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  • Noreen 4:06 am on May 18, 2017 Permalink  

    A Trip to the Big Town 

    We headed out to Mankato today for various errands.  How can the older folks on Stauffer have “various errands?”

    The hardware store in town is not handling the brand of our shop vac any longer and so went any chance of purchasing filters for it.  Whatever happened to allowing a bit of a stash on hand for returning customers?  There is only so many times that Dennis can use my wallpaper brush to clean it or bang it on the city utility box.  Lowe’s was one of our stops.  Our patio porch gets daily use, and with a few four footed felines running in and out, a good running vac with a lot of suction is most important. 

    I had a tough day making a purchase.  It was not the dollar amount but the choice of product.  My 2006 Canon Sure Shot camera is kaput.  Dennis asked me yesterday how I got a photo on my post of him washing off the house yesterday.  “Honey, it’s all about keeping a file of photos of previous times.  It’s about a current happening message using a backup for a photo reference.”   I did purchase a Nikon.  It is the same physical size which is nice to pop into a pocket.  The old one had 8.0 pixels and this Nikon has 20.1 pixels.  Basically it has the same operational menu which is very important for me.  I need to stay minimal.  In the scheme of things I believe $89.00 does fit into that minimal slot.  The memory card was transferred over and all seemed well as I explored the new toy.  Bummer.  I do not have a USB cord that has a small enough connection for downloading the photos.  Dang, back to that same hardware store tomorrow that I had kind of left a hint of disappointment about the vac filter.  Oh well, crow doesn’t taste like the worst thing I have ever eaten.

    We had a tenuous trip home from Mankato in regard to the rain.  We put the pickup right into the garage when we hit Stauffer Avenue as hail could have been a possibility.  The weather is unpredictable for the remaining night.  It has been a constant rumble of thunder for the last hour and hard rain coming in spurts. I will be very thankful for no winds or warning of something worse.  My prayer is for everyone to be safe.

  • Noreen 5:17 am on May 16, 2017 Permalink  

    A little piddle of rain. Not what was anticipated . . . but . . . just enough to wet the Preen that I have applied to most of the flowerbeds. It was getting to the point that I was planning on stringing the garden hoses out. Put on turned over black dirt and then moistened, Preen does a great job of helping with volunteer weeds. One spot is about to get a second dose of Round Up. An invasive plant is spreading year after year. It does put out a white flower that lasts perhaps one day but the foliage is dense. When dug up there will be a cluster that looks like tiny onions. I dug out the perennials among it that were worth saving and they will be relocated. You can bet I will be cleaning those roots thoroughly to make sure a little bulb doesn’t tag along. Dirty fingernails is just what this gal needs right now. Getting lost in the gardens is better than any sedative.

  • Noreen 7:22 am on May 15, 2017 Permalink  

    Most of the time Mediacom does great. This weekend it has been maddening. Granted when the weather is nice, being outside is more enjoyable than checking out what the Internet can offer.

    Since I had not been able to be on the world wide web prior to the weekend, I have had a successful colonoscopy, awaiting the lab results. How much trouble could two small polyps create. I did miss out on several graduation parties here in town and will make contact with those families this week.

    I have had a great Mother’s Day. The sun was bright, the breeze was smooth and the back patio was a great place to begin a new novel. Cards and phone calls all added to the weekend. The plus was that our beautician was able to make a house call. I knew Dennis and I were getting shaggy but the pile of hair that needed to call on the Swiffer was amazing.

    Hopefully the Internet connection will be continuous. Dennis and I are normal people: we want what we want when we want it.

  • Noreen 7:17 am on May 12, 2017 Permalink  

    Another great spring day and all is well. The acre has been manicured, Subway gave it up for a great supper for Dennis. Life is good.

  • Noreen 4:44 am on May 10, 2017 Permalink  

    One good day after another here on Stauffer Avenue. At this time of the year, I can’t stay in the house. Plants are working hard to make their appearance so it behooves me to prep the flowerbeds so they can show themselves at their best. This gardener does not need to be out and about buying plants, I am excited to take care of the plants as they come up with the option of dividing them or moving them to a better location.

    I did have to take a break from the dirt as it seems prior to a colonoscopy a physical needs to be had by the primary doctor. In thinking about this as I will be under sedation via an IV during the surgical procedure, I do have plans for my life and it is comforting to know that I am in tip top shape. Surgeries don’t always involve an outward scar, but taking out polyps if they are present is invasive and may need additional caution for excessive bleeding. I have to admit. I am a polyp producer. Five years ago there were eight of them removed. If by chance there are none found, I would not have to return for ten years rather than the five year schedule I have been on. I can wish. Either way, a less than good several days of the prep and the actual is still better than the colon cancer.

  • Noreen 5:58 am on May 8, 2017 Permalink  

    It is six on this Sunday evening and Dennis and I are shot; wore out, pooped. It would have been easier on us if we had stayed home and puttered around in our yard. A birthday party started the day at 11 a.m. in Sibley Park in Mankato for four-year-old great grandson Oliver. No one could have asked for a more beautiful morning. Oliver and his mom and dad enjoyed having the family come to enjoy the event, enjoy a picnic and watch all the comings and goings of Oliver and a lot of other toddlers. Next year at this time, Oliver will be a big brother. Great news. We are always ready for a new baby in the family.

    We returned to St. James in time to head over to Dennis’ daughter’s home to have a chance to visit with granddaughter Cheyanne who is home from Seattle for a week to catch up with the “down home” folks. Cheyanne made the trip via car as she has a dog and a cat that needs to remain close to their owner and not be put in a shelter. It was great to see how well she is enjoying her new life.

    So anyhow . . . Dennis and I are “socialed” out. We admit it. We are spoiled. We have the blessings of families and being a part of all the excitements that come into their lives and them wanting us to participate. At the end of days such as these we know there is no place we want to be other than in our home adding to the memories that we will hold for a long time.

  • Noreen 4:39 am on May 7, 2017 Permalink  

    It is official. Summer is upon Stauffer Avenue. The patio umbrella is up and the Mantis tiller worked full steam ahead . . . that is with me at the throttle. Dennis did paint touch up on the front steps. We are all about tidy, tidy, tidy. As we sat under the umbrella catching a breeze we decided that the Hometown Café was our choice for supper. We now have weary bodies and full stomachs, and now it’s all about getting showered up and calling it a day. It was a great day on Stauffer.

  • Noreen 4:29 am on May 6, 2017 Permalink  

    There are some days that make me feel so good . . . no words are needed.

  • Noreen 6:26 am on May 5, 2017 Permalink  

    When Megan began talking as a toddler, she had a lot to say. When the mom and dad wanted to get her attention this could be heard from the curly haired little one: “Just one more thing.”

    That is how today went outside. Some shrubs needed trimming, the lawn needed a manicure and so the morning and afternoon went. The acre looks wonderful. The patio porch is tidied and the cats have fresh baskets. It’s all a good thing. There is no longer “Just one more thing” for the older ones on Stauffer Avenue.

  • Noreen 4:38 am on May 4, 2017 Permalink  

    Today was a good day to wash up some winter clothes. Oh yes, I believe that we will have warmer weather . . . one of these days. It was the laziest day that I have had in some time. Butter Ball and I did walk the gardens looking to see what is still trying to pop up out of the cold dirt. Now at 5 p.m. the sun has finally shown itself. I’ll take whatever I can get.

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