Updates from December, 2016 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Noreen 4:30 am on December 23, 2016 Permalink  

    Nothing like a scare first thing in the morning. Yesterday I had gotten a lot of fresh air clearing snow off the driveway doing battle with heavy winds from the north. After Dennis got his sleep apnea machine with the 10 foot air hose, my sleep was less than good. As Dennis would move in his sleep the 10 foot hose could cover a lot of area in our double wide bed. Facing me the air from the face mask would blow in my face. I needed good night’s rest to be up and about the next day as well as Dennis. I took residence for sleep in our west porch. Yes, it does face the busy thoroughfare concrete street with all the semis, but the noise does not bother me.

    Yesterday I got a lot of fresh air taking the snow down to our concrete driveway battling a brisk north wind as the temps were in the mid 30s. I slept sound and deep last night. Like clock work I usually get up and visit the bathroom at three a.m. and then right back to sleep. My time to rise is 8:00 right on the dot.  This morning when I peeked at my cell phone, which is always lying on the corner of the bed, I could not believe it was 9:30 a.m. Dennis is always up by 7:30 a.m. and heads out to the porch for his first cup of coffee, has a cigarette, bids the cats a “good morning” and is back in his recliner by nine for a nap. I never heard any of it. I got up . . . no Dennis in the recliner. I can see into the porch through the bathroom window and . . . no Dennis in his rocking chair. I glance into the back entry and his jacket and cap were on the hook. Where could Dennis be? No noise from the basement. Had he fallen down the basement steps? I finally checked his bed. He was still in it, sound asleep. Good grief! What a way for the two of us to start our day when the rest of the world had a several hour head start on us.

    Oh those older ones on Stauffer Avenue.

  • Noreen 5:02 am on December 22, 2016 Permalink  

    What a day. A very full day here on Stauffer Avenue. This morning I was determined to make a coconut pie from one of the cards in my Mom’s metal recipe box. I did sit up until 1:00 a.m. just a few nights ago reading through the entire box, one card at a time. The recipe was from my Aunt Gertie, mom’s only sister. The pie was a custard and soon I began to realize that I was equating this to a coconut cream pie . . . not so this recipe. This is more of a solid pie. The good news, Dennis said it would not go to waste. I am just not going to waste a meringue topping on it.

    One of our favorite heating and coolant fellows, Burke Watson, stopped in with a stash of his Viking t-shirts asking for a t-shirt quilt. Burke stressed he wanted good quality material used and it would not be done in “gratuitous,” and there was no time frame. I called over to Old Alley and as it turns out the Monday after Christmas, they have a 20% off sale on all materials. Burke is paying for this project, but there is nothing wrong in making the sale advantageous for him. Dennis will be tapped to cut up the t-shirts for me.

    This afternoon Renee came for coffee. Renee worked for me in the assessor’s office for 17 years and we have enjoyed keeping up with each other since I retired in February of 2009.

    In between time, it was warm enough for me to clean the remaining snow off of our driveway with the temps being in the mid 30s. The wind had been fierce from the north.

    Dennis caught up with his life-long friend, Lyle, at the common area in Lyle’s apartment house. I think Dennis brings a lot of chuckles to the table . . . no, I know he does.

    Life is always full here on Stauffer Avenue.

  • Noreen 5:07 am on December 21, 2016 Permalink  

    What a great day of sunshine and warm temperatures. I now have light beyond belief in my closet where I keep my fabric stashes. Just a bit of good advice of LED bulbs did the trick. The gal in the hardware store shared that she had to take a secondary route into work as her usual road had drifted shut this morning. Who knew? We live in town and I must say spoiled when it comes to knowing what is going on out on the prairies.

  • Noreen 4:12 am on December 19, 2016 Permalink  

    I wonder how many hours it would take for Dennis to take a peek into the sewing studio to see if I am O.K.? Today his tracks have been from a deep sleep in his recliner at 10:00 a.m., out to the porch, back in the house to his west porch command center, doing some dishes up, out to the porch, back in for a deep sleep nap and then out to the porch. It’s now 4:00 p.m. Just wondering.

    P.S. I had barely posted this when . . . here comes Dennis.  He had read the post.  What a guy!

  • Noreen 3:37 am on December 16, 2016 Permalink  

    I am not going to say what the temperature is outside today on the 15th of December, 2016. I will tell you that not one of the five cats in the garage porch went near a patio door today. Usually there is no end to the nose prints that are applied each and every day to the patio doors waiting for Dennis to weaken and let them run until . . . they feel like coming back in.

    Two padded baskets on the floor and three above the car and pickup and needless to say . . . there was no room to spare today. It doesn’t hurt that the furnace does not drop below 45 in the garages and the porch. Dennis just commented that the Tidy Box Litter box catches hell when it is this cold. I don’t blame them. I wouldn’t want to use a walk-in outhouse either. Everyone on Stauffer Avenue is spoiled.

