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  • Noreen 3:09 am on April 16, 2016 Permalink  

    True to myself, I am in either my fourth or fifth change of clothing today. This morning, the air was chilly and I needed my long sleeve and leg PJs to have coffee with Dennis in the porch. When Dennis left for a clinic appointment I went in and put on jeans and a long sleeve flannel shirt as the intent was to get the bathroom windows done complete with the screens. The sun was bright from the east and it gave me a chance to do a once over on the windows, go inside and do the windows to find out where the streaks were . . . inside or outside? It is spring and so came the small gnats and other flying bugs. I don’t want them to find their way into the open window that doesn’t have a screen on. I couldn’t believe how warm I got and in I went for a light cotton tee shirt. The temps were reaching the mid 60s.

    I happened across a garbage can in the potting shed full of the pink-looking gravel that needed to be scattered onto the garden off of the patio. Hmm, it looks a lot like the rock that they use when they seal-coat streets. Did I mention Dennis has connections with the city crew? The house plants that have been in the porch, are now outside by the Koi pond. I dipped water from the pond and gave them a goodly amount of water to get them in the swing of spring. The extra weight of their pots wouldn’t hurt to keep them from tipping over in these strong winds.

    About noon, I realized my friend Lorraine had prescriptions that needed to be picked up and delivered, plus I needed to run some errands for Dennis and me up town. I checked out the front of my tee shirt and it sure looked like I had been digging around in the dusty potting shed and playing with plants. A fresh up of the face and arms, a clean button shirt and I was off.

    It was about 2:30 when I got home with the afternoon temps at 75. Off came the “up town button shirt” that just seemed way too warm for the remainder of the day.

    I might add that today, Dennis has had on a tee shirt with a suede shirt over that. He has been comfortable in it all day. My internal thermostat has a very difficult time keeping me comfortable. I do not like to feel unduly warm as I am moving about. Yes, my dear Dennis, I have asked my doctor about it and there is nothing medically wrong with me. This body in motion, that wants to stay in motion, knows how to stay comfortable. Doing laundry of multiple swaps of clothing is a good trade off in the scheme of things.

  • Noreen 4:08 am on April 14, 2016 Permalink  

    I feel I can wash windows and do additional spring housecleaning anytime. A little bit here and a little bit there and it does get done. Tackling spring cleaning of the pickup garage and the car garage . . . when the spirit is willing, the older ones on Stauffer Avenue had better strike.

    Everything out onto the driveway is the only way to go about it. There was some sorting, some organization and God bless our neighbor’s burning pit. If there is no emotional attachment for some items that have been collected or left here, on the fire they went. We had a pile of branches from the winds that kept the fire going for as long as we needed. The shop vac is now sporting a brand new filter after doing a great job of all things that like to float in the air: cat fuzz and silty dirt that was drug in during the entire winter on the tires. There is no point in trying to sweep the silt. It will take flight and land where you least want it.

    We are nearing the supper hour and both of us hope we can make it without our heads hitting the table in between bites. There is no stopping us once we get started, but what a sweet feeling.

    By the way, the Koi are swimming laps in the pond. A great day here on Stauffer.

  • Noreen 5:35 am on April 10, 2016 Permalink  

    After taking several days off from the computer and such, it does feel like it is time to share a few things from the wonderful world of Stauffer.

    I have extended my time and some energy helping out a friend. Lorraine had worked for me prior to her and her husband adopting two daughters rather late in their lives. Lorraine and I have kept in touch through the time of me loosing my parents, her loosing her husband, a daughter passing at a too young of an age with a heart attack, and a granddaughter last year at this time from cancer.

    I could have been knocked over with a feather when the end of February brought, from Lorraine, news that the severe backache she had endured over the late winter was diagnosed as pancreatic cancer. Lorraine, at age 85, was not prepared for such news. Who would be?

    Lorraine’s family is small: a daughter working in a school system to the west of St. James and one granddaughter living in northern Minnesota. It has been my pleasure to help with whatever I can. She gave up her driving immediately. I believe, with her now taking meds, she didn’t want to harm anyone.

