Updates from June, 2016 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Noreen 4:38 am on June 25, 2016 Permalink  

    After fixing us a light supper, I have my cotton nightie on. I had a great trip up North to take in all the hard work that Kersten had put in on an appreciation day at the Casey’s that she manages. It was also to celebrate and make known the fact that they are open 24/7. I found out that the Fairfax store is one of the few and far in between that has put on an event such as what was today. It seems at the last moment other managers have backed out, but not my “go get-’em” daughter-in-law. Kevin could take in all the car traffic at the Casey’s from his place of work just a bit to the east. Ya, I had a hard time getting out of the way from someone that wanted my parking spot. I know I got the car horn and I did not wait to see if there was any visual message as well.

    It was just a great trip to the north country.

    I stopped for groceries in town on my way home. We have always had two large grocery stores. Not so anymore. The one that we have enjoyed is closing the end of June. I will miss the people that always greeted you with a smile. I do believe the Family Dollar Store has impacted the shopping habits of our community. I frequent it as I know that my dollar does go farther and it all counts up. Anyway, by the time I got the groceries into the house and put away, I really felt extremely warm. I could not wait to get into something that was totally cotton to cool down enough to get supper on the table. I am like my Dad. I get hot quickly and sweat to no end. In the heat it is all about pacing one’s self, and from the forecast, I will be pacing myself a lot.

  • Noreen 5:32 am on June 24, 2016 Permalink  

    A quiet mood on Stauffer today. For me it was a bit of putz here, a bit of putz there. Dennis continues to take water from the area north of our home where are sump pump pumps and is assisting the soil by then pumping it out into the street. It may be a long time before our yard dries out. As I walked to the east portion of our acre the soil feels spongy under foot. So much bad weather and again I say, we are so thankful as we know wet does eventually dry out.

  • Noreen 3:21 am on June 22, 2016 Permalink  

    I was on my own last night for supper and I now know that I will never spend my own money on Pizza Rolls. I inherited some unopened freezer items and I thought these would be an easy supper. I should have stuck with my first choice, Cheerios.

    Dennis can hardly keep his eyes away from the weather forecast in regard to more rain perhaps coming our way. I am living in faith that we have had enough. The two basement closets are dry and with a bit of surface and air freshener I am calling it a good thing. The last items were a new filter in the furnace and a good cleaning of the dehumidifier container.

    Without fail, tomorrow I will be in my sewing studio. It seems like ages since I had last visited that portion of our basement.

    Memorial Day, I lost my sewing and quilting buddy, Lorraine, to incurable cancer. She was a huge loss to me. This last week I noticed a moving van at our next door neighbor’s home. You know, Bob with the communal burning pit. A life long acquaintance of Bob’s, Jean, is going to make her home with Bob. In the few times that we have chatted, Jean likes to sew. Hmm.

  • Noreen 4:22 am on June 21, 2016 Permalink  

    A break from the heat and humidity is just what we needed and today was quite the gift. I would love many weeks and months such as we had today. I have one basement closet to finish up and then the basement has totally been cleaned and tweaked and most importantly . . . it’s dry. I took a huge break on the back patio, leaned my head back on the chair, and let the light wind beckon me to close my eyes for a bit. With any luck, Dennis will be out and about during the supper hour and I can enjoy a bowl of Cheerios and call it good.

  • Noreen 4:02 am on June 19, 2016 Permalink  

    These are duck days! As I wrote on my blog yesterday, I was planning on smoking through one of my books and a few stitches today. Ya, right. Who knew that the rainfall would end up being 4.6 inches with a lot of wind in yesterday’s late afternoon and evening.

    The saving grace was that the carpet had not been replaced as yet in the porch. Dennis was in and out during the rains and he said it was like opening one patio door to let the rain runs out of the opposite door.

    This morning was fairly cool so I put on my old shoes and began taking the mud off of the patio. Our whole yard is so water logged, it can’t help but back up. As the water is absorbed the yuck remains. When Dennis and I were done, I went to the driveway and hosed myself off from the knees on down, toweled off, put on dry shoes and called it a good day. It is inconvenient to have to clean up after a rain, but I can do it many many times as long as I don’t have building damage or have trees that have been busted to pieces.

