Updates from July, 2015 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Noreen 5:17 am on July 14, 2015 Permalink  

    Today was a day to be thankful that severe weather didn’t reach our portion of the state. I stayed up last night past my bedtime and kept an eye to the west, not a single lightning strike was seen.

    Dennis was on the highways this morning fetching supplies for nephew Brett’s concrete business. I, on the other hand, finally dressed for the day by 11:00 a.m. Oh, that’s right . . . I am retired. . . no need to get my undies in a bunch. Not to worry, nothing goes unattended or undone, I can pick and choose from yard work, house work or putz work in my sewing room.

    I do have empathy for those who need to labor in the heat and humidity. In times past, I and my brothers may very well have been stacking hay bales in the haymow on a day such as this, hustling at that before the next hay rack came into the yard. Looking back, it was hard work and I know my parents appreciated every bit that us kids could contribute.

  • Noreen 9:33 am on July 12, 2015 Permalink  

    It’s dark out! Dennis and I have not been up and out this late in a long time. We had safe traveling and great visiting. Time for lights out on Stauffer Avenue.

  • Noreen 4:07 am on July 9, 2015 Permalink  

    It Never Ceases to Amaze 

    Red Lily (400x300)

    I am amazed at how beautiful this delicate red lily is.

    Snuggles (400x300)

    I am amazed how often I can call Snuggles and he doesn’t wiggle a single hair. He must feel that the plume grass makes him invisible.

  • Noreen 4:36 am on July 8, 2015 Permalink  

    There is something about the air today that made it very reminiscent of days that I spent as a child at my Grandma Laura’s farm. Aunt Corrine drove a tractor pulling a hay wagon with Grandma Laura and me riding on the wagon dangling our legs over the side. We were heading behind the grove to the strawberry patch. I worked beside grandma and Corrine picking strawberries that had to be just the correct ripeness. Our take for one picking was multiple flat dish pans of ruby red berries. The next day would find jar upon jar of jam ready to be put in the cellar. The day after that would find us back in the patch. Jams, jellies and sauce to feed the farm crew during an entire year.

    I can tell you, when my head hit that feather pillow each night, I was totally out. Ironically, I can almost smell the mix of musk of an upstairs area, not often used, and mothballs. Priceless.

  • Noreen 5:23 am on July 5, 2015 Permalink  

    Today was the 4th of July. Dennis and I spent a very comfortable morning on our patio and eventually went inside as the humidity kicked in. I spent a bit of time in my sewing room and Dennis caught up with Fast and Loud episodes of a reality show dealing with the restoration of cars.

    We had steak for supper, and I must say, the brine I had the steaks soaking in overnight was a success. I do listen to some of the experts on television. I used a hot fry pan with a bit of oil (with a spatter screen on top of the fry pan) and got a good sear on the meat and timed it eight minutes on each side. I took the hot fry pan off the burner and let the meat rest in the pan for eight minutes. It was tender and tasty enough that very little else was had. We had not fixed a steak here on Stauffer in several years, and this evening’s fare will fill the bill for some time to come. We are not grill masters and it seems like a fry pan still does the job.

    We hope everyone had a safe and happy day . . . we sure did.

  • Noreen 6:47 am on July 3, 2015 Permalink  

    This evening I feel really mellow. I needed to replace our white Black and Decker Programmable coffee maker. It was kaput. When I went to Shopko, I really anguished over all of the models. I thought it would be really cool to be able to brew one cup at a time, and this certain model could brew a pot of 12 cups or brew the popular flavored one cup at a time. I did visit with Dennis about it and he gave the thumbs up on the one that had the brewing options as well as the brewed coffee going into a thermos carafe to keep the coffee hot. It would be great to take the full pot out to the porch and have hot coffee for hours and not have to track into the house for an additional cup.

