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  • Noreen 4:40 am on June 13, 2016 Permalink  

    I believe Dennis and I are both feeling being out in the hot wind yesterday for a graduation reception. The temps were at the 90 degree mark and we didn’t feel it until we got home. Today Dennis is in a nappy mode. He may feel bad about it, but the ole body does not lie, it wants what it wants. He just needs to regenerate.

    What’s this gal to do when the heat takes away vim and vigor. . . I hit my sewing studio and tore apart my sewing machine for a good cleaning and oiling. As I was picking fuzz, my mind was working on a birthday card that is in its “what if” stage. I do feel better when I have a few irons in the fire.

    When I did go out to see if the heat was abating about five p.m., and by the way it was not, even Harriet and Tabatha were stretched out as far as their four legs would let them. The heat hits everyone.

  • Noreen 4:43 am on June 12, 2016 Permalink  

    Had a great road trip to the North country. A stop at Fairfax is always a good side stop to visit with Kersten and Kevin. We motored on to attend my niece’s son’s graduation reception. A very hot day that was made doable under shade trees. Brendon will be headed to Texas after boot camp for training as a Combat Medic. God speed to the young man.

  • Noreen 3:34 am on June 11, 2016 Permalink  

    The skies are very dark this afternoon and the rumbling never stops in the heavens. There are plenty of weather warnings out, but we seem to be on the safe side. When I realized how warm and humid it was right off the bat this morning, I truly acted the retired person I am. I headed to the sewing studio.

    When the doorbell rang, I was pleasantly surprised to see a past employee of mine who was stopping in. Over coffee we spent several hours catching up, enjoying coffee right there in the sewing studio.

    Later on Dennis and I had some great egg sandwiches for lunch. Simplistic is always good. I have a request to fix chicken titties for supper. There again, we never get tired of chicken.

    On a sad note, Snuggles has not been home since Monday night. For him to miss curfew going on five nights . . . it doesn’t look good. I fear one of our far neighbors may have had something to do with it. My prayer is that if that is what happened, Snuggles didn’t suffer.

  • Noreen 3:59 am on June 8, 2016 Permalink  

    My ole cowboy got home about seven thirty this morning from the sleep study. His appointment later this month will tell the rest of the story in regard to his new sleep apnea machine.

    I did spend some time in the sewing studio this morning until I hit a snag. I need time to think things over before continuing. I poked my head outside and determined today was just a perfect day to be outside.

    Dennis helped me get the Mantis electric tiller hooked up. It felt good to get the last of the perennial gardens tidied up by tilling the dirt around the plants. Just to get the packed dirt worked up will allow for future rains to soak in rather than just running off.

    I will admit, I sweat like my father did, and a refreshing shower was needed. After the shower it felt wonderful to sit on the patio and do a bit of reading. Life of Stauffer is just about perfect.

  • Noreen 4:10 am on June 7, 2016 Permalink  

    I had mentioned at a time earlier that Dennis’ CPAP machine for his sleep apnea had quit working after the nine years of use. Dennis did get a loner and had to be scheduled for a new sleep study to be taken. I just patted him on the head and one pat on the butt as he is off to have that study done this evening in Mankato. He will be hooked up to many, many sensors as he snoozes during the night. The study will be able to allow him to know if his new machine will need to be adjusted either to the positive or the negative. Most telling will be how many times during an hour he stops breathing, aka: sleep apnea.

    In the nine years, Dennis had not missed a single night of using the CPAP. I truly believe in years gone by that when people died during their sleep it was automatically ruled as dying from natural causes. It may very well have been that they suffered from undiagnosed sleep apnea. During an episode of the breathing ceasing for an extended period, the heart may very well have not been able to kick in. The CPAP machine detects that pause in breathing and a shot of forced air is engaged via the face mask.

    I am thrilled and proud that Dennis has been diligent in his use of the CPAP. A check to see if the prescription needs to be altered is a very good thing.

