Updates from August, 2017 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Noreen 5:39 pm on August 13, 2017 Permalink  

    We have been totally missed by the rain that was promised. The cracks in the gardens are thirsty. Out of the blue my cousin, Arlan and his wife Vonnie, stopped in on their way home to the Dassel area from Sioux Falls. What a treat. It may have been their first visit . . . ever, but our Lincoln has found its way to their home in times past and I assured him we would return the visit.

    The skies are gray making the day seem later than it is. Perhaps a rain drop or two will find its way to Stauffer Avenue.

  • Noreen 6:31 pm on August 9, 2017 Permalink  

    It rained today. Hurray! It was a day “off” for both Dennis and me. Dennis visited with a friend down the way that shares stories of St. James from decades ago. I ran away from home and visited with two very dear friends. Catching up in person far surpasses the social media contacts. Not that getting in on photos of their current events hurts via Facebook isn’t wonderful. No matter who we are, where we live, what we have been through it touches the heart to relate one on one. I treasure these two gals and I champion the events that they plan on until we have moments like today again.

    Coming home to Dennis . . . what can I say, is always a treat. Over scrambled eggs with asparagus we caught up with each other on our day.

  • Noreen 5:07 pm on August 8, 2017 Permalink  

    Well dang! The older ones on Stauffer did hit the “local effort” today.  The estimator for the new basement windows was here this morning and we got the lowdown. The windows were ordered on the spot. The company is “Complete Basements” from Mankato. They are the company that has allowed us to have additional square footage of usable basement utility much the same as if our home was of a split level dwelling.

    A bit of lunch and Dennis was off to get the acre mowed. I went down into the basement and began preparing for the window project. Though there is a four to six week installation date . . . why put off what is needed. I had clear instructions on what would make the installers able to work on the project. We have not had bare south and north walls in our basement . . . forever.  I have retained my cutting tables and my sewing machine area free of extra stuff. What’s a Grammie to do if some indulgence can’t be enjoyed.

    Going towards suppertime Dennis has a manicured acre to be proud of. Grant it, this time of year, some grass is dormant and some is soft and long.  It matters not, Dennis did it up in great stead.  The “local effort” was obtained in total today.  Tomorrow there won’t be any time spent on looking for more of the same. Yippee!

  • Noreen 5:08 pm on August 6, 2017 Permalink  

    Another very good day of lower temperatures. Yesterday Snuggles and I worked in the gardens and noticed how dry everything was. Today was suppose to bring rain . . . not so much. I decided to get out my Mantis electric tiller and loosen the dirt round the square garden with the hope that when we do get rain there will be some loose soil to soak it up and not just run off. Once the hard crust was broken loose the soil was very mellow. Out of the blue Snuggles did show up to check out what was going on. Dennis worked behind me and raked the soil back off the areas where it had managed to get in the grass.

    Patio time for the three of us deemed it to be a good effort. It looks tidy to have a definition where garden meets lawn. Having a home and yard that reflects Dennis and me comes naturally. Perhaps others don’t see what has become of their surrounding. Dennis and I enjoy putting in the sweat equity and we do it for no one else other than us. Speaking of sweat, I sweat more than it rained today. Dennis went on to Fleet and Farm as the tiller had lost a bolt and nut. Snuggles found a spot on my lap while I had a cool drink. Snuggles would have stayed forever, but my legs were falling asleep. Another good day right here on Stauffer Avenue.

  • Noreen 5:11 pm on August 5, 2017 Permalink  

    Some days are busier than others. The dry air made the two-mile walk feel fantastic. I had a cup of coffee and my book on the patio table to enjoy when I returned home. The walk allows me to feel that I have done my body good and now it’s time to get the mind to enjoy a workout.

    The clouds remained all day with very little breeze. Snuggles and I put in some time in the gardens. The ground is rock hard with huge cracks. Rain would be welcomed.

    I had wanted to spruce up some pillows for a time. The “now” came about when Calvin and Lois brought to me a pillow that Mom had made using feathers. Lena always used the best of the breast feathers of the geese and ducks and the dense pillow ticking. Once I had made a pillowcase for it the remainder two bed pillows also received coordinating pillowcases. Lets hear it for using up three more yards of fabric in the stashes!

