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  • Noreen 10:21 pm on June 19, 2014 Permalink  

    Oh! I Have That 

    Webster’s dictionary defines tenacity as: determination, perseverance, resolve.

    Yes, I have that. I am here to tell you . . . I have tenacity.  That is not to say that it is always a positive attribute. In the negative vein you may have heard it referred to as someone that just doesn’t know when to stay down when being hit down over and over.

    I relate to the positives that can be attributed to tenacity. Does tenacity come naturally to us? I don’t think so. I believe it comes from the history of events in our lives. At times when I am standing in front of my mirror and I give pause as to the direction my decisions are taking me, I don’t see my own reflection but the reflection of my parents looking back at me.

    Ray and Lena

    Raymond and Lena (pregnant with Noreen)
    and 5 year old Elvera in the middle.

    As teenagers my parents started their family working as hired farm hands. The quality of their lives was totally dependent upon someone else. My sister Elvera was born into the hired farm hand life. By the time I came along, six years later, Raymond and Lena were renting their own farm acres and working long hours with less than optimum farm equipment. I doubt there was much down time or “me” time for my parents. Three years later Calvin joined the family with two sisters to help tend his needs as Mom was never far from Dad’s elbow with cattle chores or field chores. By the time my brother Michael took his first steps we had relocated to a farm to rent that had running water in the house via a cistern. It was a joy working the pump as water came forth for bathing and cooking. To move this aspect of the story along, by the time I was in second grade I was attending rural Renville County District 34 school. I left home each morning with lunch for noon time in a syrup pail that my mom had prepared from the home of a 160 acre farm my Dad and Mom had bought. Again, there was never a doubt as to where Mom spent most of her time: it was at Dad’s side to make this farm the best it could be. When I see my Mom and Dad’s reflection looking back at me from my bathroom mirror I see tenacity.

    Oh, yes, in my life I have made lots of choices. Some were good, some were excellent . . . and some were less than good. After the dust has settled over decisions, tenacity has either kicked in for shear survival or it was just the normal course of events for me. Tenacity is a part of who I am, knowing full well it may annoy those around me. Both of my children have brought me to task, each with their own experience with their Mom. That’s okay with me and I take no offense of their feelings. I have taken steps to squelch my enthusiasm when it is their very own tenacity that will serve them well. It really doesn’t hurt very much to sit on my hands for a period of time. What’s the worse that can happen other than over time you loose the feeling when they fall asleep?

    I know that at my beautiful age of 70 I have a great life that is due in large part to my tenacity. I do not have it in me to stay down but to seek out a way to achieve the task at hand with a positive outcome. I don’t expect others to have my drive. It’s my drive from my life‘s experiences. I accept rather than expect.

    With all this being said, the task I have at hand is calling on all the tenacity I have within me. My wonderful friend, Doreen, in reading my blog, sent me a package in the mail that reeked of a challenge. Knitting tools.Doreen had read that my granddaughter, Megan, had ask me if I could teach her how to knit. I had to decline as crocheting has been my usual way to play with yarn and thread. I am here to tell you that progress is slow coming. The hands want to go to muscle memory and hold the yarn and needles as crocheting does. The first several workouts brought about very sore shoulders. The longer I worked at it I was scrunching up my entire body and before long the knitting needles were up at chin level. I have the time, and more important, I have the desire to achieve the semblance of a knitted item no matter how small or how many errors it may contain. Doreen and I are meeting for lunch next week and I so want to have some progress to take to “show and tell.” I will keep you posted on my progress as my tenacity is in full gear.

    In life, please give and have no memory of it, or take and remember it always.

  • Noreen 4:50 am on June 19, 2014 Permalink  

    Not much new here on Stauffer Ave. today. We did take a drive to check out water puddles in the area. Hopefully after this week the summer weather will be kind.

  • Noreen 3:35 am on June 18, 2014 Permalink  

    We have taken the six inches of rain within the last three days in stride. Oh, so fortunate that we did not get the high-damaging winds that many areas not far from us did. I willingly will sweep up muck and mud off the patios. A few fans moving air in the garage porch will dry that nylon carpeting out in due time.

    The thunder rumbled from three in the afternoon until well after midnight with intermittent lightning. Weather systems keep me humble and very thankful when the first light of dawn allows me to see that our home has been spared from harm. Stauffer Avenue sends up “Thanks be to God.”

  • Noreen 3:12 am on June 17, 2014 Permalink  

    Duck Weather 

    Ducks and Gardens

    These guys are getting a rinse off all too often.