  • Noreen 2:50 am on June 6, 2016 Permalink  

    Mother Nature’s Competition 

    Megan's tree art

    High up in the Maple tree can be seen the competition that Mother Nature has. When Megan was here over Mother’s Day, she spent a fair amount of time in the Maple tree. Soon we had to check out some goodies in the basement to be used as adornment. I think it is perfect. As we were winding up the mowing and trimming of the acre today, the bright colors amid the shade spoke volumes of the essence of Megan. We sure wish the kids were not growing up so fast. If we could wind the clock backwards so Dennis and I could have Nicholas and Megan come oftener, we would not be fair to those two as they are exploring everything from flag football, baseball, church camps and horse camp. Oh for the memories as Dennis and I reminisce sitting on the back patio taking in Megan’s colors in the Maple tree.

  • Noreen 4:55 am on June 5, 2016 Permalink  

    It was actually cool on the ears this morning. I did have to take a walk to the far east of the acre to check on the Holly Hocks. Of course all the cats have to traipse along, as if they have never ventured that far before.

    I am never too old to learn . . . and learn I did in my sewing studio this afternoon. I was doing an embroidery pattern from one I downloaded off of a website. I knew I could plug the flash drive into the sewing machine and leave it there for the duration. For some reason, after the pattern registered on the display screen, I pulled the flash drive from the sewing machine and continued on. I had relied on the pattern to be a “saved project” within the machine. As the last of the three colors out of the 14 were to stitch, the sewing machine went into the mode as it does when it has finished. But, it had not. The project was too large to be totally saved within the memory of the machine and it needed to have been stitched from the actual flash drive. With the more than a hundred stitching options loaded into the machine from the factory, I should have known better.  Got it!

    As the sewing machine was doing the embroidery project, I knew I had to work on a pieced quilting project. The muddy gray blue I had used as a border had to come off. It was so not a good thing. After realizing the seam rippers I was trying to make work were not worth the angst, I went into the box of goodies that came with my Bernina. Yes, over years of using seam rippers, they become dull. The new one went through the stitches as if they were melted butter.

    At the end of the day, I came out of the sewing studio with an embroidered project done to perfection and the pieced quilt top is ready for some bright borders to be attached. The timing was excellent. Dennis had tried out a new pasta using a new variety of the Classico sauces. The day was a win win on both levels of the home. I think I came out the winner enjoying a catered supper.

  • Noreen 4:06 am on June 4, 2016 Permalink  

    No Storms for Us 


    After today’s rain, there won’t be many of these Snow Ball beauties left. We have escaped the strong storms today, but the heavy rains and periodically strong winds will take their toll. I attended Lorraine’s funeral today along with about 50 of her family members and friends. It was only fitting that when I came home I felt the calling to go into the sewing studio and while away some time while listening to the rain falling.

  • Noreen 6:00 am on June 3, 2016 Permalink  

    The cool air was perfect to spend some time in the gardens this morning. A late breakfast was enjoyed on the patio. It was safe . . . the curious one, Snuggles, has decided that plain yogurt is not his cup of tea. Dennis passed on my choice of breakfast for his all time favorite, Oatmeal.

    As the warm temps creep in, so did the bugs and that is when I headed into the sewing studio. Having a few projects in the works comes in very handy. What I was surprised at was the message that awaited me when I turned on the Bernina. In the display was a very clear message, in color, that it was time to get the sewing machine oil busy. It is so easy to forget how many thousands of stitches are eaten up when the embroidery function is running.

    I needed a quiet stint in the sewing studio to prepare myself for Lorraine’s visitation at the funeral home that will be followed by the funeral tomorrow. Out of respect for Lorraine I “show up.”

  • Noreen 5:55 am on June 2, 2016 Permalink  

    This was a hugely busy day for the older ones on Stauffer Avenue. Dennis had his monthly luncheon with the Korean veterans in Mankato. I took the time to have the little red pickup serviced at Jiffy Lube, which included having the serpentine belt replaced. I didn’t hesitate one bit when it was suggested, as I remember a time past when Kevin and Kersten were stranded due to that self same belt breaking on their vehicle.

    I stocked up on a few items from the HyVee store and Walgreens Drug Store before it was time to pick up my ole cowboy from the VFW. With Dennis behind the wheel and the driver’s window open, I was lulled into a bit of a nap on the way home.

    This afternoon our acre has been sprayed for all those nasty weeds that love to take over. Yes, Creeping Charlie and Clover is green and lush looking when seen from afar, but it takes over our good grasses so quickly.

    It definitely has been a great day, and now it is time to put the feet up and enjoy the breeze that is blowing across the patio.

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