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  • Noreen 5:10 am on December 8, 2016 Permalink  

    I have lived in a farm home, a brick two story schoolhouse made into a home and also a two story with a full basement and a walk up attic home. This 720 square foot home with a basement and a walk up attic seems to fill the bill for what Dennis and I need. The kicker on this size of home is: when a key component needs to be moved or replaced, it starts a domino effect for multiple items. Today it was a table in one of our storage closets. Man oh man, how can one small table hold so much and what will those items now be placed on or in. Long story short: the entire basement sewing studio and adjacent storage closets got a good sifting, sorting and . . . what the heck, lets get the vacuum out while I am at it.

    Dennis was at his Korean Veterans luncheon today in Mankato so there was no one about but me and a few stray dust bunnies that were just a tad bit long in the ear.

    Dennis got home safely, there is a cake baked and frosted in the kitchen and I even got a bit of sewing done on the down side of the afternoon. It is supper time and I think a can of beans and a package of precooked brats will make a great supper . . . with a piece of cake for dessert. Great day here on Stauffer.

  • Noreen 4:34 am on December 5, 2016 Permalink  

    I was so sure we would wake up to white this morning. Nope. Just more moisture in the form of mist and rain. Our usual Sunday morning hot cinnamon rolls sure makes the house smell great. Dennis decided to try for a nap and I headed down here to the sewing studio. It is now 4:30 and I am closing up shop. Cheyenne’s t-shirt quilt top is complete. It was a real challenge for me to come up with fabric from my closet for the back material. I completed her wishes for the top: black and light blue. The back will be more representative of the fact that a grandma put it together. Dennis helped decide on two fabrics to piece together with black being the dominant. Cheyenne will have to overlook the flowery prints.

    Taking request from family . . . I am totally in. I do need to pull from what I have when it comes to fabrics until it is either do or die, or Dennis will have to find us a job as I doubt inheriting a fabric shop is in the picture.

    It takes a minimum of eight to nine yards of fabric for a double sized quilt when you pencil in piecing around the t-shirt squares, stabilizers, borders, the backing and the binding. We gladly contribute the batting that will best serve the project. Seven children, ten grandchildren and six great grands will no doubt assist in slimming down the fabric closet. I enjoy using the fabrics that have been donated to my closet from the families of quilting friends that I have lost over the last several years. It’s a good thing.

  • Noreen 7:38 am on December 4, 2016 Permalink  

    It is 7:30 and Dennis and I just got home in the dark from Eden Prairie. It is unusual for us be out on the roads this late in the day. We enjoyed seeing Nicholas, who just turned nine, go through the regimen and exercises to be awarded his black belt in Tae Kwan-Do. It was a singular exercise, a partner exercise and the breaking of the boards. The ending was 30 pushups and then 50 sit-ups. Nicholas was breathing hard but the smile on his face receiving the black belt was amazing.  This was the culmination of four years of Nicholas’ determination as well as the family working through two nights a week of diligence. Going for Dairy Queens afterward wasn’t half bad either. His chocolate coated double bump cone had his total attention. Grandpa Dennis and I are so glad the winter weather held so we could attend. Driving home we did run into rain in Mankato. Great day and we are now home safe and sound.

  • Noreen 3:20 am on December 2, 2016 Permalink  

    Back on Track 

    IMG_4772 (Mobile)

    I got a bit off track on Wednesday, but today the Russian Tea Cakes are baked and ready to be dusted with powdered sugar. I know they are messy, but to pop one for a tasty treat, FYI: it is worth it. I think they have already been sampled. Dennis had company for the best part of the day. When his daughter’s home is going to be shown by a real estate prospective, Dennis gets her Terrier until the coast is clear. As I was watching the timer for the cookies, I decided on 14″ blocks for the t-shirt quilt top. I think supper prep will go very smoothly as the cutting table has been closed down for the day.  The 16 blocks and the stabilizer for them is ready to be transformed at the ironing board for good stitching at the sewing machine. Foregoing the stabilizer on knit clothes is worse than herding cats.  Small steps and checking items off my list for the week one by one.

  • Noreen 5:23 am on November 27, 2016 Permalink  

    Lots of happenings with Dennis being gone for the day. A surprise visit this forenoon from Dennis’ daughter and family as they are visiting multiple families. The Silver Bay north country people reported maybe an inch or two of snow on the ground and it seemed like a good time to travel as that could change in a heartbeat. Good thing the cookie jar was full.

    I did get back to hemming a quilt for a bit, still taking time off to put files into folders for the sewing embroidery options. It does seem that I am someone who needs to see and take in all new items via the computer. After repeating the steps several times, I do scratch my gray head of hair trying to understand what the stumbling blocks were initially.

