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  • Noreen 6:03 am on December 27, 2015 Permalink  

    Lo and behold the snow did find us. The five or so inches of the heavy wet stuff laid just where it fell as we had no wind with it.

    I am in “pace” mode. Working with a new sewing machine, a new cell phone and a new computer, pacing myself, dedicating a bit of time to each new item until it is secondary to my gray matter is what is called for.

    Kersten helped me with the cell phone on Christmas Eve day. Me, myself and I are in charge of the computer. Today I worked with it until I had the items done to do the initialization of it with me, the user. I got it as far as the connection is up and running with the wireless router for access to the world wide web. At that point, I patted myself on the back and headed down into the sewing studio.

    It is a cross between disappointment and frustration when family members ask me to do projects with little to nothing to work with. Where were the mothers when they could have encouraged their daughters to pay attention in Home Economics while in high school, rather than doodling in their notebooks? Dennis counters with a comment regarding past projects where I have managed to work miracles. Bless that ole cowboy’s heart. He sure does know how to butter me up.

  • Noreen 4:45 am on December 26, 2015 Permalink  

    The birth of a small baby cradled in a manger is the most profound event that has shaped the lives of all of us, even those who are unaware of the baby. From the earliest days, even when my parents would attend Christmas Eve services in the neighboring rural church and the service was in German, the story could not be misunderstood.

    It brings peace to me each and every Christmas season when I put the nativity under our Christmas tree. It is Christmas Day, but I know the nativity will stay with us for quite some days to come before I gingerly put it away.

    It makes me very proud of family during the Christmas season. We come together and share of ourselves with little need to hold back laughter, tears, time and memories.

    Thank you Baby Jesus for making my life precious.

  • Noreen 6:02 am on December 25, 2015 Permalink  

    It is Christmas Eve. We have had a family gathering that was fantastic. Laughter, good food, hugs and even a few home repairs. I just love it when Megan and Nicholas are oh so not ready to go home. Each time that happens, I hear it and tuck it deep, as I know in time they will be busy teens. It was all priceless, leaving my heart feeling very full. Not a small part for the success of the day, the roadways were clear of snow and ice.

    I think I will sleep very well tonight.

  • Noreen 5:32 am on December 24, 2015 Permalink  

    The Birth of Our Savior Approaches 


    ” . . . and the Angel of the Lord came and said ‘Fear not,’ and the glory of the Lord shone round about them.”

    So many are expressing the sentiment that they have no Christmas spirit this year.  How can you not?  For me it is not dependent on a showing of white snow, nor the wares of the retailers.  Each year at mid-December, something within me starts its very own ticking time clock.  It is not unusual for me to begin singing a Christmas hymn before I even realized I did know all of the words.

    There have been Christmases when the family could not get together.  It did not deter me from putting a fine finish on our home with decorations, complete with several nativity sets.  When we are fortunate to have company coming, I make sure that their presence is not over shadowed by cleaning out the walk-up attic with Christmas decorations.

    At our home, Dennis and I comment so very often, how fortunate we are to have each other and a warm home for as many family members that can find their way here as possible, to be welcomed in the true spirit of “Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men.”

  • Noreen 6:13 am on December 23, 2015 Permalink  

    It is hard to admit, but I have an owie. Yesterday I ran errands downtown. Where the street curb meets the sidewalk, there was just a bit of ice from the runoff in these mild temperatures. My right foot realized the ice and the left leg and foot went into overdrive. I did not fall. The big toe on the left foot was rammed hard into the tip of my left slip-on shoe as the ole body refused to take a tumble. Ah . . . there is the problem: a loose fitting slip-on shoe.

    I know the toe is not broken as there is a steel screw in it from a surgery years ago to take care of bunions. Today, the color of the toe on the top, on the bottom, and all around has the same colors as beautiful sunsets that I have been amazed by: purple, scarlet and all shades in between. The toenail thinks it is going to pop off from all the swelling. Not.

    The good thing is, I had all bases covered for Christmas company. There is not one item of the day’s events that is and has not been planned and executed. Even if the toe falls off, nothing can keep me from being excited about family coming.

