Updates from March, 2017 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Noreen 3:02 am on March 30, 2017 Permalink  

    Today was a sad day but it had to be done. My exercise bicycle is out to the curb. I have thought about this often in the past. I have used it, enjoyed it and valued it for decades as a way for me to get that bit of extra exercise when the weather kept me indoors for lengths of time. What I had noticed was the instability of the bike when I would get on it and when I would get off of it. The fact that the handle bars would go backward and forward as I would peddle was, in itself, a good workout. It was the height that was needed of the seat for me to get onto the bike. Hmm. Maybe I have gotten shorter over the decades. As I would have my hands on the handles to lift myself onto the seat there was a bit of a wobble in the bike itself. The base of the bike in the front was very narrow compared to the width of the handlebars. It could also be that with shoulder surgeries I was not able to use an equal amount of pressure on each handle when getting on the seat.

    Whatever! I knew that I could not take a chance of overcompensating and have the bike tip . . . with me on it. Can you just imagine the phone call to 911: “I have fallen off my exercise bike. The bike is on top of me and I am wedged in between the center post of the basement and the hot water heater.” In talking it over with my chiropractor, Kurt, he advised to stay with both feet on the ground and walk and walk and walk. Bless his heart. He was gracious enough to leave the “. . . at your age and with your replacement knees and shoulders . . . “

  • Noreen 3:18 am on March 29, 2017 Permalink  

    What a great day to be outside. The sun makes all the difference in the world. Unexpected coffee guest this afternoon and a pop in from the neighbor took the afternoon. There will always be another afternoon for me to look inward doing what may have been the agenda for myself. Perhaps today was what was meant for me all along.

  • Noreen 3:38 am on March 28, 2017 Permalink  

    Today called for a road date to Mankato. Dennis had a few items he wanted to look into. As we headed east into Mankato we went past the ethanol plant at Lake Crystal. From the time that Megan could talk it was labeled the “Cloud Factory” as the plumes of steam rose from the processing chimneys. So of course that is what Nicholas was taught. It was a cloud factory for sure.

    From the first visit for over night, Megan was right at home with us. Never ever cried that she was done with us and that she wanted to go home. After Megan and Nicholas had both spent time with us, it was time for Nicholas to fly solo here on Stauffer Avenue. He was a trooper.  Ate what Grandpa Dennis ate and played hard outside. Afternoon naps were a bit of a hard sell. Grandpa encouraged him, telling him that there would be more fun ahead if he took a short nap for more energy. His response . . . “Guess I just miss out.” Ya right. I would get him to lay on the bed in our west porch that is totally windows. I would lay down with him and we would do “Once upon a time —-.” I would make up stories and he would gaze out the window next to the bed and watch the evergreen boughs sway in the breeze. It worked every time.

    Here we are thirteen years later and Dennis and I still call it the “Cloud Factory.” Here Dennis and I are taking naps during some afternoons as we don’t want to miss out on anything. Amazing what can come to mind cruising down the highway. Sweet.

  • Noreen 2:07 am on March 24, 2017 Permalink  

    Today as I was out for my daily walk, I headed east on Stauffer Avenue to continue on the by-pass to the industrial park. As I got to the bridge that crosses over the creek, I took time to take in the Canadian geese that were giving me the evil honks trying to get me to leave the area that I am sure they have a nest in. As I stood there and watched the water I remembered the spring when Kevin and his dad, Orlin, took a floating device down to the creek just north of our home in South Branch. Kevin on board with his dad having a tether rope attached to the floating device. Orlin walked along the bank of the creek and Kevin taking in the adventure. I do not recall how long the voyage took in either time or length. Particulars are vague. This morning at that moment in time as I was standing on the bridge here in St. James, it was a good memory. It was just one of the memories of Kevin and his dad pushing the envelope of “Why not try it.” Gosh, I love my memories.

  • Noreen 3:21 am on March 22, 2017 Permalink  

    The trip to the chiropractor was a very wise one. He found spots in my back that felt like a hot poker had been applied. As he kept the pressure on, it subsided and eventually he would retrace his steps and the level of discomfort became less. I have gone to Curt for decades and I so trust him. He realized my knees and shoulders situation and is very careful. I will return for however many sessions he feels is necessary. I do have to be tuned up for pushing our lawnmower in the near future. Dennis does the bulk of the acre with the riding mower but you just can’t beat a small push mower for getting close to things that should not be mowed down by the three blades that he mans.

