Chilly Willie

The morning walk turned into an afternoon walk.  The winds from the north were brisk even this afternoon.  As I headed east of Stauffer Avenue I couldn’t help but notice several rabbits enjoying some clover on the east lot line.

When Carrie and Kevin were small and we lived in Boon Lake Township, we tried our hand at rabbits.  When Orlin was working at 3M in Hutchinson, I could have envisioned parking lots swap meets.  Orlin came home from the shift work with ten small rabbits complete with a cage.  Carrie would have been about four and Kevin . . . maybe walking as a toddler.  Oh the fun of handling the furry little balls.  The cage was kept in the garage at first.  It also came with chores that most likely fell on the parents more times than not.  What farmsite wasn’t complete with skunks, wild mink and such.  Critters could easily stand on their hind legs if the cage was set up off of the ground and pick off the little feet of rabbits.  The kids’ Trettin cousins had rabbits and they shared tales of all that needed to be shared.  I don’t remember much of the rabbit saga.  I do know when the cage was exchanged for larger ones, eventually when the rabbits in various sizes numbered into the 20s, the kids had lost interest.  The sales barn in Hutch was visited.  That sales barn was a bustling place for anything and everything that needed to be sold or things to be purchased.  I wonder if there are sales barns around anymore.  

When I left for my walk, Dennis made a trip to the laundry downtown.  Mattress pads from the beds cannot be done in our stackable GE unit.  Dennis knows no strangers and doesn’t mind the time it takes for the wash cycle of those huge front loaders and then into the dryer.

We have had a 1/2 inch of rain over all and the temps are chilly enough that our furnace has kicked in.  The joys of early spring.