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  • Noreen 3:35 pm on January 27, 2025 Permalink  

    Monday the 27th 

    The start of a new week during the last week of January 2025.

    Dennis’ grandson, AJ, came for a visit to see his grandpa as AJ had today off.  AJ has a crew that does underground cable.  AJ’s boss runs a crew doing likewise towards the metro.  AJ always asks if there is anything that we need help with.  It’s a good thing.

    I have shifted my time from the studio and to the first floor and back again.  Slowly I will achieve something in the studio.  When my concentration has been broken, it is easier to throw in the towel and pick it up the next day.

    Dennis needed some consultation at the dining room table this afternoon.  Dennis purchased his Cub-Lo-Boy from a friend of his years back.  That friend, Jack, has since passed away.  Recently after the purchase, Dennis replaced all the wiring after a bit of a fire.  The tractor has a belly mount mower on it.  It is a good mower to use on the acre that we have been cleaning up.  Kevin helped with an engine seal last year.  This morning AJ checked with his grandpa if a second assist needed to be put on the opposite fender.  AJ put one on last fall.  It is of the same type that we have in our bathroom on the wall.  It was a bit difficult for Dennis to get off and on securely.  It was decided one was sufficient.  With no snow on the ground, I think, even with the cold and the colder yet winds, Dennis is getting spring fever.  Bless his heart.

    Me?  I am so thankful to not have any fever of any kind.  

    Nothing new to report is always a good thing.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:25 pm on January 25, 2025 Permalink  


    Oh yes, they spoke of forecasting temps in the twenties.  Nothing was mentioned of winds that would take us to feeling like -4.  Never to mind.  The strong wind rolling the dust down Stauffer Avenue, taking it south doesn’t make it feel like January.

    This morning we motored four block west of our home to visit Maria for haircuts and pedicures.  What a feeling of a treat.  There is nothing like it.  We came home at noon for a lunch of crab salad.  The flavors that have been co-mingling since yesterday’s forenoon.  Let me tell you, it served us well in the taste department as well as the texture of it.

    Dennis and I had a good full day yesterday, allowing us to take selective participation for this afternoon.  I don’t regret an afternoon like this.  The balance of life gives good days for happiness, bad days give experience, worst days give lessons and best days make for good memories.

    I have a YouTube playing in the background while I am doing some stitching, sitting upon my cherry red chair in my bedroom porch.

    Supper is a replay of the tuna oven meal of last night.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:34 pm on January 20, 2025 Permalink  

    So It Is 

    Today my goal for the morning was met.  Down into the studio with my shoes giving my feet good support, I made tracks.  Walking around the two church tables . . . around and around with KNUJ playing in the background.  Walking is walking.  Moving is moving to keep me going.

    While I was in the studio, I laid out some future plans.  When I had worked on a quilt for Megan with the OESD’s design package, “The Words of Wisdom,” I had some designs that were either duplicates or extras.  I have six of those extras.  I did cut each of them all down this forenoon to 9″ x 11.5″.  I pulled material to make them up into a small lap robe or a small quilt.

    I came upstairs with paper and pencil to plot out the rest of the story.  I believe it can be about 41″ x 61″ using plain colored block to intertwine with the embroidered blocks.  The 3 yards of flannel I pulled out to back it with, I need to pre-wash as flannel does shrink.  Shrink it now before completing the project, as the 100% woven cotton will not shrink.  

    My goal had been to use up some of the possibilities that were in the stashes, thus two placemats received embroidering.  I had very little left to use as a gift for . . . any occasion I make it.

    So what does the sewing machine work, the hand stitching work or reading add to my days?  It enhances my resilience.  When I attend to something else other than the stress of everyday life, or arthritic aches and pains, it helps.  It allows my mind to clear and detach.  I become so absorbed that it shifts me from small and annoying stressors.  My mind is in my safety zone.  

    Off and on snow squalls are making a showing.  Within the sheltered spots of the drive, there is a bit of collection.  Anything in the open has been relocated over and over with the wind. 

    For my money, I think a hot bowl of bean and ham soup with buttered toast will fill the bill for supper.  I will accept any other offer if it will be set in front of me at supper time.  Yaa, that is as unlikely as the thermometer here in my bedroom porch reading the outside temp at 50 degrees.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:35 pm on January 19, 2025 Permalink  

    Today is Sunday 

    This day is Sunday and I have quarantined myself to the first floor of our home due to a cold cement floor and cold walls in the studio.  Bummer.