    We seem to be catching up on what was considered drought conditions in this early spring.  Very few days in between showers and today the thunder is a continual rumbling.  At four in the afternoon I do have a light on in the living room as the darkness is all encompassing.  I had been sitting out under our patio umbrella enjoying a bit of the afternoon until I could hear an automatic messaging service on my cell phone alerting me to a fast-moving storm coming from the west.

    Dennis put down the umbrella in the nick of time as the rain began with some really bright lightning strikes.

    The entire week is in question as to rain versus possible sun.  Dennis is strutting his stuff today as the call to mow the yards yesterday afternoon was the perfect timing.  With additional rain forecast and possible temps in the 80s this week I hope he keeps that swagger of his.  As I said it is truly duck weather.

  • Noreen 6:26 am on June 16, 2014 Permalink  

    . . . and Dennis Wins 

    Yesterday we had an additional 2.75 inches of rain − just when the garden was getting to the point that my shoes did not become heavy with mud.

    We’ve had a very laid back Father’s Day . . . until 4:30 this afternoon.  I thought I could hear an additional noise over the detour traffic, and sure enough, rounding the corner of the garage was Dennis on his trusty riding lawn mower.  I went out to enjoy a sit on the patio and Dennis assured me he was just checking the mower over and that tomorrow we would be doing the lawns.  As we sat and enjoyed the breeze that was drying the air the twinkle in Dennis’ eyes spoke volumes.

    Well, I am here to tell you that by 6:30 this evening the lawns have been mowed.  After all it was Dennis’ Father’s Day and he won by a landslide.   By the way . . . the lawns do look wonderful.

  • Noreen 6:26 am on June 15, 2014 Permalink  

    What are the odds? I traveled 99 miles to the northeast for a golden anniversary celebration. It was a come-and-go event, and after a great exchange with cousins, I bid my adieu. On the way home I stopped for coffee and stretched my legs as I had no timeline. I decided to take a bit of a detour to drive past a home that we had enjoyed as a family in the 1970s. As I slowed down to take it all in, from the opposite direction came another vehicle going slow. What are the odds that my son and daughter-in-law coming from miles to the west would be at the exact same location as I was and that we recognized each others vehicle? We each pulled into an area out of traffic and had a brief, but sweet, exchange. Happenstance is alive and well.

  • Noreen 2:55 am on June 14, 2014 Permalink  

    This was a day for errands and best of all . . . hair cuts for both Dennis and me. The traffic is humming and sometimes screeching. The skid marks at the intersection are mounting as the detour is hard on motorists’ patience. Stop does mean . . . “Stop.” Catch everyone on another day!

  • Noreen 2:43 am on June 13, 2014 Permalink  


    Maple trees

    The seed pods have barely finished falling from the Maple tree and lookie look. Prolific trees abound. Dennis and I raked up several bushel of the pods from the gardens and I can’t tell you how many more are in the lawn. By next spring those that will get a foot hold in the soil will have quite the root system.

  • Noreen 6:06 am on June 12, 2014 Permalink  

    A New Nightly Venue 

    Last night the outside temps were great and the best part, there were no bugs.  Dennis and I sat on the patio after dark and watched the parade of semis going north, semis going south – all past our home.  The light show of various configurations on the tractors and trailers were almost better than the yearly parade our community puts on.  This will be nightly venue until sometime in July.

  • Noreen 4:11 am on June 11, 2014 Permalink  

    It’s All Coming Together 

    What a great season here on Stauffer Avenue.  The vegetables are up and I mentioned to Dennis that I can’t wait for a fresh salad.  He reminded me that the packages of seeds stated anywhere from 52 to 67 days to maturity.  Bummer.

    Last fall we went to the farm fertilizer plant and got the good stuff for the lawns.  My brother swears by it and I can tell you, our lawns have never looked better.  As luck would have it there was some left over and Dennis went over the flower gardens before the weather got cold last fall.  I will tell you there are some awesome looking perennials out there.

    In the past years I would be sad when one morning I would go for my morning walk with coffee in hand and see the hostas had been some bug’s snack.  This year I am keeping my sprayer ready with Bug Be Gone and I hope I can keep ahead of the little buggers and they will have to get their daily food allotment elsewhere.

    Alright, I will admit, I have one sprayer with Bug Be Gone, one with Weed Be Gone, and the third with Round Up.  I know what many of you are thinking  . . . “chemicals!”  So be it.  I don’t smoke, I don’t drink and I don’t use hair spray.  I do have a very healthy life as the spraying is not done 24/7.  In fact, the fumes of all the semi trucks going past our home as we are on a detour route is far more damaging.  I think my little acre here on Stauffer Avenue and the enjoyment we get from having a sweet inviting home for the two of us speaks volumes.   To each their own.

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