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  • Noreen 5:57 pm on July 24, 2017 Permalink  

    I am the go to person when it comes to using what is at hand and then using it until it is gone. Leftovers of food are appreciated as a quick meal that can be put together. I come from a long line of frugal people and am quite pleased about that.

    Dennis and I were in Mankato today. As we were heading for home we were on the street that happens to run along the back side of Walmart. I could not believe my eyes. I always wondered about all the products within large stores, small stores, hometown stores and box stores. Today I saw with my own eyes. There were large dumpster boxes lined up. Dumpster boxes can be seen anywhere and everywhere. What I had not ever been privy to was a train of grocery carts loaded with products lined up waiting to be emptied into dumpster boxes. There were several individuals standing as if supervising employees while the products from the grocery carts were being heaved and hoisted. It took me awhile to realize I was seeing gallon containers of milk being hoisted. Grocery carts in the train waiting to be unloaded held various sizes and colors of products. O.K. this must be reality for stores that have perishables. It really tugged at my heart strings that there was not a way for these products to be made available before “dumpster time.”

    There are no doubt rules, laws, guidelines that must be followed, but nonetheless, it made me very sad for all the waste. Employees may not be able to use those products under the stores policies. With all the red tape that has come about from lawsuits, donating is not allowed. I will continue being frugal within our own home and feel very proud when Waste Management picks up our trash bin and it holds the empty bottles, boxes and containers. I sure could have gone a long time before having to see with my own eyes the waste of our times.

  • Noreen 4:27 pm on July 22, 2017 Permalink  

    Well . . . you knew it would happen sooner or later. After three weeks it has been determined, by Dennis, that the acre needs to be mowed. After going through the northeast part of the acre this morning picking up branches from the Wednesday storm, I will agree with him. If nothing else it will level things off in the places that look a bit shaggy. What was interesting was how much deer scat there is on the east border of the acre where it is somewhat sheltered. Good for the deer to have found a safe place to rest as they move south towards the creek.

    With the storm of Wednesday, I would dare say if there were loose branches on high, and if those winds didn’t bring them down, they are all intact for some time to come. Tomorrow at this time all will be tidied up for the week to come.

  • Noreen 4:12 pm on July 21, 2017 Permalink  

    What in the world! We were not forecast to get more rain, but this morning, sure enough, this gal can’t do her morning walk as it is thundering, lightning and . . . raining. We have had about 3.75 inches within the last four days. Dennis and I did get one trailer full of wood taken off to the tree dump this afternoon. One more to go for tomorrow. How fortunate we are that we need to take the tree limbs only several miles to be rid of it. Dew points, humidity, stifling air, moisture running down window panes . . . I am not even going to go there.

  • Noreen 4:09 pm on July 20, 2017 Permalink  

    We are two content older folks after getting our yard whipped into shape after the storm of yesterday afternoon. As some of the spears of branches were driven into the dirt as the huge branch came down from on high, we were fortunate that none of those branches came down into the Koi pond with such force. Had that happened we would be out scoping out new homes for the eight Koi wondering where their pond had gone. A good workout was had. It could have been so much worse if the branch had hit the patio porch or the potting shed. Amen and thanks be to God.

  • Noreen 2:39 pm on July 19, 2017 Permalink  

    Several lightening strikes and then followed by the crack of the thunder shook us to the core this afternoon. We ran errands around town at noon and the air was stifling. Something was bound to give. The rain, when it came, came sideways for a time. There will be no need to add water to the Koi pond as it is running over onto the patio. Dennis has reported that son-in-law Tom will be needed with his chainsaw later on as the Maple lost a pretty good sized branch. We can be thankful that the clean up of smaller branches is very doable. Minnesota summers can give huge, large, noisy thunderstorms.

  • Noreen 3:51 pm on July 18, 2017 Permalink  

    Not much going on today. A bit of needed rain and a whole lot of humidity with high temps. I did miss getting my walk in this morning. About the time I was going to head out, the thunder and lightening made me settle into the rocking chair in the patio porch and watch the news program with Dennis. After the rain I knew that with my propensity of building to a swift pace allowing my clothes to feel like I had walked into a shower the smothering air would not be healthy.