    When I poured breakfast coffee into my northern wall cup this morning, the steam rose like a volcanic reaction.  The coffee was tasty and the second cup stayed hot longer.

    About the only positive spin I could put on the winter of these last months is that with no snow, ice or sleet, there is nothing coming into the house that may have been caught on the bottom of the shoes.  Dennis makes untold number of trips from the patio porch to the house during the course of his days.  Me . . . not so much.  The reason being he has no options for his awake time to keep his interest.  Really unfortunate, but that is how it is.

    There ‘s been more traffic moving in the bitter cold as the afternoon has gone by.  As I was stitching and having a YouTube video on in the foreground of my desk, a vehicle caught my line of sight pulling into Stauffer Avenue.  Yup . . . it was the little red pickup heading to the garage.  Dennis, Dennis.   

    I have been stitching and reading for this day.  Any progress is good.  It is amazing how making one stitch over another to make a cross does count up. Watching videos, in certain geographical areas, there are many that find stitched projects to save in thrift stores.  Those that save them are stitchers themselves.  The Goodwill thrifters soon pick up on the fact that the inventory is all color coded to indicate how long it has been in the store before it is moved on to the next step, whatever that may be.

    We had a supper last night of sautéed jumbo shrimp, instant potatoes and greens.  This evening, I will brown the leftover potatoes, mix in some scrambled eggs and cut up breakfast sausage and call it a skillet meal.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:56 pm on January 10, 2025 Permalink  

    Friday the 10th 

    The first thing I did today, the 10th, was to message my primary doctor to refill my prescription on the 11th that needs a message every month before it can be refilled.  It really doesn’t take that much time to get it done.  The 11th is on a Saturday.  Lewis Drug is open until three on Saturdays.  The prescription cannot be refilled on the 10th, it is quite fussy about the coverage that I have.  It can be requested after the 11th but not one day sooner.  I do have the prescription covered if I need to go until Monday to pick it up.  It’s called covering your bases.

    Dennis spent the forenoon in his recliner.  He had a headache and best to acknowledge it as he doesn’t get a headache often.

    I went about getting everything together for a chicken Rueben oven meal.  I had taken the chicken tenderloins out of the freezer last night in preparation.  I thought I was being smart by purchasing a small container of poultry seasoning that I was sure had a shaker cover.  Not.  When I was going to pull off the little round sealer of the container, I pulled off the barest of the sealer, so I could still use it as a shaker rather than having the entire container’s contents exposed.  The seasoning does add flavor but can also add way too much if not careful.  I strained the sauerkraut through a thin dish towel to get the kraut as dry as possible.  There is no way the chicken or the kraut will be dry patted dry enough to avoid a bit of juice when a totally dry scoop is wanted when the dish is table ready.  I had just enough of the 1,000 Island dressing to cover the kraut.  I poked holes through the kraut with the handle of my wooden spoon to incorporate some of the dressing down onto the cubed chicken.   

    Nip and TuckIn the past I had mentioned that a piece of fabric I had was just barely large enough for a new pattern I wanted to stitch.  I had already sewn on some matching fabric to use as a mat on each side.  Top and bottom would not be a problem.  Today was the rest of the story.  I started on the upper left hand side of my fabric.  My goal was to see how I would come out on the far upper right hand side.  Breathe.   Yup!  I have met my challenge.  I have a consistent right hand margin from top to bottom.  I will be using two strands of floss over one stitch.  The fabric mat along both sides of the design is what Carrie had helped me choose to go with the floss.  By the way, on the left side of this stitching fabric I have the huge amount of two extra stitches.  Grammie, Grammie.  I can and will work with this.  After all . . . we do what we can on what we have to work with.

    It’s time to get my oven pre-heating for supper.

    With that I will take my leave.

  • Noreen 4:04 pm on January 9, 2025 Permalink  

    A Fluttering 

    So it was promised, but at three this afternoon, it sure took its time to give us a fluttering of flakes.

    The air is dry but it didn’t take long to cover the streets and give less visibility as I look out of my bedroom porch windows to the roof tops.

    Our errand for the day was a trip to Lewis Drug.  We had that accomplished before noon.  Our car has not been driven on wet salty streets and today was no exception.  Using the car as we drove out on the Hammond highway was good to get everything realizing it still must work when called upon.  As I watch the traffic now, there is wet sticky stuff coming up from under the vehicle tires.  

