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  • Noreen 4:42 am on February 3, 2017 Permalink  

    I am re-visiting an older craft of mine . . . alterations. It has been decades since I have taken a factory garment apart with intentions of making it better, aka: making it functional.

    Many moons ago I did a fair amount of alteration work for my friend Sharon when we lived just a section apart in Boon Lake Township. Sharon always went home pleased. Time will tell on my latest acquisition. We barely had put the car away from a trip to the northern lands when Brett was in my basement shopping the fabric stash. I have given him a cart-blanche pass. Many families have shared their loved one’s fabric stashes with me and it makes me happy to encourage another quilter. Brett is not the best on colors that are compatible. He left with three yards today, and I told him I would take some time to put together two additional fabrics with measurements of three yards each. He is busy making t-shirt quilts for children of friends who were in school with his children. I also picked up an embroidery order from Brett as one of the blocks in this project needs a bit of extra sentiment.

    If I get too busy and Dennis is sitting at the dining room table with fork and knife in hand, I know a trip to Subway will not allow him to go hungry. I forget about meal times when my sewing studio is humming.

  • Noreen 6:10 am on February 2, 2017 Permalink  

    Whenever we have had temps in the mid-thirties, I could not resist cracking open the east bathroom window for a bit during the midday. The winds have been horrific, but the fresh air was too good to leave totally outside. Today, as the tidy bowl lady made her weekly visit to smarten up the bathroom, I was taken aback as to how much dirt was on the shelf adjacent to the window that has brought in fresh air during this last week. I can only imagine from how far away these little grains of dirt came to land on my white shelf.

  • Noreen 4:35 am on February 1, 2017 Permalink  

    Every time we have several days of warm weather, I swear the green grass in the front yard seems to have gotten longer. Dennis mowed the lawns for the last time in mid October, and here we are . . . ready or not. I am sure there is plenty of winter left.

    Taking these January thaws is not hard to take. I do notice when the school bus drops the kids off just a bit to the south of our home, invariably the smaller kids are stomping through the water caught in the gutter of the street. Yup, my kids did the very same thing . . . right up to their tiny hinies. I know time cannot be turned back. I am so thankful that God has given me so many vivid heartfelt memories. It has always been my blessing that I have saved the best and leave the rest.

  • Noreen 6:10 am on January 30, 2017 Permalink  

    We did have sunshine off and on today. As I was in my sewing studio, I glanced out of the south windows. There in the sunlight were hues of greens, blues and bronze from the colored jars that were on the shelf catching the rays of the sun. Just the little things that make for a good feeling. The awnings had a continuous dripping of the melting snow from the 30 degree plus temperatures at the peak of the afternoon. All is good as the coming week hopefully brings more sun. Everything is better with sunshine.

  • Noreen 5:43 am on January 29, 2017 Permalink  

    A good day for domestic items. Several good library books are near my chair for enjoyment during evening hours. My new prescription to assist in good heart health was $2.00 for the month. While I was in the grocery story, I ran into Gloria. She had made all the pies for the Home Town Café for years. Strawberries were on sale, and as we visited she gave me her Strawberry Pie recipe. Our pie is now chilling in the refrig on Stauffer Ave. It had been a long time since I had made a Crisco pie crust. One thing I will never do again is to stir up a batch of peanut butter cookies and store the dough in the refrig overnight. It was as hard as a brick and took a long time to be workable. The Crisco and peanut butter really chilled out. Chicken tenders are in the oven, boiled potatoes are done and green beans will assist. A very good day for the Grammie on Stauffer. Time will be coming for feet up and checking out the new choices from the library.

  • Noreen 4:35 am on January 27, 2017 Permalink  

    No one enjoys a phone call that alerted me that I needed to make an appointment with my doctor. Well, the deal is that after one year of not seeing my doctor, I could no longer get a refill order for my blood pressure meds. My, how time flies. Just a note: the refill for this last month was $1.00.  Once I was there, he also wanted to do a blood draw. Good thing I had not had anything to eat as yet today.

