
I do drink a fair amount of coffee through the day.  Our coffee pot is set to go off at six in the morning.  It will stay hot on the burner for four hours.  We can continue punching it until the coffee has been totally consumed.  We like our coffee rick and strong.  No flavored coffee for us.  Folgers all the way.  I may sleep in to various hours in the morning, but once I am up, I juice up with Folgers and I have been activated.  Within the first ten minutes of my morning I may have started the laundry and gotten a crock pot with the components of what will be our supper.

Dennis is not a morning person anymore.  When he was a poultry transportoligist he had his 18 wheeler ready to go in a heart beat.  Now he is ready for conversation by noon.  He and the kitties need the patio porch time.

Yesterday the pork roast was tender done by four in the afternoon.  I decided to make it a pulled pork supper with the boiled potatoes.  If we have ever been to an event or in a restaurant, I can guarantee you I will pass on their rendition of pulled pork.  By the time I was done 99% of the pork roast was in pieces no longer than an inch.  Longer than an inch I find it stringy and hard to bite and chew.  I left the shredded pork in the crock pot and it soaked up all the juices of the cooking process.  No flavor went by the wayside.  This evening, I can see having wonderful hot pork sandwiches with Mayo, or . . . heating the pork in a serving dish in the microwave with a damp paper towel over the serving dish.  I know the pork having all the juices within is not going to be dry to go with the fried potatoes left over from being boiled last night.  We don’t do much frying of our meals, but who doesn’t enjoy American fried potatoes with the edges having a bit of a crisp.

The studio being a bit chilly, I kept my nose to the stitching today.  I did do a query about the yardage in a full hank of silk floss.  Minimal there is 1,000 yards of 6 ply floss.  Working with two strands each time the needle is loaded compared to a skein of six ply DMC, that entails many stitches.  DMC has 8 yards of six ply per skein. 

We had and do not have any reason to go out into the cold in the next several days.

I just finished the last of the 14 cups from the coffee maker.  

With that I will take my leave.  ♥