Sometimes in your own home and and your own property . . . you need to hide. The neighbors to the south of us arrived home from their trip and right behind them arrived an adult son that had moved out several years ago due to difference of opinions with his dad. I cannot believe the son will be a full timer, or how we hope. This fellow had a way of wandering over when Dennis was in his beloved porch, and then would forget to go home. Dennis’ porch is “Holy Hour” 24/7. I know Dennis and I are so spoiled with our home, our space. I do feel for Dennis as he has been treading lightly. Can’t you just envision him? Cracking open the back door of the house and taking a peek to see if it’s all clear and then scampering quickly to the service door of the garage to get into his porch, unseen. Dennis may be experiencing cabin fever in the middle of August.
Updates from August, 2016 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
This was a day to “try this” or “how about that?” working towards using odds and ends in my sewing studio. It has been oh so long since I have worked with a piece of fabric that is larger than a six nine patch or a three inch strip. If I were not such a frugal person, the dumpster would have been visited. I just don’t have it in me. No, I do not squeak when I walk.
Just to Reach Out —
Just to reach out and touch someone is all that Tabatha, the old wild cat, needs nowadays. For a short time each morning this cat pays homage as she sits on Dennis’ leg. For years there was no getting near her as she patiently waited for some food and water to be set out. In January of this year, she bit the bullet and it must have been hard on her ego to follow the food bowl into the porch, where she now comes and goes from. Just like all of us . . . it is humbling when we have to come to grips with what is the “real deal.” God does sends us messages. We need to be open to receive them.
Today is day “13” of us checking on our neighbor’s cat. The meowing starts as soon as he hears the back door open. He is so over having the house to himself. As always, his crunchy toy is in the empty food bowl. It has gotten to be a “hide and seek” between the two of us.
I am doing quite well on very little sleep from last night. At 2:30 in the morning there was a clap of thunder that could have raised the dead. Lightening and thunder continued as sheets of rain made looking out the window much like a snow storm. I did check the radar on my laptop and knew when it sounded like the rain was over . . . there was more coming. I just had a hard time settling in for more of the must needed sleep. Five to six inches this time of the year is rare. I am not complaining as we have not had a single bad wind storm with all the rain that we have had. The best part is, our raised wooden porch floor has stayed dry. I will admit when I took my coffee out to the porch this morning, I was dreading that first step onto the carpeted floor. Silly ole me.
I would take days such as we have had recently right up until the first snowflake flies. We are cat sitting for our neighbors to the south. Poor Ollie, ten days out and he is weary of having the house to himself. Dennis and I go over about four every afternoon and it takes a bit for him to come out of hiding, and then the purring and the rolling and the “showing off” begins. We were told right off he does drink out of the toilet at times. Everyday Dennis flushes the toilet for cold fresh water.
My job is the liter box, food dishes and the alternative water dish. Without fail, every afternoon I find the same little crunchy tool in the food dish. I have even taken it and put it in the living room and sure enough the next afternoon, it’s back in the food bowl. Who is playing who?
Ollie does have the brightest greenest eyes I have ever seen on a cat. After a half hour we bid goodbye until the next afternoon. I know his owner has taken him outside for a part of every morning, but there is no way we are taking a chance. We have told Ollie, “Only five more days.”
Another great day of breezes, sunshine and the dew point is down. Dennis and I are on the down side of this Saturday. The acre is manicured and trimmed and the two-wheel trailer that has been collecting branches from the summer’s wind storm is now empty. For the sum of one dollar the compost site takes care of what is brought out.
Great granddaughter Lux stayed with me earlier this morning. I was just about to have breakfast when her grandma Sandy needed to take care of some things. A wee one, not yet two, enjoys being with us. Sitting on my left leg, Lux enjoyed picking the blue berries off of the top of my bowl. If by chance she picked one up that had a smudge of yoget on it, that one went back in the bowl. We had a good breakfast. After all, what’s family for if not to pitch in when needed.
It is time to clean up as the dirt in the grass was nasty. I am already tasting the creamed cucumbers that are chilling in the refrigerator. Small boiled potatoes with the skins on will soak up the sauce and it will Schmeckt gut (taste good).
I hope everyone is as content and peaceful as I am. Stauffer Avenue is my heaven . . . enjoy your heaven.
This day and this evening I would rate a 10+ in regard to weather, supper company and a full tummy. Life is oh so sweet and I am sitting back and still taking it all in. Thank you God.
Rain showers off and on could only mean that the cooler, drier weather can’t be far behind. When I visited the farmers market the thunder was rolling. The family from Comfrey, Minnesota, does such a good job with all thy offer. Joel visited with Dennis last Thursday that they had 15 acres in garden produce. What an endeavor. Dennis and I sure appreciate them. Unfortunately, for some reason the powers that be in city hall did not renew the WIC (Women, Infant and Children) program that would include the items at the farmers market. Joel said it has shown in the amount of sidewalk traffic. Great fresh produce is second to none . . . especially when I realize and remember what it took in times past to have all of that produce coming out of our garden on the farm in Boon Lake Township.
Today was a corker. Dennis had his Korean Veterans Luncheon today in Mankato. I took advantage of riding along to visit the Hy-Vee grocery store. It must be this time of the year: I feel the need to add a few items for the basement pantry. No longer do I do the “home canning,” but it feels good to have some backup on the shelves in the basement pantry. It’s that instinct from days of old: winter is coming, stock up.
Today was a trip north through countryside I had not been through for some time. Was it the shortest route, no. Visiting some of the sites from my father’s family. In time, I was at my sister’s home in Stewart. Eleven radiation treatments down and . . . quite a few to go. I think she will have a great Halloween.
I traveled through New Ulm on my way home. I had promised Dennis I would bring supper home. Supper was at 6:30, a bit later than usual. The Hy-Vee stores do not disappoint in the variety.
Dennis and I were watching television and one of the commercials was for Gelato. He ask me what it was, I had to confess that I knew it was in the ice cream section of the grocery story; that was the extent of my knowledge on it. Later on this evening Dennis will be able to try some Triple Chocolate Gelato. The jury of one will tell me what he thinks of it.