    I just logged onto the email notification from Dr. Eatwell with the results. All and I do mean ALL levels are in the beyond acceptable ranges. I was concerned about such things as good Cholesterol and bad Cholesterol and the God awful results of the Triglyceride level. Daily eating habits cannot hide from blood draws. Let’s hear it for keeping the frying pans on the wall hooks. I have agreed to taking a statin in regard to the good Cholesterol level and bringing it down even farther. With Dad and Elvera both dying from heart related instances, I respect the doctor’s advice.

    I wasn’t really happy to hear it has been five years since my last colonoscopy. I am scheduled for one in May. Dr. Eatwell was not concerned that I may be talking to myself more this year than last. I don’t take my health and mobility for granted. I like it and I like it a lot. My it be another year’s absence at the medical clinic that brings about a request of “show up or no meds” type of thing.

  • Noreen 4:55 am on January 26, 2017 Permalink  

    The forecast of snow was right on. In between six and seven inches. Before next-door-Randy had left for work, he had taken several swaths down our driveway as well as his own. It had started snowing about seven last night, slow and steady right through this noon.

    About noon it looked like it was about to quit snowing and that is when the older ones on Stauffer got geared up. Dennis takes it slow and steady with quite a few breaks in the porch. Our driveway is 90′ of concrete. I can only imagine how hard it would be using a small snowblower on a gravel driveway with rocks flying God knows where. The pickup garage opens to Stauffer Avenue and the city fellows are very kind and make sure their blade is facing onto the opposite side when they plow through. That side of Stauffer is a lawn, so “no fowl” in regard to blocking someone else’s driveway. I do my duty on the end of a shovel clearing out the patio on the front of the house and anywhere else where a snowblower can’t do justice.

    Dennis and I have had a great workout and have enjoyed some down time since coming in. Supper: pancakes and bacon with strawberries that Dennis has had marinating since this forenoon. Dennis is thinking the berries as a side dish, I am thinking of them on top of the pancakes. I repeat: We had just the best workout ever!

  • Noreen 4:47 am on January 24, 2017 Permalink  

    Today was luncheon day. Renee came over for lunch. It was the first work day in 22 years that she did not report to the Watonwan County Assessor’s Office. There are times when a change is needed and she is up for whatever the next journey in her life and her family’s life is. Working with real estate values and how it equates to real estate taxes can wear a body down. Wherever your next job will be, they will be getting a fantastic person. In the meantime, a bit of home time will be welcomed.

  • Noreen 6:03 am on January 23, 2017 Permalink  

    I am sure by now Dennis feels it is going to be a yearly event: tearing apart the sewing studio for a re-make. Now that I know my old sewing table allows me to sew with my arms at a 90 degree angel to the needle, it is sweet. The embroidery unit does work when the machine is lifted; the sides slid in and there is enough elongated room to work beautifully. Well . . . while I was at it, I raised the church tables by a second brick. They are now 34.5″ from the floor rather than the 30″ as they were from the factory. All of these changes should make a huge difference on the back, shoulders, arms, and hands. You cannot possibly move one item without it causing a domino effect. It all gives the arthritis a run for its money. My Dad, R.W., would be proud of the logistics that Dennis and I used today. On the down side, I am too wore out to do any stitching. There is always tomorrow.

  • Noreen 4:27 am on January 22, 2017 Permalink  

    Never Give Up 

    1968 Table (440x330)

    When arms and shoulders want to buck . . . you never give up. Out of the depths I brought forward my 1968 Montgomery Wards sewing table. It was the ultimate at that time. As I sat in my sewing studio today and surveyed my options, I knew if I could give my arms a good three inches less in height to reach the sewing bed as I sat in front of the sewing machine, it would feel pretty darn good. The sewing machine is heavy enough that this sewing table is solid.  Have I thought it all the way through? No.  When I put the embroidery until onto the machine, I will most likely have to set the machine back up on the white table . . . but then, I am not going to pre-judge it.  For right now, I want to enjoy some straight sewing as it is set up.  In a day or two to come, I will measure once, measure twice and see what is needed.  This today . . . was huge.  It’s a good thing I had an emotional attachment to this table, or it would have been long gone over the course of 48 years.

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