  • Noreen 3:35 am on December 22, 2015 Permalink  

    No gray clouds could take away the great afternoon I have had. A cup of coffee at Lorraine’s home made the day feel oh so special. Lorraine worked for me years ago and left the employment to be a stay at home mom for their two adopted daughters.

    Lorraine continued to stay at home to care for the infant granddaughter, Peggy, so the eldest daughter, Louise, could finish high school.

    Over time, Lorraine lost the youngest of her adopted daughters, Tammy, to an illness. Lorraine’s husband passed away right after he reached retirement age. This last May, Lorraine lost the second of two granddaughters, Kathy, to cancer.

    Lorraine lives in a two bedroom apartment in one of the apartment houses here in St. James. She is a very private individual. I am so privileged to call her my friend. Though not many people visit her home, the ambiance that met me today was astounding. Every nook of the home was filled with evidence of how much Christmas means to Lorraine. The small village that was set up exuded the same warmth that I felt the moment I stepped into her home. I had to ask if it would be okay to peek into every corner and then marvel. I could tell that Lorraine so enjoyed sharing with me how each and every aspect of her bounty came to be. More than I could count, were hand quilted lovelies.

    The coffee was served with goodies, as Lorraine loves to bake, but does not have many to bake for. The plate of goodies that was sent home with me will not be ignored by Dennis, I can tell you that for sure.

    Two cups of coffee and some date bread made me feel so full of the joy in knowing this wonderful person. Just priceless.

  • Noreen 5:29 am on December 20, 2015 Permalink  

    The dust bunnies caught heck today. I am always amazed what my Swiffer can catch when I dance across the laminate flooring.

    We did have carpeting in times past. Back then, the beds were in place and there was no considering that they could be easily moved to vacuum under them. With the laminate flooring, and the felt coasters under the legs of the frames, the beds can be moved single-handedly. I feel so much better knowing that the dust bunnies do not get a chance to co-mingle. All the furniture in our home has various forms of the felt backed coasters for easy moving. Priceless.

    Flannel sheets make for fuzz. I do not care how old they are, the fuzz just continues and that goes for bath and hand towels. It keeps me on my toes. Dennis has often heard me say, “I don’t need much or want for much, but I do like a tidy and clean home.”

  • Noreen 4:15 am on December 19, 2015 Permalink  

    Dennis and I had an early Christmas road date. We had a few items to pick up in Mankato.

    Last several years we have realized how much the birds appreciated our heated water dish outside of the garage porch. We picked up a second dish. One will be used in the porch for the garage kitties and cats. I know the water dish sitting on the concrete floor next to the outside wall makes for really cold water on the tummies of the feline.

    We decided to have lunch at Old Country Buffet. Dennis and I each enjoy different foods and where else can I find Brussels Sprouts and Okra along with all the fresh fruit, plus a sliver of pecan pie to top it all off? We had a heartfelt conversation over coffee. Sometimes reviewing things from the past can make what we have in the world of today more meaningful.

    We drove home with a dusting of snow, and while the sun was shining through the flakes, it was very magical.

  • Noreen 4:39 am on December 18, 2015 Permalink  

    It Was Time 

    Computer 004 (400x300)

    My Dell laptop is just about eight years old. It has started to buck a bit. Today I did a total backup of all files within this hard working tool of mine. I do use it non-stop. It brings me much satisfaction in communicating with family. At a time when my laptop was in the repair shop, I was using Dennis’ computer and his command center to work on my blogs.  It was a great backup computer, but the entire area just didn’t feel cozy and friendly like my own command center.  I think Kevin is right, we each need our own space.  I cannot count all of what I have learned for the various of my hobbies while watching YouTube videos. We are now totally backed up in the off chance that one morning I may hit the ignition of this laptop and I am greeted with a blank stare. I do mean a totally blank stare – with not even my little pointing arrow.

  • Noreen 3:07 am on December 17, 2015 Permalink  

    It can’t decide if it wants to rain or snow or sleet. With the high winds, it does sound like a storm. With temps in the low 30s, anything could happen. Days like this, rattling around in my sewing studio feels good, plus I took a nap sitting on the sofa with my feet propped up this noon. Life is good on Stauffer.

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