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  • Noreen 2:29 pm on September 11, 2017 Permalink  

    When you have a hairdresser that makes house calls . . . you just can’t beat that. Our friend Jean has moved back to Minnesota last year from out of state. Jean is my age . . . hmm . . . 70 something, and didn’t want to go through the Minnesota licensing process. Dennis and I feel having her company while getting a good haircut deserves a good tip. Life on Stauffer is oh so good.

  • Noreen 3:52 pm on September 8, 2017 Permalink  

    With all the lollygagging around this last week we did get a few items knocked off the “local effort” list. Dennis has new blades on his rider mower. What a relief to know that with maybe just one or two more mowings this fall, it will be ready to go next spring. When the blades are worn they don’t have the same lift for picking the grass up to be cut effectively.

    I have the octagon window done in regard to a bit of scrapping, sanding, priming and painting. I would like to think that this is for several seasons, but it is south facing and time will tell.

    Later this afternoon I sat on the patio thinking I would get a bit of reading in. Reading, if Snuggles didn’t think he had dibs on the lap with a need to rub on the edge of the book. Oh well, sitting and watching clouds go by doesn’t hurt me either. Having Snuggles snuggle in is about the only way I will sit still that long. It’s a good thing.

  • Noreen 2:55 pm on September 7, 2017 Permalink  

    I think I might be ready for some quiet time here on Stauffer Avenue. Dennis’ son has been here for a week’s visit from Arizona. When Dennis and I have been home from our travels, our appointments and getting the yard work done, it has been chit chatting none stop. He left this late afternoon from the Sioux Falls airport. Love to see him come to Minnesota and catch up with his dad and his siblings, but it doesn’t feel all bad knowing he will be home safe and sound soon and ready to get back to his schedules and his work.

  • Noreen 2:37 pm on September 3, 2017 Permalink  

    I stopped in at the Shopko Pharmacy yesterday as we were heading out to a picnic. As I was standing in line, I saw that the flu vaccines were available. One of the qualified gals were available, so I sat down and got that one done. I did not get a flu shot last year, only because I continued to put it off and then there was no vaccine available later on. Other than realizing the arm was a bit sore as the day wore on, there were and are no side effects as some have purported after such a shot.

    Today was a quiet day for us. I spent hours sitting on the patio reading. Dennis checked his eyelids for cracks several times. Snuggles had no problem finding a place to lay on my lap as I turned pages in the book.

    Being this lazy is very much out of character for me. Maybe after being retired for seven and a half years, it is finally sinking in that I can have a day with no local effort. I can’t believe I have said that. I’ll make up for it tomorrow as I did check out the length of the grass on the acre.

  • Noreen 6:28 pm on September 2, 2017 Permalink  

    We had a late afternoon picnic out at a friends rural home. The weather was great. It was still the best of times as we got home and sat out on the patio a bit. There is no place like home.

  • Noreen 6:35 pm on September 1, 2017 Permalink  

    Worn down and worn out. Errands can do that to us. We have a great pharmacy in our Shopko store here in town. Dennis didn’t score as well as expected.  Only a thirty day supply on his meds until he visits our great family doctor. It requires a visit once every twelve months. That is now on his schedule the end of September. On to Mankato for Dennis’ yearly appointment at the clinic there for his yearly prescription to be re-newed for his C-PAP (sleep apnea) supplies. Play by the rules or the window doesn’t open for what is needed on all accounts.

    We had 400 miles remaining on the 3,000 miles of an oil change and grease job on Dennis’ little red pickup. We have had great luck and service at Jiffy Lube. We took a comfortable chair and let their team do their work. By the way, it also needed a fuel filter. Dennis is ready to run away from home in a moments notice after today.

    Lowe’s and JoAnn Fabrics were my choices for the next stops. I had done a “needs analysis” before we left home and I had a coupon in hand for JoAnn.

    It is a horrible thing to shop for groceries when you are hungry. It has been proven via surveys that the amount to be paid at the checkout is considerably higher when you schmooze the aisles while your stomach is growling. We decided to take a break at Culver’s. Dennis likes their fish and I know I can have a double patty cheddar burger without the bun served on lettuce. What’s not to like at Culver’s.

