Updates from September, 2016 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Noreen 1:26 am on September 8, 2016 Permalink  

    Good bad or other, today is a quiet day for Dennis and me. Sometimes events of previous days can seem to wipe you out for the next day, or it could be that heavy wet air sucks the life out of one. I’m not sure which or both.

    I am in my sewing studio and taking stock, scanning shelves to make sure I have kept things tidy in recent whirlwinds of crafting and sewing. There is nothing worse than ending up not being able to find what is needed for each task . . . because I didn’t put it back where IT belonged. I love my chair as I can swivel and take in a panoramic view.

    I have had several gals in my sewing studio in the recent past and comments were made how much my area holds, but also how organized it was. There is more enjoyment out of coming down and beginning a project or picking one up where I left off than coming down to a mess. Tidy, tidy, my mantra of the day. I do pinch myself sometimes as to how well my studio has come together. Nothing fancy by any means. A dry basement with good ventilation, lots of lighting and designated areas of interest. Yes, I feel very fortunate. I am one to re-purpose, plan, and work with what I have to the max, so shopping is seldom needed before I can turn out a goodie. But . . . sometimes the trip to town just can’t be helped.

  • Noreen 7:08 am on September 7, 2016 Permalink  

    Busy, busy. My aunt from Arizona came for a visit and we had a full day of visiting quilt shops, talking quilt, and also having some hands on with items she had in her tote. A very great satisfying day. We will be able to visit more with her and her children on Saturday.

  • Noreen 4:18 am on September 5, 2016 Permalink  

    A Good Day 

    Bell and Sophie 005 (400x359) (2)

    We love it when Bell and Sophie come over for a visit. The best part is that they bring Kevin and Kersten along with them. It just so happened I needed a bit of help networking my Technology Lab. Printers, laptops, notebooks . . . it’s more than this gal can put together. If I once say “I don’t need help to figure this out, I will just make do,” I am on my way to a very small world and will miss out on so very much. A good brain session, topped off with a Sunday brunch, is so very fulfilling. Come on back anytime Bell and Sophie.

  • Noreen 3:26 am on September 4, 2016 Permalink  

    Today was actually a treat. Windows are open on both ends of the house as a low humidity breeze is wafting the curtains. Several loads of laundry done, but not line dried. Bugs just don’t cooperate. Potatoes are boiled, ready to mix in with the boiled eggs for a batch of potato salad. Keeping a few potatoes aside for fried potatoes with a healthy amount of onions to go with them makes for a good supper within the next several days.

    With medical appointment done, it just feels like a vacation day on Stauffer Avenue. Results will be coming and God willing remedies as well that are easily doable.

  • Noreen 3:44 am on September 3, 2016 Permalink  

    We would love more such as what we have had these last several days. It was unfortunate that we spent most of that time in medical facilities for Dennis to go through testing. I do believe that today was the last of the worst. Results are still pending from today. Dennis can tell you drinking barium milk shakes in various consistences leaves something to be desired. There won’t be any morning alarms ringing for some time getting us up to get ready to meet appointment scheduling. We readily admit to enjoying mornings at a very slow space. Life on Stauffer generally doesn’t run via the clock.

  • Noreen 4:27 am on September 2, 2016 Permalink  

    Good to know! Hubby Dennis’ brain scan/EEG and his MRI both came back with positive news. No previous strokes, small or large, and no aneurysms noted. Check, check! Tomorrow we travel back to Mankato for a Fluoroscopy and an Esophagram. There is a possibility that there is a problem within the throat and esophagus that can trigger a seizure and it is either left side or right side prominent. Dennis’ happens to be right side prominent. I don’t envy Dennis having to drink various doses of barium as it is tracked through his system, but he is definitely on board finding a solution.

    As we drove home today we both had had the same concern and that had been of something happening while he was behind the wheel in his little red pickup. It seems to be in the throat . . . as far as we now know.

  • Noreen 1:38 am on September 1, 2016 Permalink  

    It doesn’t have to be a Sunday for it to be the day the Lord has made. Wednesdays work for us. As I was looking out of the east bathroom window, I found myself looking for a nice clean spot to check on Butter Ball. With the winds that brought mini dust storms that would quickly turn into driving wind wet storms, it was time to get out the short step ladder and wash those bathroom windows. Of course, one thing led to another. Dennis got the garden hose out. The back entry of the house is protected enough that the bugs love to hang out and mess all over the siding. Now that . . . is not easily cleaned off of vinyl siding.

    Tomorrow we start the day out getting the results of Dennis’ latest tests. It brought about a very frank discussion of “existing” compared to “living.” As choices are given to us over the years from our medical doctors, we all have free will. Where the “will” takes us can be a slippery slope. We have joked about “adult day care.” Actually living it day to day, would not be such a joke. We will take the news the way it comes and not pre-judge. Therein lies the real reason: it was important enough for me to be able to get down on my knees to have the new ones put in.

  • Noreen 2:48 am on August 31, 2016 Permalink  

    Today was an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) for my favorite ole cowboy. This was the second of tests, the first having been the EEG (brain wave test) last week. I have had several prior to having my knees and shoulders replaced. I sent him off with no metal in his clothing. I didn’t really go into the sounds and close quarters that he would experience . . . no preconceived expectations. I was the one surprised when Dennis returned home several hours later and I saw a gauze bandage on his arm and one on one of his fingers. This particular MRI included drawing blood from him first and then injecting a contrast via an IV. Hmm. He went on to tell me his head was placed in a very specific form and then a face mask was placed onto him. When we meet with the doctor this Thursday, it will be a good thing to see what the two tests have indicated. For Dennis’s sake, there will be no more tests. Most important will be finding answers for his wellbeing. Being 80 years young brings many days, months and years that are yet to be enjoyed.

  • Noreen 4:03 am on August 30, 2016 Permalink  

    Lord a mighty! The mosquitoes rule! Dennis did douse me good with spray, but they totally ignored it. The weekly mowing is bound to stop once we have a killing frost.

    One of the Watson boys stopped in today. We had him adjust the fan on the furnace and AC from “high” to “medium high.” As I am getting supper started, I can already tell that the volume on the television doesn’t need to be increased due to the air conditioner kicking in. It will be much similar when the furnace is needed. Our 720 square foot home is equipped with a great Lennox unit. Burke did mention that a newer home with the same unit would have physically larger duct work throughout the home and more registers, thus the fan blower would not be so noticeable. Just like always, the Watson boys give great service.

  • Noreen 1:27 am on August 29, 2016 Permalink  

    That’s All Folks 

    Cricut Two 2016 006 (440x322)

    The cover on the Cricut is closed and “That’s All Folks.” With Dennis’ help we gave the Cricut a good workout this weekend. I will admit, it was measure once, measure twice and then I still double checked myself. There are a few special people that can see in a moments notice if something is off as much as a hair on a frog. The sewing studio lights are off and the rest of the day will be slow and steady as I know tomorrow the weekly mowing of the acre will take place. I must say the grass looks beautiful for this time of the year.

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