    When we unpacked it, we noticed some irregularities in the packaging. Hmm, there were coffee grounds in the thermos carafe. The plate for individual cups to be placed on, had coffee stains on the bottom of it. Someone had purchased this . . . used it . . . and worked very hard to cover their trail when they returned it to the store. I got my money back and took a break from looking at coffee pots. The situation made me think twice about what I really wanted, or more important what was really needed on Stauffer Avenue in order to enjoy a cup of Folgers.

    When Dennis came home, we discussed our morning coffee ritual. Dennis said he would go back to Shopko and take care of the situation. I love a man that takes charge.

    The mellow feeling at the end of this the day stems from the fact that there is a new coffee pot sitting on the kitchen counter, hand picked by Dennis. The new coffee pot is programmed to go off at 6 a.m. tomorrow morning and is ready to make 10 cups of that wonderful Folgers coffee. By the way . . . it is a black Black and Decker Programmable coffee pot just like the one that hit the recycling bin earlier in the day. Gotta love that ole cowboy that knows what’s best on the things that really matter to get a day going.

  • Noreen 6:15 am on June 30, 2015 Permalink  

    Today was yard day. No matter, even if we have had rain within the last 48 hours, it’s a dirty job. I have been bagging the front yard, only as it is my preference as to how the lawn looks after I have expended the energy to do it. I did fill my 2 gallon hand sprayer and covered the front wherever there was a patch of clover. It takes out good grass in a heartbeat.

    I did, after cleaning up, made a trip to Fleet Farm, and tomorrow the sprayer is being used behind the lawnmower for ants. Let’s hear it for Dennis! I spent a long time reading labels. We have tried the dry applications with no luck. Believe me, it will be mixed strong, as it can’t be any worse than loosing many square feet of grass to the buggers.

    It’s time to call it a day, and it was a good day.

  • Noreen 8:19 am on June 28, 2015 Permalink  

    Dennis and I have returned from the wedding at the Gilfillan Estates. What a marvelous farm it was in its day when the barns were filled with livestock and the lawns showed activity from children. The Redwood Falls County Museum now owns Gilfillan Estates, much like the University of Minnesota owns the Congdon Mansion in Duluth. How wonderful that places such as these can live on.

  • Noreen 6:12 am on June 27, 2015 Permalink  

    It was a quiet Friday here on Stauffer Avenue. The week held hosting luncheon guests twice this week, a banquet in Mankato Wednesday evening, Dennis having a great checkup at the VA Clinic and Dennis also passing his eye checkup appointment. A kick-back day every once in awhile doesn’t hurt. Tomorrow will be spent attending a niece’s wedding at the Gilfillan Estates and Gardens north of Sleepy Eye. Our calendar is just like anyone else’s . . . full before you know it. We do enjoy a kick-back day.

  • Noreen 5:43 am on June 26, 2015 Permalink  

    I firmly believe that relationships, of any type, either grow or they die.

    Today was a day to nurture, encourage and empathize with two very special people who I have had in my life for decades. The three of us got acquainted through our work as assessors. Doreen hails from Nicollet County, Judy from Brown County and I, from Watonwan County.

    The three of us, respectively within our own families, have shared births, deaths, divorce, medical issues, hobbies and heartaches. No one has been immune to life. It is a great time to catch up on our families, find out what has happened since we last were together, and find out what the near future has in store for our schedules.

    Lunch served here in the porch on Stauffer was nothing fancy, but it filled the bill. Obviously, when guests are coming to break bread in the porch, there are certain preparations that must be done. Butter Ball and Snuggles can’t figure out why the screen doors are closed and they are on the outside looking in. Cushions are vacuumed and pet pillows are tucked into a tote for human enjoyment of the facilities today. Oh no, how could this be? The prep time is minimum to enjoy the company to the maximum.

    As my guests departed, our intentions were voiced to get together oftener. Our intentions are pure, but we also acknowledged that life spins us in directions on a day-to-day basis that adheres to no set plan.

    The day ended, not with goodbyes, but “See you again, real soon.”

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