meal in a dish of the leftovers of last night’s supper.  I am having a steaming bowl of oatmeal.  It’s a win, win for each of us.

With that I will take my leave.  ♥