    I take Metamucil everyday.  It’s not a laxative, but more of a binder for my body’s waste.  It is also very good for my heart.  After paying the high price at Lewis Drug for a container, I know when we travel to Mankato on Monday for Dennis’ eye injection, I will be purchasing several containers for the same price I paid for one today. 

    The only good buy there is here in town is at the Dollar General.  After Dennis had surgery for a blocked salvatory gland, he said his mouth always felt dry.  Carrie tuned him into the hard candy called Lemon Heads.  Tart is the key word to get the saliva going.  Our grocer sells the bag of some 4 ounces for $1.89.  Family Dollar sells the save size for $1.29.  Let’s hear if for Dollar General at $1.00.  Other than some colored Life Savors in their own little bag, the Lemon Heads take center stage.  I may have one or two for the day.   Dennis goes through many of them each day.  If not a cigarette, it’s a Lemon Head. 

    The day is heavy and gray.  It hasn’t done much for my level of energy.  Even less than good days are part of the process.  I just don’t make a habit of having too many in a row.

    It has been a no-account day so our supper will be light.  There are several meal entrées in the freezer that will be brought out with Mott’s apple sauce on the side as well as the last of the jellied cranberries from the refrigerator.

    The snowflakes have ceased fluttering, but I must say this week has quickly fluttered by.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:31 pm on January 7, 2025 Permalink  

    Tuesday the 7th 

    Each day for me, being retired, is never the same one unto another.  Each small nuance can shift the energy.

    This morning, the coffee smelled especially good as I poured out my cup of the 14 total cups.  The hot steam just rolled across the top of the cup.  My coffee cup sits in the kitchen cabinet which is on the north wall of the kitchen.  As hot as that coffee comes out of the pot which is on a hot burner, the coffee is hitting a cup that is quite cold.  I don’t mess around enjoying it as it can cool quite quickly.  I dare not sip while I walk me and the coffee to my bedroom porch.  I am not steady enough to sip coffee and walk at the same time. 

    When I got myself settled on the cherry red chair, I found myself gawking.  My command center from where I read, stitch, check out the computer and watch traffic was a cluttered mess.  I have to take credit for it as other than Dennis perching in the guest chair at least once a day, it’s my own personal doings.

    The mail slot is four feet from my chair.  As I sort through it each day, there was a pile of junk mail that didn’t need to take up space.  I am finishing a stitching project and the extra floss hanging from a light fixture over the desk should be taken care.  My stash of books yet to be read has tipped over from the tidy array they had been on the west window sill. 

    The only thing to my credit is that there were no empty drink containers or used silverware adding to the mix.

    I did get on it and decided a few items needed to be put back in the basement studio where I had fetched them from when I was finishing some small Christmas pillows.  When I got to the studio, I got sidelined as there were some of my treasures from embroidering that needed a bit of a tidy.

    As the day went on with me drinking coffee as I went from location to another, I did make inroads in my bedroom porch as well as in the studio.

    It is now that part of the day to think on making supper.  The fare will be baked potatoes, tilapia and cranberries.

    Tomorrow morning, when I have toddled into my bedroom porch to enjoy that cup of hot coffee, I can perhaps sit in my cherry red chair, give it a swivel enjoying the tidy surroundings . . . for whatever short period of time that may be until it becomes looking very liked-in and all mine.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:57 pm on January 6, 2025 Permalink  

    Set the Clock 

    I can set my clock by Dennis’ timeline.

    At eight, Dennis has opened his eyes, been to the bathroom, has a cup of coffee sealed so as to not spill, his breakfast box filled and out the door to the patio porch all by the time of 8:10.  I will greet him for the day when he comes in at 12:30 after he has caught the noon news on one of his two televisions in the patio porch.  Dennis is one that follows his habits and then is ready for the day in every good spirits.  There is no way I am going to mess with a routine that serves both of us well.

    From the time I get up, which is also eight, I have the run of our home’s first floor.  Believe me, I could literally run someone over.  It’s all about an agenda to keep hearth and home running like a clock . . . just not Dennis’ clock.

    When Dennis comes in at 12:30, I am up for whatever plans Dennis has for the remainder of the day.