  • Noreen 6:29 am on December 14, 2016 Permalink  

    Every once in a while a request comes via a private message on Facebook. It brought about a visit today that began at 9:30 this morning until 2:30 this afternoon. My sister passed away in mid September of this fall and today her youngest son, Larry, came to see me. We have always been amicable, but never really nose to nose visiting to any depth. Today was about his Mom and his family. Larry stated he didn’t really know why he had traveled the miles, but he knew it was what he needed to do and where he wanted to be today. Perhaps I was the one person that had seen my sister’s family grow from a time when his mom and dad had first started a family. Over the years they were a farm family of five. Today, there were no answers or resolutions as to the dynamics that Larry’s family has operated under during the last 50 plus years. There may never be. It was important that Larry could visit openly with me and not have to spend the time or dialog to express himself about what was on his mind. Lots of good memories were shared and more often than not the wondering about “When do you think it started or how it started” and “Will my family ever be able to sit down for a holiday meal and be happy to be there together?”

    Since my sister’s death the cards for his family have all been laid out on the table including those that had never been played. No more hiding issues. My heart went out to him. I assured him that because of things from his families past, he had the opportunity to keep the cards laid out for his family of five so he and his wife, Jennifer, will always be open to receive whatever his three children bring to them with an open and kind heart. Not the directors of his children’s life, not the fixers, but the life long supporters. Oh there were many tears shed on both of our parts today over many cups of coffee, sandwiches and cookies. I would not have passed up this day with my nephew for anything. We both needed it and appreciated it. Dennis and I sent him packing north across the miles with hugs and promises to spend more time together. Now it is time for our highway to lead us to his home sometime in the future. I do know that Larry will be just fine.

  • Noreen 4:26 am on December 13, 2016 Permalink  

    Brr! I was very happy to not have to go outside today. I did have a caller while I was still in my robe. A family member of my friend Lorraine (who passed away in May of this year) came by with mementoes from her home that they wanted to share with me. I was taken aback and touched beyond belief. Lorraine loved all items of glassware and pottery. When my eye catches them within my sewing studio, it will lift my heart. Priceless.

  • Noreen 4:08 am on December 10, 2016 Permalink  

    Price Check: The little tomatoes that are in the plastic dome with the bright yellow base were priced at $3.99 for 10oz. The little tomatoes that are marketed as Grape Tomatoes and in a flimsy plastic box were $2.89 for 10 oz. This time of the year, I am not able to tell much difference in the taste. I just want something that is red and when I bite into it, a seed may squirt out. The dome looks trendy but doesn’t make me want to spent an additional $1.00.

  • Noreen 5:06 am on December 9, 2016 Permalink  

    Today there were several things to take care of and . . . it was the first day that I went into the basement closet and got out a winter jacket. Ugh! The fact that I have not been out of the house in several days tells that story.

    After picking up some groceries we stopped in at Brett’s home. Dennis’ nephew runs a concrete crew from early spring to late fall and is now back at his second career . . . a quilter. Brett has a huge basement and he can spread out like no one’s business. When he told me he had stood in line at JoAnn Fabrics cutting table on Black Friday, I did as much as I could to hide a smirk. He was number 59 in line. He went on to tell me he went back the next day as each sale deal had a definite calendar date. Brett is well on his way with a king sized quilt top. Choosing a quilt block that is 24″ x 24″ and features an eight point star, I give him lots of credit. He may be loosing a few star points when he trims his quilt blocks but that is the name of the game and indicates that at some time within the sewing of that block the 1/4″ seam allowance was foregone. I encouraged him and gave him a few pointers . . . literally.

    I don’t think I have ever made a quilt top that I had wished for a bit more patience in an aspect of the piecing. That very same is what makes our quilts unique. If they had been turned out in China, Japan or Vietnam, it would have been cookie cutter turn outs. Hands on makes quilts special to make and oh so special to give.

    Dennis and I returned home and were thankful to feel the warmth of our home when we came through the back door. The wind and cold will drive through us until we toughen up a bit. Dennis turned his attention to making a spicy hamburger noodle hot dish for supper and I began hand hemming a quilt on the dining room table. Fast forward: the kitchen is beginning to smell really good as there is an addition of several slices of cheesy garlic bread baking as well as the hotdish. It’s time for me to call it a day in the hemming of the quilt and get the dining room table ready for some “good eating.”

  • Noreen 5:10 am on December 8, 2016 Permalink  

    I have lived in a farm home, a brick two story schoolhouse made into a home and also a two story with a full basement and a walk up attic home. This 720 square foot home with a basement and a walk up attic seems to fill the bill for what Dennis and I need. The kicker on this size of home is: when a key component needs to be moved or replaced, it starts a domino effect for multiple items. Today it was a table in one of our storage closets. Man oh man, how can one small table hold so much and what will those items now be placed on or in. Long story short: the entire basement sewing studio and adjacent storage closets got a good sifting, sorting and . . . what the heck, lets get the vacuum out while I am at it.

    Dennis was at his Korean Veterans luncheon today in Mankato so there was no one about but me and a few stray dust bunnies that were just a tad bit long in the ear.

    Dennis got home safely, there is a cake baked and frosted in the kitchen and I even got a bit of sewing done on the down side of the afternoon. It is supper time and I think a can of beans and a package of precooked brats will make a great supper . . . with a piece of cake for dessert. Great day here on Stauffer.

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