    Enough about pains and grass mowing . . . I am taking my time doing some embroidery patterns on my sewing machine. I am looking into some straight stitch patterns that I may do on my Sears machine while the embroidery unit hums away. Heck, if I could talk Dennis in to sitting still long enough I could even get him to work on my Mom’s sewing machine. NOT!

    Dennis has his hands full as his last two lifetime buds are both in the hospital. Supporting visits are appreciated. I appreciate how hard Dennis works at taking care of himself – you know – upright and all.

  • Noreen 2:14 am on March 21, 2017 Permalink  

    This morning I knew I was not going to put off making a phone call for help. My friend Curt the chiropractor was needed. Since last Thursday there was some junk in my trunk that was familiar to times past. Same old, same old. Not a pain, not an ache, just a feeling of numbness across the lower back. The last appointment I had had for this very same malady was May of 2016. Nothing that I can think of that brings it on but I know I can’t stretch it out, walk it out or sleep it off. Hmm. A winter of shoveling snow, sewing quilts, cleaning house, washing windows and all is fine . . . until out of the blue it creeps in. I am sure it will take one or perhaps two of his magic touch treatments and I will be back to fine form.

  • Noreen 4:28 am on March 20, 2017 Permalink  

    It may not be spring until later this week, it sure could have fooled me today. After making sure I would have some “good eats” for Dennis when he got home from the trade show . . . I am sure it will be after his usual supper time, I took advantage of the sun and open window in our west porch. It may seem unlikely but the chair made of varnished two by fours with a pillow for a backrest is the perfect place to read. Where all the song birds came from in such short order, I only know how enjoyable it was to just relax the afternoon away. When I am home alone with no noise from a television going, I feel like the most content person in the world. Even the traffic noise from our street doesn’t seem to penetrate that peace. I like it, I enjoy it and I will enjoy it when I know Dennis is home safe and sound . . . and the sounds that come with him will be welcomed.

  • Noreen 4:15 am on March 18, 2017 Permalink  

    Dennis is off to a three day weekend taking in a trade show. Different location, different buds to visit with makes for a well rounded outlook. Dust bunnies didn’t stand a chance with me today. I started in the northwest corner of the house and kept moving until I got to the southeast corner. Beds were stripped, windows on three sides of the house were cracked. My weekend will start with fresh air in the house being ready for new dirt and new lint. My treat for the weekend was getting a few grocery items that I am partial to . . . Nature Sweet Cherub tomatoes were on the top of the list.

    The best news to celebrate was that I received emails this morning that both the federal and state income tax forms have been accepted. Dennis just scratched his head wondering what the world has come to with what can be accomplished with a computer. Admittedly my world would seem diminished without a computer and all that I can access with just a few finger strokes. I could very well do without the telephone and tele-marketers. There is no such thing as a “do not call” option. They are sneakers.

    Now that the government has been satisfied with our tax returns, the house has been tidied, and I have a container of peanut butter cookies to pull out of the freezer for Dennis when he returns home, I give myself permission to enter the sewing studio tomorrow. I do put restrictions on myself. It really is all about balance in my life.

  • Noreen 2:56 am on March 17, 2017 Permalink  

    Well that is done! I don’t know why I put off doing our income taxes. I already know when we receive the info the end of January the dice have been cast. We use the “Tax Act” and it is the friendliest canned software that is out there. We have no deductions to list, no charity has gotten rich from us and dang it there are no kids that are waiting to be dependents of ours. Plug in the numbers and it is much like watching a roulette wheel as it spits out what the federal people want and what the state people want. In actuality . . . we are fortunate to have something to pay taxes on.

  • Noreen 5:20 am on March 16, 2017 Permalink  

    Sunny skies have turned cloudy. This morning while at the kitchen sink, a flock . . . I think that would be the right term . . . of over a dozen red breasted Robins making short work of whatever berries were left on the ornamental tree. Talk about plumb proud birds. They were so busy pecking off the treats. Some of the branches are very close to the window and I do believe I made eye contact with one. It was a great way to begin the day. They must have had an appointment as they didn’t stick around Stauffer Avenue.

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