    Tomorrow is another day and I look forward to it and everyone who the good Lord allows.

  • Noreen 4:19 am on June 18, 2016 Permalink  

    Errands have been run this forenoon before the temps started to rise. I am equipped with several books, and of course sewing studio possibilities to wait out the weekend that is forecast to be hot and humid. There is nowhere we need to be other than right here on Stauffer where we are safe, sound and cool. Any fellow out there that is lucky enough to have a family to be the head of is getting my support for the Father’s Day weekend.

  • Noreen 2:45 am on June 17, 2016 Permalink  

    Strike While the Muscles are Warm 

    We did have a great day yesterday of moving everything from our porch to the little red pickup garage to allow the porch to dry out from the heavy rains of late.  We admit it was a huge project to clear everything out to allow for the soaked carpet to be taken out.  Dennis was amazed that the floor underneath was wet, but clean.  No bugs alive or dead.  We both slept in this morning, but there were no lasting pains from yesterday.  I walked the yard with Butter Ball close behind.  Each and every day there may be a change in the plants and the two of us are on patrol each day.June 2016 002 (300x400)

    We enjoyed our morning coffee sitting in our favorite chairs watching our usual morning news on the television, just in a slightly different location.  It won’t hurt the pickup to sit out on the driveway for a few days.  We both knew that once the dew was off the grass, we were in for getting the acre mowed today.  Yesterday we had drug the carpet out to the south side of the garage and Dennis was determined that it was not staying there.  Tidy, tidy.  Believe it or not, we drug it over to our neighbor’s burning pit and it did not take long for it be be gone.  Let’s hear it for Dennis’ determination and the good will of neighbor Bob allowing us to us his burning pit whenever we need it.

    Late afternoon and we now have the acre groomed and it is looking smart. June 2016 007 (300x400) Grasses trimmed and perennials giving a good showing.  Dennis and I worked together and the mowing and trimming is completed.  I am sitting here contemplating fixing supper.  With sleeping late, our breakfast became brunch.  I think we are in the market for fixing some burgers on the stove top with Bush’s beans as a companion.

    Team Stauffer has had two great days to keep the muscles toned up.

  • Noreen 3:10 am on June 16, 2016 Permalink  

    A New Day, A New Start 

    Porch 2016 001 (400x300)

    Yesterday’s storms of winds and rains are passed. What was left behind was a flooded patio and porch area. The best decision of ours was to take out the carpet, in two pieces, and allow the floor to dry. With everything out of the porch it looks so big. This 12′ x 16′ space makes our small home just right for the two of us. The floor is drying, and we started on getting the mud off of the patio and it is all going to feel like a brand new start.  Mud and rain is the least of the worries of a storm as we had no trees go down or hail damage to our buildings.  Yup, life is good on Stauffer Avenue.

  • Noreen 4:14 am on June 15, 2016 Permalink  

    Wham – the winds and the rain were not timid. We have a small plastic hut on the patio for the cats and kittens if they need shelter when the porch is not open. Dennis watched it float to the far northwest corner of the patio.

    Of course our porch is flooded. The water from the patio ran over the sill of the doors. We had mentioned that we were in need of new carpet. We will be evacuating most of the contents to get the porch dried out and it would be a logical to do the carpeting at this time.

    Our rain gauge holds three inches. It is still raining at 5:15. When Dennis last came in we were at 2.75 inches. Rain waters can be dried out and thankfully we had no damaging winds.

    Life still remains good on Stauffer Avenue.

  • Noreen 3:42 am on June 14, 2016 Permalink  

    All is Right 

    June 2016 009 (400x300)

    A light breeze today to allow the flag to look its best. The gardens are filled out and knock on wood, so far no slugs to take away from their beauty. My coffee cup is close at hand on the table.  All is right and I am in my element for a good day.

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