    My contact numbers are on her and her family’s phones. Ironically, her meds are only given out in seven-day increments. It was wonderful when all her prescriptions were transferred to the Shopko store here in town. On errands for Lorraine, I have found that she so enjoys a strawberry shake from McDonalds and it is fun to surprise her with one from time to time.

    I had to pick up my prescription for high blood pressure at the same time I was picking up one for Lorraine. I did feel guilty that my 90-day supply was $2.84 for me to stay on the path of wellness, while the least of hers per week was $86.00.

    Six months was the first timeline Lorraine heard. After yesterday’s lab appointment in Mankato, she will find out more next week when she meets with her cancer doctor.

    In a very short time I have seen her energy subside . . . but . . . she is determined to finish a quilt she has started for her granddaughter. WE will get it done. I promised her.

    I have learned much in this short time. I have nothing but admiration for her as to how she is accepting this with the grace that comes from her belief in her Lord. As I said: it is my pleasure to help her in anyway I can. In times past when little Megan would entice me into things, I would allow her to know I didn’t know if I could follow through. “Grammie, I know you can do it!”

  • Noreen 3:36 am on April 6, 2016 Permalink  

    Dennis and I are both retired and that plays very well when needing to be flexible with schedules. We have been waiting since fall for Megan and Nicolas to come for a weekend visit. Megan at age 12 and Nicholas at age 7 are getting busy when they have a break from school. Their spring break was later than most schools, so our time is this weekend.

    Wednesday, Dennis has his monthly Korean Veterans luncheon in Mankato, and it seems it will work out well for Carrie to meet us at our favorite meeting spot: Scheels.

    Saturday we have a funeral in Gaylord. My aunt Dorothy, at the age of 95, has passed away and her funeral is at 2:00 p.m. It will work perfectly for the kid’s dad to meet up with us a bit earlier for lunch in Gaylord and hand off those precious grandkids.

    Usually the kids have helped me put out garden art in the spring of the year. This year, the gardens are wet and we have not moved any of the collection of leaves. As well, the air is too cool to take a chance of working up a sweat and taking on a cold. That is another concern for those of us who are a bit older. A few hours of work in this kind of weather could mean weeks of sneezing and wheezing.

    No doubt, Dennis and I have had our thinking caps on and I know a trip to the north country will take place either Thursday or Friday for a luncheon out and a bit of visiting.

  • Noreen 4:38 am on April 5, 2016 Permalink  

    It is amazing what we can get into here on Stauffer Avenue. It may start by capturing a dust bunny here and there . . . oh, there’s one there and so it starts.

    We were able to have a hand railing installed going down into our basement. The railing looks quite nice, stained with several coats of polyurethane. Too bad the eye does not stay there. The concrete blocks on either side of the steps had a coat of paint . . about twenty years ago.

    All I had to do was mention the pail of paint in the storage room and Dennis was shaking his heart out to do his part of the prep. The project was meant to be. By the time I got to the basement, the pail was open, an appropriate brush was near, and Dennis had that “You can do it, Grammie” expression. I can, and I did. After I was through, Dennis checked the brass hardware that holds the railing up. No paint noted.

    There is just something about spring that invariably makes my eyes keen to all that needs local effort.

  • Noreen 6:58 am on April 4, 2016 Permalink  

    We have had all four seasons within this past week. Spring has its way with us every year. We might as well be patient and take each day as it is given to us.

    On an interesting note: last week when Dennis and I made a trip to Bird Island quilt shop, my sewing machine was loaded with the latest version of the firmware. All the bells and whistles that my sewing machine can communicate to the actual needle is good to go. At that same time, Al totally went over the machine from stem to stern. He was able to tell me I had put on 65,000 stitches since the last time I had oiled all pertinent places. In total, the number of stitches was 670,532 since Christmas of 2015, just about three and a half months ago. It was deemed by the quilt shop that I was using and enjoying my new sewing machine. Those stitches equated to the needle burning up 33.25 actual hours.

    It is amazing what my repairman can find out about me by peeking into the depths of the on-board computer.

  • Noreen 4:46 am on April 3, 2016 Permalink  

    Today is nephew Craig Schafer’s 59th birthday. Just thinking about this fellow as a squirrely youngster brings up a whole bunch of memories.