    The biggest achievement was Dennis getting the tailgate fixed on his little red pickup. As luck would have it the body shop fellow had a certain part that was needed and $50 later Dennis was home and happy that the pickup was up for full use.

  • Noreen 6:02 pm on July 16, 2017 Permalink  

    I spent several hours in the gardens this morning. A bit of weeding and a lot of watering with a refreshing spritz of water to wash the dust off of the leaves of the flowers. Going over the areas several times allowed the water to soak in rather than run off. Amazingly . . . one bug bit and I am quite sure it was a black nasty fly. As the heat climbed I headed for the sewing studio. By supper time the humidity had gone down enough that Dennis and I spent some patio time. Priceless.

  • Noreen 4:12 pm on July 15, 2017 Permalink  

    As promised . . . it is hot outside this afternoon with the laptop showing it to be 93 degrees. This morning, up until 11:30, there was a breeze and it was comfortable being outside on the patio.

    Dennis washed off the house yesterday afternoon and the streams of muddy water were amazing. Stauffer Avenue runs east and west along our home and it is gravel with a top layer of ground asphalt. Need I say more? Dennis and I had made a date for after supper last night. With the sun going down we manned ourselves with soapy buckets of water, brushes and enough garden hose to reach back to the potting shed that faces Stauffer Avenue. When we had a lot of rain there were puddles on the avenue and vehicles can splash mud and such very nicely onto the north sides of the potting shed and the garage. It was bad, it was very badly splattered. It doesn’t help matters that the garage is a mere six feet from the edge of the avenue. Stauffer Avenue is listed on city maps as an alley. Over time the well-traveled alley has widened out considerably, thus the mere six feet between the vehicles and our buildings. In short order our potting shed and garage were again bright white. No . . . it will not last, but taking care of our property keeps us on our toes. A cooling off period followed by showers and we called it a great evening.

    This evening we are going to enjoy a fish fry. Neighbor Chuck brought over a meal of Sun Fish. They love fishing and apparently he doesn’t mind filleting them. The fish plus creamed onions and cucumbers will make a wonderful meal.

  • Noreen 3:34 am on July 14, 2017 Permalink  

    For so many reasons this was just a great day. The cup of coffee I had planted on the patio table was a welcomed treat when I came back from my walk. A great breeze with low humidity lulled me into staying on the patio for some time. With lots of construction going on in town, it’s like watching a day long parade of every type of gas guzzling, multi-wheeled piece of paraphernalia imaginable.

    Dennis and I spent a fair amount of time in the kitchen this afternoon getting several dishes prepared ready to pop in the oven for evening meals or cold salads to make a sandwich out of for noon meals. Right about now I can smell the baked frozen dinner rolls that he must have just taken out of the oven. It’s time for me to shut down the sewing studio for the day and see what else is happening on the main floor of the house. As I said, I have had a very satisfying day and I know as nice as it is outside, there is more patio time coming after supper.

  • Noreen 3:05 am on July 13, 2017 Permalink  

    What a bummer when the weather man is correct . . . this is the steamiest day yet. When I checked the details for St. James on my notebook this morning, I knew I would not be hitting the asphalt county road today for my walk. Yesterday morning it had taken me quite a while before I dried out and today would have been worse. With the dew point at 82 and temperature at 76 degrees by 8 a.m., this senior citizen was staying put.

    I did a bit of housework, then traded out some time on the sewing machine and then hit Dennis’ Cardio Mini Cycle. After three rotations of activity, I feel I did give it my best considering the day. I recalled what Kevin had shared about the Mini Cycle when he encountered one at Frank and Elise’s house . . . decades ago in the early 70s.

    We had been ask to their home in Buffalo Lake for supper. Afterwards us four adults stayed in the kitchen visiting and Carrie and Kevin moved on into the living room to watch television. Low and behold Frank had a mini cycle near his chair in the living room. Kevin tells that for the majority of the evening he laid on the carpeted floor peddling the mini cycle while watching the tube. You got it! Kevin recounted that the next day he could hardly walk. I did bare that in mind as I clocked in some time on Dennis’ mini cycle. It’s not the real deal for me. I would be hard pressed to trade the actual walking for the mini cycle, but in a pinch . . . .

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