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  • Noreen 3:11 am on March 1, 2017 Permalink  

    Dennis and I had lunch watching a few squirrels out the window picking at the last of the berries on a tree outside. It just seemed like a “sit to” was warranted for both of us, each in our favorite chair bundled to the chin, again with each having our favorite quilt.

    I may have nodded off for a bit. I was recalling just a few years back, I would have been sitting in this chair having a hard workout. I had put my shoulder out to the back and had what would be called a paulsie arm . . . no movement from the shoulder. If I wanted surgery I had to be able to lift the left arm and be able to hold it up on it’s own steam. Hours, days and months I would spend sitting in the chair lifting my left arm with my right one, willing it to stay up. The left arm was dead weight and would drop. The nerves had been cut off from blood supply during the injury and the bad news was that new regeneration is minuscule if ever.

    Here I am looking March 1, 2017, right in the eye in my sewing studio. Not only did I not give up on my left arm, I was able to pass the test of keeping the arm up on its own and be a good candidate for having a reverse shoulder installed . . . and then needing the right shoulder to go through the same surgery the next year. Lifting a coffee pot in Perkins tore out what little I had left of a rotator cuff. Arthritis is sneaky. It may be slow moving as it builds in your joints, but watch out for a grand finale.

    I can tell you that today I am in the process of quilting an 80″ x 80″ quilt under my domestic sewing machine. Tugging, moving and twisting my arms in every imaginable way to wrangle the beast under the needle. Small detail . . . I can’t brush my hair without one holding up the other to get the job done . . . small detail in the entire picture.

    I do get kidded for putting my head down and not knowing when to quit on a project. Hey! I didn’t get where I am today by giving up. Enough of a break . . . the sewing machine is humming.

  • Noreen 4:41 am on February 27, 2017 Permalink  

    Where else but Stauffer Avenue could you walk across the alley on a Sunday afternoon and get the perfect haircut. It’s a good thing.

  • Noreen 4:58 am on February 26, 2017 Permalink  

    A Saturday that would make anyone happy. The drip, dripping of snow coming off of the awning tells me that spring will not be detoured by the latest snowfall. We did make a run to Sherburn for the Old Alley Quilt Shop. The Minnesota Wild t-shirt quilt is coming right along . . . one stitch, one cut, one pressing at a time. Old Alley has my choice for quilt batting. Dennis and I enjoyed the 26 mile trip checking out the different routes and seeing how the miles from here to there differ in the snowfall. We were very fortunate.

    In between times, I should get mileage as I am up and down the steps keeping the laundry going on the main floor and checking on some dinner rolls that are rising on the back of the oven. A busy day on Stauffer. A very good day indeed.

  • Noreen 4:36 am on February 25, 2017 Permalink  

    As luck would have it, only about four to five inches of snow fell over the evening hours rather than the 12 inches that were predicted. Surfaces were so warm that much of the wet snowfall melted before any accumulation could be seen this morning when I got up. With neighbor Randy’s John Deere taking the brunt of the accumulation, our wide pusher did the trick. It’s getting on supper hour and the concrete drive is totally cleared . . . I take that back, there is enough wind from the north for the last 20 feet of the driveway to be blown in.

    I worked in the sewing studio for a bit this afternoon while Dennis took over the kitchen. A chicken marsala hot dish is ready to be popped into the oven. We really like the Classico flavored pasta sauces. Steaming some carrots to add to it should give it a great flavor boost. Dennis had caught a cake recipe on Facebook that he wanted to try. Before the kitchen aroma takes on the hot dish goodness, the chocolate cake takes center stage. It was a chocolate cake mix, dry chocolate instant pudding, sour cream and four eggs mixture. Time will tell on that. I can’t see how it could be anything but spectacular.

    Yup . . . great local effort today.

  • Noreen 4:41 am on February 24, 2017 Permalink  

    Hurry and Wait 

    There is so much to do about a possible snow event coming for today, February 23, 2017.  Dennis and I are not banking on it one way or another.  We have all we need in our home for not only this weekend but for many more days if needed.

    A coffee guest this forenoon arrived with a brunch on the dining room table.  When I received the text I was still in my robe.  A fresh pot of coffee was started, I got dressed and opened the door with a smile.  I’ve still got it!

    It was one p.m. when I got into the sewing studio.  If I tidy up at the end of each sewing day, it is a pleasure to flip light switches and begin where I left off.  My days always have an agenda.  It is safe to say that I make sure I have an agenda for each day.  My grandmother Laura taught me that at the end of each day, there must be something that has been accomplished and you have something to show for it.  If God gave me this day, I need to make good use of it.  I believe that lack of planning is why some people can look me right in the eye and tell me they are bored. Seriously?

    This evening for supper we are having fresh pan-fried Walleye caught as late as yesterday in the Watonwan County River.  My coffee guest this morning brought them over.  Pretty sweet.  Once I knew I had supper nailed down, my sewing studio began to hum.  