    At a time Carrie was a toddler and I was due to have Kevin in July of that summer, Orlin’s brother Frank and his wife Gloria would ask us to take the boys, Frank and Craig, for a week or for weeks on end. We had them stay with us before Kevin was born and they were also on board shortly after he was born. That would have been in 1968, making Craig going on just 11 and I think Frank was three or four years older than Craig. These two fellows were turned loose on our farm. It’s a good thing there were 160 acres. Our small farm home seemed to expand and everyone was comfortable, just not with a lot of privacy sometimes.

    Anywhere there was an engine or a motor, you could find the boys. The activity that could have been on the end of a shovel, rake or fork did not interest them in the least. If these two were awake and moving, needless to say, it did take both Orlin and I to keep an eye on these two.

    We had young calves in the grove west of the farmyard and one day when Orlin was busy in the barn, the boys had the rider lawnmower, using it as a scooter, doing a Hee Haw with the young stock. Me and my big belly, with Carrie following behind, beat feet to call a halt for that bit of entertainment. Electric fences are great, but not for four legged calves running hell bent.

    The summer of 1968 drove home the point: town boys with lots of curiosity and energy can keep the farm hopping. There were many good times as the boys learned how to be a part of the family. I do remember Frank, holding Kevin when he was just a few weeks old. Frank loved holding Kevin and he was very good abut it. I would wonder where Kevin’s socks were and Frank would fess up that he had taken them off so he could hold Kevin’s feet in his hands. He couldn’t get over how tiny they were. The boys didn’t have much contact with small children. Tender moments such as that did happen quite often. The boys would take time to give Carrie rides in the wagon until her eyes told them a nap was coming. Often Craig and Frank would read to her so I could get things going in the kitchen for a meal. We won’t go into the amount of food these two boys could go through.

    Orlin and I did get through the summer as we were, for the most part, a family of six. I don’t think Frank and Gloria had a clue as to what our days entailed. Hmm.

    Oh, for the memories of that summer. I was still learning about having babies and taking care of them, while also getting a first hand dose of what young boys can add to the mix.

  • Noreen 6:14 am on April 2, 2016 Permalink  

    It sure is quiet. Dennis’ nephew is treating him to a professional bull riding event in Sioux Falls this evening. I will have to make sure to leave the light on for him as I know he will be home very late. Today I finished up a few items in the sewing studio that will allow me to now start a brand new project. The entire area has been tidied and cleaned. We are both having a good day.

    I will add that my birthday supper was super! The Subway sandwiches never disappoint. The chocolate cake that Dennis had made was very good, very sweet. Believe it or not, a bit of whipped cream settled some of the sweetness. A can of Reddi-Wip in the refrigerator does come in handy.

    When Dennis left he reported one cat was missing from the porch. I am keeping an eye out. My fear is when I open a door to check on food and water, I stand a good chance of having more make a break for it. The good thing is, no one will suffer undo harm from very cold temps during the night if they miss curfew.

    I might add the week really went fast.

  • Noreen 3:40 am on March 31, 2016 Permalink  

    We are getting geared up for spring. The porch needed the shop vac going full bore. Winter’s season brings dry leaves, extra equipment, and house plants in need of some rescue from the cats using them as monkey bars.

    We may need to replace the thread bare carpet. That will wait until the spring season settles down and we are totally free of new snow.

    Did any of this cleaning upset the cats? Not one little bit. They would relocated from one corner to another as the trusty vacuum came near them.

    Today, the net that Dennis uses for cleaning the pond of leaves and such needed a huge amount of mending. Dennis took care of what he could with carpet warp and I finished it off under the sewing machine.

    It won’t be long the Koi will be moved from the garage horse tank to their home in the pond. Spring is just around the corner.

  • Noreen 4:39 am on March 30, 2016 Permalink  

    If I invite Dennis to go for a road trip that will include lunch out . . . it’s a “I’ll get the car out.” It was unfortunate that our favorite place in Bird Island was closed when we stopped there for a noon lunch. Apparently the family-operated restaurant had a family health emergency. Small town businesses have challenges just as anyone of us can experience.

    It was a great getaway for us filled with good things all around. No matter how much our road trips are looked forward to . . . it always feels so good to drive into our driveway and know we are home. It could be construed as a sign of complacency, but we know where our hearts dwell.

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