Clean and Fresh Day

With the snow of yesterday, this morning everything looked fresh and clean.  
We did have cleanup to do around doorways.  Wouldn’t you know it!  A nice layer of ice under the snow.  Foretold is fore warned.

Before we got too excited to play in the snow, Dennis went to his coffee group at McDonald’s.  It is one of the healthiest things for him to do.  Finding out how other fellows tackle things in stride . . . no one needs to feel like the Lone Ranger.

By one this afternoon, I rode with Dennis to the Elevator to pick up the pails of shell corn for the deer.  Truth to be told, the ole cowboy had spent three days moving snow with his walk behind blower.  The right knee was letting him know that turning each time in the same direction, manhandling the turning of the snowblower tends to twist the knee without realizing it until . . . you wake up on the next day and it is letting him know in no uncertain terms . . . enough is enough.

Barn-ProjectThe two of us pretty well have things taken care of outside.  In between time I have been working with the ultra suede fabric from my stash.  It washed up and dried beautifully.  As it has been folded and stored for quite a few years, the fold marks do tell a bit of a story.  With that being said, I am working on stitching out some barn designs on the suede.  I think it will work itself into a wall hanging of some sort.  That is yet to be decided.  I had purchased these designs after I had been to the quilt retreat in September of 2019.  Larry’s wife had asked me to do some pillows for her as she wanted them for gifts at Christmastime.  We did send off a pillow for JoAnn about the same time.  This is my first crack of cranking something out for Stauffer Avenue. 

Ya know what!  Spending $10.00 on a collection of designs sure can bring about many hours of creativity for me.  My day is balanced.  A bit of support outside with Dennis, an errand here and there, having meatloaf in the oven for supper . . . I deem it a good day.  Best of all we are cleaned out in the driveway.  We can run away from home if the whim hits us.