    In the late afternoon, I visited Dennis’ daughter’s home here in St. James. The youngest of Dennis’ grandchildren is taking a job in Seattle as a personal trainer. Cheyenne had her last college exam right before Thanksgiving and she will be leaving on the last day of November and starting her new job the first full week in December. I did remark to Cheyenne that when I retired at the age of 65, my end salary per hour is where she is starting. Amazing. I came home with a huge stash of her t-shirts from her participation with the college track team. Her desire is to end up with a quilt large enough to use on her full sized bed and lofty enough that she won’t miss hugs and cuddles from family. Her cat Lou will be going with her. Priceless. Young people are so much more adventuresome than I ever was.

    Dennis will be stopping in to say goodbye to Cheyenne on his way home from the Jackson trade show. What a blessing that the temps being in the mid 40s allowed for everyone to get to and be where they wanted. Maybe . . . we might have a few more nice days before the blanket of snow will allow all of us to cuddle into our warm homes for a long winter spell.

  • Noreen 4:34 am on November 26, 2016 Permalink  

    It’s a quiet day here on Stauffer Avenue. Dennis is taking in the trade show at Jackson this weekend from Friday afternoon until Sunday afternoon. He will be driving back and forth, so I have his company for breakfasts and for suppers. I am working on hemming a quilt and when the fingers get a bit sore, I am trading off on some computer work. Kevin instructed me yesterday on taking random embroidery designs on the flash drive and getting them into folders. It is actually going quite well, just taking a bit of time, which I have plenty of. When Dennis does get home he will be having a “T.V. Dinner” type supper of the goodies left over from Thanksgiving. It’s a good thing.

  • Noreen 6:17 am on November 25, 2016 Permalink  

    Here it is Thanksgiving evening The kids have… 

    Here it is Thanksgiving evening. The kids have left for their homes. Dennis did all the dishes, pots, pans, and baking utensils. It was a very romantic show of love and appreciation as he had observed all the prep of the last several day. I do not take for granted all of his moral support. We will be enjoying some leftovers in the next several days and for me . . . that is a true treat. For me the day truly was what could have been captured in a special snow globe.

  • Noreen 6:39 am on November 24, 2016 Permalink  

    What a slam dunk of a day. The cheesecake just came out of the oven and is looking good. The meat is marinating and there was just a lot of dicing, chopping, etc. Tomorrow our Thanksgiving Day will begin with a lot of prep having been taken care of today. We are looking forward to the day and all that it will bring to Stauffer Avenue.

    Dennis is very fond of seafood salad, either on crackers or as a side dish. We have purchased it at several places ready to serve. I can tell you we have concocted our own recipe that we feel far outdoes those that carry a hefty price tag per pound. I think it was the Asiago shredded cheese that gave it a great kick.

    The trip to The Old Alley Quilt Shop was a great break from the kitchen duty. Of course the long arm did a great job on yet another scrappy quilt. I am about ready to tackle an actual pattern quilt top as I am scrappied out for now. Of course when a pattern quilt top is worked on . . . it makes more scraps.

    Just a few more items to take care of before I prop my feet up. Gotta love a day of planning for family.

  • Noreen 4:39 am on November 23, 2016 Permalink  

    Lots of rain, a bit of thunder and all is well on Stauffer Avenue. The list on the dining room table is no longer of items that I need to pick up at the grocery store. The list is now of what pots, pans, and serving dishes will be needed for Thursday. The next paragraph on the list is for tomorrow, Wednesday: chopping, dicing, sautéing and baking.

    Tomorrow will also have a trip squeezed in for a quilt to be picked up in Sherburn. Sharon called and the quilt has been taken off of the long arm quilter. Needless to say, if this is the first of serious winter weather, having the project home will allow for me to keep busy and stay off of the perhaps less-than-good roads.

    Dennis worked on several folding chairs that needed a screw tightened here and a screw tightened there with a bit of help with our favorite strong glue.

    There is something to be said for entertaining here on Stauffer Avenue. A few items get used that are on the top shelves of the cabinets, as well as tweaking the items that are needed for everyone to sit down for a family meal at Thanksgiving.

  • Noreen 4:20 am on November 22, 2016 Permalink  

    Dennis enjoys the seafood salad from Hy-Vee. I have read the label on that and several other salads of that type. I am sure we can replicate it from our kitchen here on Stauffer Avenue . . . less all the preservatives that are also on those labels.

    A rude awakening for my ole cowboy. The $2.50 per jar of Medicated Chest Rub from the Family Dollar does not hold a candle to the Vicks VapoRub for that deep heat when applied. I think a clue may have been the first ingredient is always the dominant “fragrance.” I did caution him that the $11.98 3.5 oz. jar might be used with a bit of restraint. More is not necessarily better . . . but then what do I know. I don’t go near the stuff as it is very difficult is get Vicks totally off of your fingers. I don’t imagine a catheter with remnants of Vicks would feel very good when used.

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