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  • Noreen 3:01 pm on September 5, 2019 Permalink  

    I Like It 

    I like this time of year.  Ya, ya, I realize what comes next but for this day and the ones previously that we have had, I like it . . . I like it a lot.

    With the temps and dew point as they have been it takes me back to the Boon Lake farm when Carrie and Kevin were wee ones.  Oh how I cherish those memories.  I would most likely be digging potatoes at this time of the year, while the kids played in the grass alongside the garden.  We had a huge garden at that.  

    In the basement of the farmhouse was a separate closet just right for hanging carrots and onions up by the stems.  We didn’t wash off the potatoes, carrots or onions as they kept better and longer.  It was a tight fit as there was a crock of sauerkraut biding its time as to when we could cold pack it.  A smaller crock had the rendered lard in it from the most recent hog butchering.  The lard stayed cool and a small container would be brought up to the kitchen as needed.

    The fruit jars on the shelf held fruit sauces of various flavors and jams and jellies.  Oh I remember the backache I had gotten one year from peeling pears for sauce canning.  It took me right into Hector to the chiropractor.  It did give a lot of satisfaction after the fact.  Elvera didn’t peel her pears . . . the core was taken out and in the jars they went.  Not the style that Lena taught.  The only thing that stopped the filling of the larder was when I ran out of fruit jars.  

    We had splurged on two Sears chest freezer that were in the same basement closet as the furnace.  Orlin worked at 3M in Hutchinson and had bought one of their electric sealers.  There were various sizes of the plastic bags and with little work, the bags were filled with goodies and the air within the bag was minimal.  There were containers of strawberries and raspberries alongside plastic bags of peeled and sliced apples waiting to be made into apple crisp, sauce or pies.  Saving the cardboard container of a pound of butter all year long was the perfect fit for a plastic bag filled to the brim with the sweetened frozen berries to stack up neatly in the freezer.  When I had extra time, I would make up apple pies and freeze them, ready for the oven when one was needed. 

    Right alongside of the garden items in the freezers was the butchered chickens, ducks, a few turkeys and of course the packages of beef and pork in a variety of cuts.  


    It was not an easy life, but it was my life and I was meant to be a good farm wife and a good farm mother.  Carrie and Kevin were always just at the end of my elbow, either pitching in or pitching a fit that one was doing what the other wanted to do.  I will say that Carrie was good at cleaning the chicken gizzards among so many other gopher jobs.  Both kids put on many miles fetching things for me when we were in the full thrust of the fall work of cleaning out the garden.   


    As I have said many times . . . me, myself and memories . . . it never gets old.

  • Noreen 3:57 pm on September 1, 2019 Permalink  

    Today was Open House on Stauffer Aveune 

    Today was open house for Dennis and me.  Family members who had traveled to St. James for Dennis’ sister’s funeral departed for home.  Though June had lived in Alexandria for many years, her roots were here in St. James and the family returned her here for the burial.  What was very much appreciated is all those who had come in on Friday and Saturday did stop in to have a few minutes with Dennis in our home today.  There wasn’t much of a change for one on one prior.  God willing there will be a family reunion before another family funeral.

    We enjoyed Sunday company from Colorado, Wyoming, and Arizona, and Silver Bay and Mora, Mn.  Many more had gotten together last night up town at one of the fraternal organization’s club for visiting.  Dennis and I had spent the evening at home together doing a recap of different individuals we had each spent time with visiting during the social luncheon.

    Tomorrow is Labor Day and these ole timers will be having a quiet two-some day right here on Stauffer Avenue.  Open house doors will be closed tomorrow until another day.

  • Noreen 4:59 pm on August 9, 2019 Permalink  

    She’s Ain’t What She Used to Be 

    That was a phrase from the old time song “The Old Gray Mare.” I do believe I qualify for that this evening. 

    Dennis realized he was 500 miles over his oil change in the little red pickup with Jiffy Lube in Mankato.  That was a first.  That attests to the fact that Dennis has been busy this summer with his Cub Lo Boy.  When we checked in at Jiffy Lube, the computer records indicated that the last time we had the automatic transmission taken care of was in 2015.  We got it all taken care of as that little red pickup is going to be a part of Stauffer Avenue for a long time.