    Quilt projects are timely and the best way to approach it is to stay in “real time.”  One step at a time and no pre-judging beyond that step. Not adhering to that is a sure fire way to fail before you start.  I looked at the pile of MN Wild 1 001 (Custom)crumpled t-shirts on my cutting tables, put a new blade into the rotary cutter and took one shirt at a time.  One shirt with a rough cut and then off to the ironing board to apply the sizing to the back and then back to the cutting table to get a 16.5 x 16.5 block that I need.  I know myself well enough that if I stay at the cutting table for the rough cutting of all 16 t-shirts, I won’t be able to walk away without a back that is hurting.  I pace myself with a few sips of coffee in between and the constant moving from point A to point B doesn’t let the muscles, joints and tendons get tight.  No, I have not always worked smarter than harder.  It is now MN Wild 1 002 (Custom)4:30 in the afternoon and I am about to close down the sewing studio for the day with a very good sense of having this step of the quilt completed.  I will add that for all the pressing to get the blocks looking like a million bucks, the new “I Touch” Oliso iron made all the difference as to how my right wrist feels after the afternoon’s workout.  Tomorrow is another day and perhaps all that I will get done is moving snow.  Now there will be proof of accomplishment.

  • Noreen 4:33 am on February 22, 2017 Permalink  

    Dennis and I have had an energized day. The eye checkup for Dennis was a good one, no new lens needed. Since last evening I have had a new order come in for a Minnesota Wild t-shirt quilt. Sixteen t-shirts are on my sewing tables waiting to be transformed. A repeat customer tells me they were happy with the Vikings quilt. I did my homework on the computer and found out what store in Mankato carried the licensed fabric line for sports. JoAnn Fabrics was our first stop. It doesn’t pay to have a 50% off on a single full priced item as everything in that store has some sort of discount. River City Quilts was our next stop for the backing and right off the bat, found a compatible fabric for the back at the 108″ wide choice.

    Yesterday Carrie had brought along English Cucumbers for a finger food. Dennis raved about them. Crisp and flavorful . . . he began talking about creamed cucumbers in February. Three of them came home with us from Hy-Vee. That will be on the list for tomorrow’s food options.

    A stop at Sam’s Club for essentials and we were ready to relax and have a sandwich. Culver’s was our choice. Man, it was great driving home with a window cracked and the sun in our eyes. I have just stashed all the purchased items where they belong and I am pooped.

    Dennis and I believe we were so energized today due to the carry-over of having the kids here yesterday. An unexpected visit from Carrie, Megan and Nicholas was just as great of a boost for us as a weekend get away. Priceless.

  • Noreen 5:32 am on February 21, 2017 Permalink  

    It may be President’s day, but here on Stauffer Avenue it was a holiday all of our own. Megan and Nicholas came to spend the day with us. Oh my gosh, it was wonderful.

    Megan and Nicholas got to spend as much time as they wanted in the porch with the cats while mom Carrie and I caught up on visiting. Carrie brought a picnic lunch and as the day wore on we had to finish it with ice cream, root beer and of course a York mint candy bar. There is always time to dig out some of the old staples for toys.

    It was a wonderful day and of course, my heart swelled when Nicholas wasn’t ready to go home. Hugs all around as they headed back to the metro. Priceless.

  • Noreen 4:36 am on February 20, 2017 Permalink  

    In the quiet of my sewing studio I am hatching out all sorts of things and turning the planning and scheming into fruition. The sewing machine had not been turned on for four days. During the last months, I had been listening and taking notes. Today I am seeing some of those ideas stitched out.

  • Noreen 6:07 am on February 19, 2017 Permalink  

    This evening I have one hell of a computer hangover. I have mentioned my ailing older laptop in past postings. Today was time to go through all the files. The largest file is the photos I have kept. Different flash drives loaded at various times meant some duplicates of photos. No more! Downloading files, photos and ZIP folders that were not labeled made for a very full day. I took time twice to back up my progress on my external drive as the laptop is critical . . . I think. I just couldn’t take a chance. At one point it did close down and a “restore to an earlier time” was done taking some time to accomplish that. I have done all I can and when I did shut the Delll laptop down to make supper, it will be interesting to see what tomorrow will bring.

    As I mentioned, my aching head is very eager to find my favorite robe and put my feet up after supper away from the computers for the day. It was a day that needed to be done.

  • Noreen 6:09 am on February 18, 2017 Permalink  

    A Day of rest for me. I went with Dennis to Mankato for a new face mask for his CPAP machine. We dined at Perkins and were home by 1:30. After sitting on neighbor Jan’s back steps to catch up on news of the neighborhood, I headed for the sewing studio . . . but not for stitching. With the possibility of this laptop totally dying on me, I needed to clean up files that I have for the embroidery library. It is far too easy to download files on flash drives for stitching, plug the flash drives into the the sewing machine to read and stitch and then not put them into tidy folders so they can be easily found the next time I need them. Today was a day of rest from stitching, but also a needed day to keep my stitching designs ready for a time when needed.  As this laptop is elderly, I plugged in the Click Free external backup . . . just in case. 

    I have learned one thing about downloading designs. Not all sites for embroidery designs are as good as others. If you have a “Grade A” design it can be manipulated into the size you want your finished product to be right on the laptop. Individual designs may be saved in various sizes for future use. Live and learn. The “take it or leave it” sized designs can only be manipulated if you buy into a software program for the alterations. I am very content using the site that gives me satisfaction without more bells and whistles.

    I can report that there is no snow in our yard today, February 17, 2017.

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