Updates from February, 2016 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Noreen 5:00 am on February 27, 2016 Permalink  

    Our pantry has a good amount of supplies, but not many varieties of pasta, aka: noodles. Dennis likes the flat egg noodles for everything pasta related. Yesterday, with a pound of 85% lean hamburger browned, chopped sauteed green peppers and several hand fulls of noodles that he had boiled in salt water, supper was in the mix. For the first time we had purchased a jar of Classico sauce. Let me tell you, all of the ingredients mixed and baked in his favorite little blue speckled roaster, topped with corn flake crumbs for 45 minutes . . . it was so delicious. The Classico had chunks of tomato with just the right amount of additional spices. What surprised me is that it is processed in a regular sized mouth of a Mason jar.

    Today, while I was in the sewing studio, Dennis did up a chocolate cake mix. They had been on sale for a $1.00 each. His request was a peanut butter frosting. I did get the ingredients all put together in the bowl, but it took the truck driver biceps to get it beat into the proper consistency. We are expecting a coffee guest tomorrow and I think Dennis’ fair is going to hit the spot.

    The best thing . . . Dennis cleans up his dirty cooking and baking dishes. Yup, I am spoiled.

  • Noreen 3:51 am on February 26, 2016 Permalink  

    Dennis went down into the basement to fetch a roll of paper towels from the pantry. He could not believe how tidy and clean the sewing studio was. After a large project, it feels good to put extra supplies away, use the Swiffer to pick up many threads that managed to flutter at will while I was pinning, sewing, and trimming, and begin the next project with everything being tidy. The sewing studio will stay tidy until the creative juices begin flowing again. Being creative is a messy business.

    Kevin knows all about making a mess while working at having fun. At one time Kevin had a Dremmal table saw in his bedroom. Corrugated cardboard cannot help but make a mess when there is not another medium available to push through to the saw blade. From small on, there was a curiosity on how things could be made and what went into the making of something he was observing. The curiosity and creativity still dwells within Kevin and I hope it never leaves. Life will always be exciting for him.

    Grandma Schafer also knew that if the toddler, Kevin, was too quiet and out of site, she had better take a look see. Though she lived in a small home right on the main business district street in Hector, it was too much square footage to stay focused on Kevin. On one occasion, Orlin was able to do a bit of electrical work for his mom, Esther, as Kevin was curious what was behind the plate of the electric outlet in her bedroom. No one really knew what Kevin poked into the protected area, but it did leave quite an impression on the wee one as the arc of electricity made for sore fingers and a very black soot mark on the area around the outlet.

    What made me think of Kevin and a few memories today was cleaning my sewing area and putting up my small sewing tools into a cup that Kevin made for me while in his first grades of school. It is amazing how seeing a bit of artwork on a plastic cup can begin the memories to unravel. It makes for a very rewarding day that could otherwise be just another gray, cloudy, gloomy day. As quickly as memories come to me, I will never ever be bored in life and my creative curiosity will keep pace with Kevin’s.

  • Noreen 5:29 am on February 23, 2016 Permalink  

    I just spent three very satisfying and fulfilling hours. I have a very enthusiastic beginner quilter that came seeking help and advice. It is gratifying to see someone becoming invested into piecing fabric to make art. Dennis’ nephew, Brett, is 52 and owns his own concrete business. Somewhere the winter hours beckoned him to put many of the same calculating skills that it takes to read blueprints and put bids together for concrete projects into a winter pass time of quilting.

    Starting out with his sisters old sewing machine, he did invest in an economical new machine with comments that it made a lot of difference in the basic stitching.

    Brett has watched many YouTube videos on techniques of quilting. He is now at a point where his first quilt fashioned from the pattern “Attic Windows” is ready to be put on a quilt frame. When I found out that he built stands from which the quilt frame will hang, I had to admit, he was quite serious. Today he picked out embroidery floss with which to tie the quilt and got a few pointers on what will take place after the tying is done. I think he has my phone number on speed dial. Brett knew he wanted a hobby before he got much older and this seemed to fit him. I will say his alignment of pieces of fabric to build the quilt is spot on considering the size of his hands and fingers.

    Amazing and delightful to see the light bulb go on when things fall into place.

  • Noreen 7:04 am on February 22, 2016 Permalink  

    Dennis made a great tuna and English pea hotdish so I could do our taxes. Let’s here it for TaxAct. I had a bit of self-imposed glitch that righted itself after a bit. Dennis reflected after I stated the amount that was needed to be submitted: “But the television ads say ‘zero is still zero’, ya right.”

  • Noreen 5:58 am on February 20, 2016 Permalink  

    While folding some laundry from the stackable unit in the bathroom, I glanced out the bathroom window out towards the patio and porch. What to my wandering eyes did I see? My rocking chair in the porch was going full bore. I had to really watch to see what was driving the motion. It wasn’t what . . . it was who. Fuzzy and Harriet were wrestling on the cushion. It was a toss up as to which one of the two would be close to being pushed off before there would be a lunge to get back on top. Oh, for the simplistic life here on Stauffer Avenue.