    Today, we made a trip to our Dollar General here in town as Dennis was in need of distilled water for his CPAP.  I had an item I needed for the studio out of the school supply isle.  All of the new OESD designs have been printed off and it is time to get them into the embroidery library.  Sheet protectors I had, I needed a ring binder.

    While Dennis was parked to watch the traffic, I was using their bright yellow cart cruising the aisles.  Surprisingly I found quite a few items as I was checking their prices.  The orange juice of 64 ounces was a much better price, quality to quality, than when our grocer has 52 ounces on sale.  So I was impressed.  Our local Super-Fair is expensive.  I plan on shopping again sometime using a bright yellow cart.

    Dennis’ oven meal was fantastic.  He used the remaining shredded pork roast with medium sized cooked ( a bit on the gelatin side) egg noodles.  He added two cans of green beans he had diced and topped it off with a jar of Alfredo white sauce.  As I said, it was fantastic sitting down to a flavorful meal and all the prep work left the kitchen as clean as if I had been at it.  The remaining of his oven meal is for this evening.

    With that I will take my leave. ♥

  • Noreen 3:08 pm on January 3, 2025 Permalink  


    I do drink a fair amount of coffee through the day.  Our coffee pot is set to go off at six in the morning.  It will stay hot on the burner for four hours.  We can continue punching it until the coffee has been totally consumed.  We like our coffee rick and strong.  No flavored coffee for us.  Folgers all the way.  I may sleep in to various hours in the morning, but once I am up, I juice up with Folgers and I have been activated.  Within the first ten minutes of my morning I may have started the laundry and gotten a crock pot with the components of what will be our supper.

    Dennis is not a morning person anymore.  When he was a poultry transportoligist he had his 18 wheeler ready to go in a heart beat.  Now he is ready for conversation by noon.  He and the kitties need the patio porch time.

    Yesterday the pork roast was tender done by four in the afternoon.  I decided to make it a pulled pork supper with the boiled potatoes.  If we have ever been to an event or in a restaurant, I can guarantee you I will pass on their rendition of pulled pork.  By the time I was done 99% of the pork roast was in pieces no longer than an inch.  Longer than an inch I find it stringy and hard to bite and chew.  I left the shredded pork in the crock pot and it soaked up all the juices of the cooking process.  No flavor went by the wayside.  This evening, I can see having wonderful hot pork sandwiches with Mayo, or . . . heating the pork in a serving dish in the microwave with a damp paper towel over the serving dish.  I know the pork having all the juices within is not going to be dry to go with the fried potatoes left over from being boiled last night.  We don’t do much frying of our meals, but who doesn’t enjoy American fried potatoes with the edges having a bit of a crisp.

    The studio being a bit chilly, I kept my nose to the stitching today.  I did do a query about the yardage in a full hank of silk floss.  Minimal there is 1,000 yards of 6 ply floss.  Working with two strands each time the needle is loaded compared to a skein of six ply DMC, that entails many stitches.  DMC has 8 yards of six ply per skein. 

    We had and do not have any reason to go out into the cold in the next several days.

    I just finished the last of the 14 cups from the coffee maker.  

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:31 pm on December 30, 2024 Permalink  


    After a discombobulation of a holiday in the middle of the week, it’s difficult to get my bearings straight.  Yes, Grammie this is a Monday.

    Both Dennis and I slept late this morning.  If it were not for the mail person sliding mail into my bedroom porch via the slot, hard telling when the feet would have hit the floor.  

    The same will happen this week with the new year on a Wednesday.  I don’t think it will impact us the same as this week we are sticking close to home.  

    Dennis took the utility bill to the drop-box at city hall.  By the way, our city hall is almost a mile from us now as they have converted the old hospital out by the Dairy Queen into the brains of the city.  I think they are encouraging us older folks to have the utility bill as directly taken out of our checking accounts.  We are not buying into that.  I still enjoy seeing what each and every item adds up to for the total amount.  Water, sewer and electric amounts do not even add up to half of the line items to make the total.

    I decided to come into the studio.  I flew a few items past Carrie yesterday in fabric choices and today I am going to start working on that.

    I only have one project in the works for my stitching in the cherry red chair in my bedroom porch.  Perhaps after today the fabric choice will be paired up with a new stitchy design.  Time will tell.

    Supper will be the remaining items from yesterday’s noon meal and then new meal plans will need to be put in place. 

    Dennis reported that the fog is worse than it was earlier today.  I think it will take having the wind come from the north rather than the south, to clear the air.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

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