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  • Noreen 6:06 am on July 10, 2017 Permalink  

    My goal today was to get my two mile walk in and then I would see how the rest of the day would fill in. Dennis is fighting a head cold and is hiding out in his recliner. I headed for my sewing studio. No hard and fast plans. I moved a ruler, straightened up some spools of thread and did a bit of dusting. Seven hours later, I now have an embroidered 12 part project started, a scrappy blue quilt thought through enough to have some of the fabric cut and pairs of blocks that Aunt Lorraine helped me cut, put together and marked to make triangles. Yup . . . Grandma Laura Wendlandt, I have something to show for my day. Into Grandma’s 90s that was her ultimate goal each day.

  • Noreen 4:58 am on July 9, 2017 Permalink  


    Sewing chair

    My first new sewing chair since 1970! It brought to mind a diddy from “Words With Weight”: I forever remain humble as I know I could have less. I am grateful because I have had less.” The height that this chair can be raised to will be make my shoulders very happy campers.  Life is oh so sweet on Stauffer Avenue.

  • Noreen 6:42 am on July 7, 2017 Permalink  

    This morning I did not check the weather on my laptop. I took a huge glass of water before enjoying my hyped up cup of coffee and began contemplating the two-mile walk. I headed out with my cellphone in one of my pockets and filled the other pocket with my wonderful mini tomatoes for my go-to snack while walking. I so enjoy my tomatoes. When I got home, I did check, and sure enough, it was to be one of the nastiest days yet. That’s okay. I got that “One” done. I can report the tomatoes also wash up well. As I emptied the washer this morning, lo and behold there was one lonely tomato washed still in tact. I need to check my pockets better. I am sure the birds enjoyed that freshly washed snack.

  • Noreen 3:18 am on July 4, 2017 Permalink  

    No Machine Needed 

    Scrappy Supply

    The hottest quilter’s tool out is the Accu-Cut. It works similar to the paper cutting Cricut, cutting out multiples. The Accu-cut will cut fabric when multiple pieces of one size are needed. All I had was Aunt Lorraine in my sewing studio for an afternoon and the rotary cutters caught hell. No expensive machine needed here.  I showed Lorraine the choice of scrapes I wanted to use up. In a flash she had a pattern thought of and we were off cutting and cutting and cutting. I had to put the coffee cup adjacent to the cut piles for a reference of . . . mass. I have not worked with the embroidery option of my sewing machine for quite a while, so this project will be taking a back seat. Rest assured you will be kept apprised.

  • Noreen 5:33 am on July 1, 2017 Permalink  

    This was a day of puttering around the house. An oddball item here and an oddball item there . . . irked me to the point of getting tidy. Yes, Dennis hid.

  • Noreen 2:30 am on June 27, 2017 Permalink  

    Monday, Monday. There is an inherent surge that kicks in from decades old habits on a Monday. For one thing, it’s laundry day. Mom would have either Elvera or me out before we had a chance to do anything else and that was to wipe off the clotheslines with a clean damp cloth. If it meant that we had to get to it before the school bus for Elvera or for me before I walked to the rural school, it was not to be left undone. Just how much dust can land on clotheslines from one week to the next was immaterial. Mom’s laundry techniques were second to none. The wringer washing machine had two tubs side by side for rinsing after the washing machine had agitated to its heart content. I will say that Mom had the whitest of whites and the cleanest of clothes right down to the rag rugs that were the last load to be washed.

    For me this morning I had one cup of coffee complete with a teaspoon of sugar and a bit of cream in me when I hit our bathroom where the stackable washer and dryer are. I started the wash water for the washing machine with my liquid soap in the bottom of the tub and filled the softener portion in the center hub of the machine. As water filled I was adding my sorted clothes. Once the lid was shut, I headed for my two mile walk.

    Coming back from my walk about 40 minutes later, I had time to fill my coffee cup with straight black coffee and enjoy a few sips before the laundry was finished spinning and then swapping it from the washing machine to the dryer.

    Yes Lena, the Monday surge is still here for getting the laundry going but . . . my oh my, I feel so spoiled. Lena’s laundry Monday was a full day that wrapped up with some ironing being done as the breeze had taken out many of the wrinkles as the clothes blew on the clothesline. The hot iron finished it before the clothes was taken into each respective closet. Oh yes, even Dad’s work shirts got a touch with the iron as well as pillow cases. If I am vigilant with hangers at the clothes dryer as the cycle is complete, no ironing is needed. My oh my, I feel so spoiled.

  • Noreen 7:13 am on June 25, 2017 Permalink  

    A very good day at Eden Prairie. It was Megan’s first ice skating competition. I will have more tomorrow, as Dennis and I need to unwind from a wonderful day, though a long one. This was my fifth day on the highways this week. My accelerator foot is in need of unwinding as well.

  • Noreen 3:32 am on June 24, 2017 Permalink  

    It was a great morning for a walk. I so enjoy the temps when they are in the 60s. I can’t say that I had a lot of ambition after I got home, changed from my walking shoes and took a cup of coffee to the patio. As I had mentioned yesterday, it was a whirlwind with Lorraine being here. Chit chat began in the mornings until the sun went down. We visited family members along the highway going north and caught my brother for a visit as we headed southerly coming back to St. James. It all told me how spoiled I am with my days that involve Dennis and me. Dennis and I may work together on the acre, share some conversation in passing . . . or not. We have our favorite programs on television and have the luxury of having more than one television in our home. To sum that portion of the week up, I am glad we were able to have the time with Lorraine. Lorraine is 86 and fragile and perhaps the trip next year from Arizona may not happen.

    Today Dennis and I spent time on a road trip to travel north and give our support to Kersten as she hosted a Customer Appreciation Day in Fairfax at her Casey’s store. What a bang up job she did. Kevin made sure to haul in several picnic tables for customers to sit and enjoy the root beer floats the dairy princesses were providing. It was a “come one, come all” event. Wonderful small town spirit.

    Dennis and I will be heading to the metro tomorrow to take in an event for Megan. She has been taking ice skating lessons and tomorrow will be fun to see her and her comrades out on the ice. Our summer schedule has worked out thus far so we won’t miss out. That was one thing Mom always told me, “I don’t want to miss anything if I don’t have to.”

  • Noreen 6:00 am on June 23, 2017 Permalink  

    It is Thursday and aunt Lorraine has been deposited at her son’s near Hinkley. It was quite the whirlwind week. I may need a bit of quiet time, like in “no talking Dennis, please.”

  • Noreen 8:32 am on June 22, 2017 Permalink  

    Twelve hours on the road today taking my aunt Lorraine visiting friends and relatives. Lots of coffee and more talking and listening than I have done since the first of the year. On to tomorrow after I fuel up the car.

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