    Our next stop was for pedicures.  Since Dennis had to have a portion of one of his large toe nails removed after an ingrown situation,  Dennis is on board to take care of the feet.  We had to sit and wait for some time as their were clients ahead of us.  Who cares!  We each sat soaking our feet in warm water with the massage chair doing its thing.  No, Dennis . . . we can’t have one similar to it for our home.  The place was hopping today.  They always ask what color we want for the nails.  Nope . . . just naked nails.  I am not a fan of the gel nails with the fancy designs painted on them. 

    Cub-1-SmallIt was decided that Dennis needed one more can of white paint for the tractor.  The four wheels had always been white.  Dennis spent a lot of energy on painting everything else and had been a point where he might have been burned out on the job.  Not any more!  he has been taping off the tires so he can paint the wheels so they look as bright and white as the rest of the tractor.  I pulled the short straw in regard to going into Walmart for a can of Krylon gloss white primer and paint.  I could understand his decision.  Why leave it incomplete.

    My stop of the day was JoAnn’s Fabric Shop.  Whether I am working on a hand bag, t-shirt quilts or stitching out an embroidery design, I always pull out my Pellon Shape Flex 101 woven fusible interfacing.  This week they had 76% off.  I had picked up on the private Facebook group that I am in that wherever there was a Joann’s the interfaces and stabilizers were being scooped up.   I also had the coupon for an additional 10% off at the checkout.  Just like all the squirrels in our yards seeking Black Walnuts to bury for another day, I am prepared for my next projects.

    Sam’ s Club was the last retail stop.  Dennis filled up with gas as I did the aisles picking up what we needed the most.  It was unbelievable that a pound of butter here in town was $4.65 cents.  That was the store brand.  Land O Lakes was $5.45 a pound.  I use some for baking, some for toast . . . who doesn’t like butter!  Sam’s Club butter is $3.00 a lb.  No . . . I am not a chemist to pick apart the ingredients, I am trusting Sam’s to be legit in their products. 

    We ended up in Perkins for the meal of the day.  We had started out early with each of us having a bottle of Boost for a high content of protein.  I don’t do well running on fumes and I know Dennis needs more than meds in his system.  

    We are home and so glad of it.  What a day.  The tick list is empty.  All that running around did tell me, I ain’t what I used to be for power shopping.

  • Noreen 5:10 pm on August 2, 2019 Permalink  

    Finishing Up A Purchase 

    Last spring when I had last visited Bird Island to have Amanda and Kelly do their great Bernina customer service on my machine . . . it was a bit of a struggle.  I have no idea what my sewing machine weighs.  It is heavy.  It is bulky and . . . where on earth is the best place to grab hold of without harming something.   For me it always helped by taking it up the steps standing in front of it and lifting up one step at a time.  Bringing it back in the house, I stood in front of the machine and lifting the machine one step at a time going down as I was backing down.

    The Bernina couple ordered a carrying case for me.  One thing lead to another and I didn’t get to pick it up in a timely fashion.  That was the agenda for today.  It also gave me a chance to check my stabilizer that I had on hand and make a purchase from Amanda.  Carrie and Megan do have the 80 skate towels purchased, laundered and dried ready for a delivery to St. James before school begins.  Each towel will have the clubs logo embroidered on it.  A utility towel with a flair.  The skates need to be wiped off each time a skater leaves the ice.  They will be given out next June at their year end banquet.  I have had the clubs logo digitized.  After today, I am ready.

    I now have a case on rollers with a retractable handle.  It will be able to do steps via pulling the machine up the steps backwards.  It has side handles on the sides of the case to lift it into the back of the car.  There are more zippered compartments that I can attest to right now.  Dennis checked it out and thought it would work even as a bag if he and I run away from home . . . together.  What a forward thinking fellow!

    I know right now Kelly and Amanda’s family is enjoying the water park adjacent to the Mall of America.  They have been selling sweetcorn since the early season began.  They sold the bulk of the sweetcorn that the Olivia’s Corn Days needed as one of the growers had a crop failure.  How early did that family have to get up every morning to pick enough ears to sell over 100 dozen ears of sweetcorn a day?  Today was the last day of selling.  Hip. Hip. Hurrah.  I really appreciate this young family and I do not mind the 60 minute drive to get to their store front.

