Today we had a road date to Mankato. I had not been out on the highway heading for Mankato for a month. Dennis had his Frozen Chosin Korean Veteran luncheon and I did some grocery shopping for our pantry in the basement. No, it is not as rewarding as the gleaming quart and pint jars that made up our fruit cellar when Carrie and Kevin were small. I just am thankful when I can go down to the basement and always come away with ingredients to make a tasty meal. A day in the 60s with the sun shining during this first week in November is a blessing indeed.
Updates from November, 2016 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
It is Halloween and my ole cowboy just announced he was heading up town to buy some candy . . . just incase we have some kids stop by this evening. Dennis is right. Just because we have not had any kids stop in here during the recent years, how would you tell some little kid “Sorry.” It is hard to believe that the temps for this Halloween are in the high 50s. It is darn damp out. Just one more reason for us to hug ourselves that we do not have to be out in the chilly air taking care of duties that beseeches homeowners. Though . . . it is not beyond the possibilities that if the sun comes out this week and dries some of the leaves, that Dennis and I won’t be out there using the leaf blower to get some leaves into windrows to mulch with the rider mower. Contending with matted wet leaves in the spring of the year has always reminded the two of us of times in the past when it was time to clean out calf pens in the spring after the calves had been penned up all winter. The layers of manure had to come out in layers much like peeling an onion.
Heck yes, we will be out there to make the most of the last drying days of fall. Old people . . . we are just crazy enough to make the younger ones scratch their heads. We are amazing.
A gray cool day. I still could not resist opening windows on each end of the home for a bit. I had a great conversation with my Aunt Janet last night. She will be 83 in a week or so and is the youngest of my Dad’s siblings. With no family of her own she helps nephew Dan out on the farm. That gal can bake, cook and do garden canning like a team of many more. She is looking forward for the harvest season to come to an end. Less hired hands shuffling their feet under the table for meals.
On that note, Dennis will be ready for a hardy supper when he gets home from the last day of his trade show. A pot of chili will be waiting for him. Life is so good and so special. I send “Thanks” to heaven many times in a day.
Today could have been termed an Indian Summer day. The temps in the low 70s and gusts of wind drying out the leaves that had fallen in the heavy rains of several nights ago. This weekend Dennis is at Windom, just 26 miles down the highway to the west for a trade show. When I had asked him about his trip last weekend to the trade show in South Dakota, “A lot of tire kickers.” Trade shows are a time for lots of sharing of stories and every once in awhile there is a sale or a trade that takes place. I think they are great for Dennis to take in. Visiting with fellows from other areas is very healthy.
On a good note: I went to our local lumber yard to pay our bill for supplies for the chimney removal as well as sealing and painting the kitchen, entry and basement stairwell. I do know that Kevin and Kersten contributed several tubes of sealant for the roof in addition to a lot of good labor. Our total bill this morning was $68.00, which included a $39.00 gallon for semi-gloss white ceiling paint. As it turned out, we had supplies left over from previous jobs that were utilized. For the money spent we have an enormous amount of good feelings and two complicated and timely jobs that should do us for many years to come.
It does pay to have left over supplies organized so they can be found and put to good use when the time demands it. Well . . . the later is still in need of a bit more work as the trips between basement shelves and garage shelves burns up a bit of shoe leather.
This is what went through my mind this afternoon.
“Elvera, do you remember that tomato soup bar recipe? I just found my copy complete with the brown sugar frosting.”
What a grand weekend I have had. Dennis being gone from Friday until . . . I am sure he will be home today before dark. Girl’s weekend “Home Alone.” Baking cookies, stripping beds and outfitting them with flannel, getting a batch of potato salad ready for the ole cowboy when he gets home, sorting through the closet and having a bag ready for the Wounded Warriors clothing van next month, cutting down plants and shrubs, emptying the dirty laundry baskets (that is until Dennis gets home and fills them up from his weekend) and most of all babysitting Dennis’ cats. They were in for a surprise. If they were not home by nine p.m., they stayed outside for the night. Both nights, Butter Ball and Tabitha were in. Snuggles, Honey Bunny and Harriet were left out. Grammie’s curfew is a bit more stringent that Dennis’. Both mornings, they were at the back door waiting to get into the porch for food. I am really mean.
It really felt good to sleep in this morning. I think 9:30 a.m. can be deemed “sleeping in.” Another great day for a Sunday with the winds being quite strong. My agenda today was being in my sewing studio and I did and am so enjoyimg it. The pot of coffee I am topping off doesn’t hurt either. There is just something about spending time by yourself with not one single thing having to be planned or done but still hitting all the marks of necessary tasks to be taken care of.