    I am by no means a gluten for punishment, but I had to try out the embroidery pattern that went wonky on me yesterday. Using the Bernina flash drive the pattern turned out beautifully. The brand of flash drive named SanDisk may work in the sewing machine 99% of the time, but that 1% can sure muck up a project.
    There are reasons when a sewing machine company markets their own flash drives carrying a guarantee.

    It’s on to taking some patio sitting time and enjoying the evening.

  • Noreen 5:10 pm on August 4, 2017 Permalink  

    As difficult as it may be, each and every day needs to be taken as it comes and appreciate all that we have to move forward to meet the next day . . . head on.

  • Noreen 3:56 pm on August 3, 2017 Permalink  

    Oh my gosh My ears actually felt the… 

    Oh my gosh! My ears actually felt the cool morning while on my walk. It was a good thing. Today was about doing a bit of that and a bit of this. I can tell you that technology can be daunting. I had used an image on my embroidery unit of my sewing machine several times in the recent past. This afternoon something within the loaded pattern was offset during the second to the last color of the thread embroidery. Thereafter it was less than good as the stitching was off just as if one were looking at a photo that was out of focus.

    Of course the project had to be trashed. I shut the machine off, disengaged the embroidery unit and started over with new material and stabilizer. It happened again at the very same place the stitching went wonky. I do have my patterns loaded on a secondary flash drive. Tomorrow I will load the image from the Bernina flash drive and see what happens. I am so over trying it again today.

  • Noreen 4:30 pm on July 31, 2017 Permalink  

    This Monday ended up being a very busy, rewarding day. On the last minute Dennis was on call to make a trip to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, for concrete supplies for nephew Brett. We knew we would have company coming from Iowa. My brother, Calvin and my sister-in-law Lois, were making the trip from Decorah. It all worked out well. Calvin’s traveled safely to Stauffer Avenue and Dennis made it home in time to enjoy the later half of their visit. This evening, I will be putting up my feet and going through the huge amount of patterns Lois has shared with me for handwork and quilting. A Monday such as this . . . couldn’t have turned out any better.

  • Noreen 4:08 pm on July 30, 2017 Permalink  

    Anyone noticing some blue haze or smoke coming from the southwest portion of the state, be not afraid. Puzzling through things that need to be taken care of is not easy in the decision making process. One of this or a half dozen of that, what is the best way to go. Well . . . we have decided. We are going to have vinyl basement windows custom ordered. Every two years we struggle to get the interior four wooden basement windows off to release the exterior wooden windows for new primer and exterior paint. Without fail, there is bare wood waiting to be taken care of. It may sound good that there are vinyl windows awaiting purchase at Home Depot or such places, but our home is an older home with basement window sizes that are not a usual and customary size.

    Complete Basements of Mankato has done a lot of work in our home putting in the entire perimeter tiling system in our basement. Because of that project our dry basement almost doubles the square footage of our home for full utility here on Stauffer Avenue. I checked and they will work with us for our four windows at the size that they currently are. We may very well retain the interior windows as we have now. Dennis and I are not prejudging the process. We just know it’s time to face the fact that being at the age we are and hope to continue to attain, we will enjoy that one item not to worry about.

    Well now . . . I can tell you what will happen in conjunction with this window project. Me! It’s time I go through my sewing studio, which dang near takes the entire basement, and sift sort and perhaps pitch a few items. It’s time, it’s due. Each project finished in the sewing studio always leaves a few items not put back where they belong. I will be surfacing often for coffee.

    Not to worry, I have a project for Dennis. He will be preparing the exterior of the octagon window in our bathroom for new primer and exterior paint. That wooden window is maintained on a regular basis. The job jar never seems to be lacking of things to keep us busy.

  • Noreen 7:00 pm on July 27, 2017 Permalink  

    Well shuckie darn. After all the stitching, trimming and ya, even ripping out some seams, it was time for the Merry Maid to put in some time. Without fail threads and small pieces of fabric trimmings find their way . . . everywhere. The thankful thing is that there is no carpeting in the house. It was a good day of tidy, tidy.

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