  • Noreen 3:52 am on February 17, 2016 Permalink  

    It’s a very mellow type of day. True to my intent, the potholders got stitched up. There were an additional eight blocks of a log cabin pattern that I am puzzling over. Dennis came down into the sewing studio for a bit and we enjoyed a snack of crackers and some chit chat. We both agreed we had no reason to shop out of town for anything this week. Contentment reigns on Stauffer Avenue.

  • Noreen 4:35 am on February 15, 2016 Permalink  

    My ole cowboy is on his way home from Sioux Falls, and by all accounts the roads should be in good shape. The temperatures are on their way up with the two inches of new snow that has stayed right where it fell. Did I have a good Valentine’s Day? Oh yes. After making a batch of Bar-B-Q for sandwiches, baking and frosting a Lemon cake for supper, I sat on the sofa and took a nap.

  • Noreen 5:17 am on February 14, 2016 Permalink  

    We, meaning the livestock and me, are settling in and taking the cold in stride. As luck would have it, Fuzzy and Honey Bunny were both home before seven last night. I gave out a few special treats and left them all for a good night’s rest.

    Today has been uneventful. I am rounding up on a quilt project and scratching my head on how to finish it off. I may have to actually purchase some fabric for the borders. I checked and double checked and came up with nothing that would compliment what I have done thus far. Dennis talked about going to Mankato next week. I may have to make a stop or two to see what would be available and what would make sense. It does hurt when I need to purchase fabric.

    This evening I am looking forward to some toasted egg sandwiches from the sandwich maker. I do enjoy the English Muffin Bread trimmed down a bit for it to fit perfect. Just a great toast on the bread with the egg still soft. Good eating.

    Another cold night and snow coming. The livestock and I am prepared.

  • Noreen 5:32 am on February 13, 2016 Permalink  

    Wow, I feel the power. For the weekend I am in charge here on Stauffer Avenue. Dennis left this morning for Sioux Falls for his annual trade show. For 25 years, it has been an annual trip. Dennis sets up his wares on two tables and meets and greets people from all parts of the United States. It has always offered 250 tables, but this year they changed the venue and another 150 tables were offered with people still on the waiting list for future years.

    I was thrilled when Dennis called that he had set up his tables and was calling from a motel room. The amount of visitors for this weekend is a real cash cow for the area. He did mention that he had a bath towel or two stuffed under the door as the wind has really picked up in that area. We had an agreement: if the weather is blustery, he stays for one more night. In years past we headed out for home and it was not a good decision. The pickup was in four-wheel drive and my mouth was in the “shut” position. There were so many people who were awaiting road side assistant as the ice welcomed them right into the ditch.

    I will be camped out in my sewing studio with making multiple trips out to the garage just to take in some fresh air on the trip and to check in with the cats. Two of them, Fuzzy and Honey Bunny, are outside and sooner or later, they will be tucked up close to the porch door to be let in. The old stray, Tabatha, that we let in the the porch several weeks ago, welcomed me with a meow. I let her smell my hands and then nuzzled her head and back. I have a box of special treats that I give the cats once in awhile and I did put a few on the chair pad of the chair she has claimed for her very own. Everybody was happy when I bid them a “See you later.” About dusk, I will go back out for a sitting spell and wait for the wandering ones. My luck, it will be one in and one out until they have all cooled themselves off.

    My hope is that all my people are safe as the warning to be out in this severe cold is serious.

  • Noreen 3:03 am on February 11, 2016 Permalink  

    I know I can’t live without technology, but it sure is a pain the butt. My laptop loads updates periodically at the end of the day when I indicate that I am shutting down. Last night there were 26 updates. Seriously? I left the little beast to do its own thing and I went to bed as I knew it would configure the updates in the morning when I booted the laptop up.

    Low and behold this morning, there was a message that I had been notified I was using a counterfeit Windows application for Window 7. Yeah, right. Come and get me. After seven years of using the same application, they are now just questioning it? I went on about my usual checks-ins on the computer and it is still humming right along. More and more, I am enjoying the HP Notebook in my sewing studio. I did question whether I needed the Hp at the time, but while I am taking a break from sewing, or the embroidery design that I loaded is to take 84 minutes, I can enjoy several sips of coffee in between changing the colors of the threads, while looking up something on YouTube. Oh yes, I am so spoiled and I do enjoy all of it without taking it for granted.

    In the early days of December, our stackable washer took a dump. For a period of a month and a half, we used the laundromat here in town. It was a godsend. After being back on board with a new unit in the bathroom, it does amaze me as to how much dryer the clothes are coming out of the washing machine. This certainly makes a difference in how they come out of the dryer. We are back to making linty dust bunnies in the bathroom and we are happy campers about it.

    If I am not mistaken, several times a week, one or the other of us comments on how we have it made here on Stauffer Avenue.

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