    Today also gave me the opportunity to hand deliver some of the peanut butter and molasses cookies to the Fairfax team that we cranked out yesterday.  Today was Kersten’s birthday.  How special to have a birthday on a Friday to allow the good feelings to last all weekend.  

  • Noreen 3:55 pm on July 30, 2019 Permalink  

    How Could I Not 

    With such a beautiful start to the day, how could I not hit the flower beds.  The dew point was 52 and it was a go.  I had not been out into the flower beds since we had gotten hail earlier in the month.  Yup, there was damage control that was needed.  There were lengths of branches that were hiding in the Hosta plants.  Blossom stems on the Hosta needed to be cut off.  Snuggles hung tight until this mid afternoon and then he crapped out and slept under the lilies.

    Neighbor Bob’s fire ring was well fed today.  There can not possibly be any loose branches left on high.  The flower beds look like someone still cares about them.

    While I had my butt up in the air among the flowers today pulling weeds and picking up branches, Dennis was busy on the patio.  The chainsaw carved Eagle that stands about four feet tall got a good cleaning.  Getting the dust out of the crevices via water, suds and a brush made for a good work out.  Tomorrow after it is totally dried out, Dennis has several cans of Rustoleum in various degrees of being full of the clear spray that he will use to give the Eagle a look of a shiny luster.

    It’s a good thing we have leftovers for supper.  Neither one of us will be too perky after we shower up for the night.  It was a great day.  We can both see that we got something done today.

  • Noreen 4:14 pm on July 28, 2019 Permalink  

    Gray and Damp 

    The rain began at eight this morning and we have been spared storms.  We are enjoying a day of . . . rest.  I am doing some reading and Dennis is catching up on rodeos and tractor auctions.

    This next week promises to be mild as we say goodbye to July.  July is the tipping point of summer.  Hmm.

  • Noreen 3:45 pm on May 17, 2019 Permalink  

    Four Seasons 

    Four seasons within 24 hours.  This has been quite the spring.  Today it is downright chilly outside.  Yesterday at 80 degrees brought out a fan to move the humid air.  As it turns out, I really have not been bothered by the weather.  Since Wednesday my first priority was remaining comfortable and quiet.  Dang it!  I am getting good at it.  Dennis assures me that with the  cleaning of the facial wound with Hydrogen Peroxide and then covering it with Vaseline, we are on track for a good healing process.

    Dennis made a trip for me up to the library.  I had ordered several books from them.  The wonderful thing about a library is that their inventory reaches far and wide.  If you want it, they will track it down and notify you when it can be picked up. 

    Life is good here on Stauffer Avenue.

  • Noreen 3:51 pm on May 8, 2019 Permalink  

    Duck Day 

    I think as cool as it is even the ducks would be snuggled into shelter with their feathers all fluffed up for more heat.  At three this afternoon Dennis said we had 1.5 inches.  It started raining sometime in the early hours.  Nether Dennis nor I bounced out of bed real early.  By the sound of the traffic on the cement street, we knew it was a duck day.

    The furnace kicked in often enough that I did spend several hours in the sewing studio today.  The heat vent is right above the sewing machine and it felt good.  

    We are having beef tips on noodles for supper.  I have two small salads ready to go in addition.  For some reason the lettuce salads have been going over here on Stauffer Avenue.  Dennis likes an egg chopped on his plus shredded cheese and some onion.  I favor the crumbled Feta cheese with chopped walnuts added.  The salad bar is alive and well on Stauffer.

  • Noreen 7:26 pm on April 21, 2019 Permalink  


    Holy Week has been wonderful.  Dennis and I are thankful for all we have and for all we are.  We are healthy and safe.  We are working on wise and wealthy.  God speed.

  • Noreen 5:31 pm on April 16, 2019 Permalink  

    My Mindset 

    I have so many wonderful hymns that are going through my mind this week.  It is Holy Week.  I pray that I can take the grace that my Lord has waiting for me and live it each and every day, each and every week.  I don’t have all the answers.  It’s not my job to have the answers but to be open to what each day brings to me and not judge.  How Great Thou Art!

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