    Finishing up at Sam’s Club went very smoothly. Nothing that was not on list found its way into the little red pickup. This trip will satisfy us for shopping for some time. As I said . . . worn down, worn out.

  • Noreen 4:59 pm on August 31, 2017 Permalink  

    I can report there was no storm on Stauffer Avenue yesterday in the late afternoon and evening. As time went on, I took all that was precious to me off of the walls in the living room in preparing for some fall cleaning.

    As I took my walk this morning I laid out the plans for the day. I knew the load of laundry would be ready for the clothes dryer by the time I got home. What has been usual is that Dennis’ day doesn’t start until well after ten or eleven in the mornings. I make sure the house stays fairly quiet until then. What would I do if I didn’t have my sewing studio in the basement to either prepare a project or stitch a bit on an on-going project. It hasn’t been as comfortable in the studio since I have made room for the window replacement project. I could have waited until the last hour, but I do know that schedules can change and if our timeline was bumped up, I could have been caught in crunch time. I do not do well in crunch time. Better to be prepared. In between time I am working on preparing the octagon window for new primer and paint.

    With everything pretty much moved to the center of the area it is giving me pause to give serious thought of making the space a bit handier when I can relocate items.  Always food for thought. I can attest to the fact that there is never a dull or boring day on Stauffer.

  • Noreen 6:45 pm on August 29, 2017 Permalink  

    Times call for change . . . and I will admit I don’t like it. I am referring specifically about our bank. It had been a locally owned bank for as long as Dennis could remember, and Dennis is a homegrown fellow. A new building was built about the time I came to St. James in the late 1970s. It was comfortable to bank at St. James Federal bank with individuals that were called friends and neighbors. Those holding the purse strings had and knew the history of their clients.

    Two years ago it became Wells Federal Bank. There was a shift in the top tier personnel. The worker bees were still our friends and neighbors. What a pain shifting routing numbers for accounts that Dennis and I do online.

    This summer we received word . . . another change. We are now Citizens Consumer Federal. Headquarters in the state of Georgia is a lot different than downtown St. James. We had until August 25th to get the new routing number out to our accounts. Ugh! I do realize that small towns are being sucked out by larger companies of various types. Not many local families or companies can compete. There are still friendly faces, but for some reason it feels totally different.

    Our locally owned lumber company is closing. Who could step in and take it over. Caching, Caching! It takes money and a lot of it. We have lost one of our two grocery stores. Other than I am at a loss for words as to what to call it, our junkyard and recycling family is selling out. It was much like “Sanford and Son.” They did get a buyer to sell out so that will continue. It is a company from Iowa. I have always heard there is a lot of money in junk cars and selling parts.

    Change is coming and Dennis and I are going to continue keeping up. Trying to keep up is not an option. We need to step up to maintain our lives. Dang it. I will always have one leg dragging behind and maintaining some of those “good old days.”

  • Noreen 4:00 pm on August 28, 2017 Permalink  

    A good day for yard work was had here on Stauffer Avenue.  Dennis on the rider in the east portion of the acre and I had the bagger on the push mower for the front of the yard and around the house. It was rich, lush greenery.  Dennis commented that the mower left tire prints in the sparse areas as rain has not been shy as of late.  That is all I needed to hear.  Out came the bags of various types of grass seed and the spreader.  That area will be allowed to have a pass on any mowing for the remainder of the season.  We hope some of it sprouts for next year’s yard work.  All is good and it will be better after we are cleaned up, with full stomachs and feet up for the day. Gotta love a day such as this.

  • Noreen 6:32 pm on August 27, 2017 Permalink  

    Today the convertible came out for a road date. We had no plans. We headed west and turned on various tar roads whether south, west or north. It was interesting to go past the Jefferson Petrocliffs and see all the kids bopping in the grasses and following the paths. Long about mid-afternoon we found ourselves at Hardees in Sleep Eye. For me a cup of coffee and cookies, for Dennis a chocolate shake. Off and on today we noticed the tar surfaces were wet from recent showers. We never rode in rain. When we got home Dennis reported .3 inches in the gauge.

    Nothing tops off the day like tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. Dishes are now done and it is patio sitting time. The evenings have been great. Other than an occasional black fly bite I have been very lucky. But man oh man, can those fly bites itch.

    Tomorrow is lawn mowing and trimming day of the acre. The grass is so lush it reminds me of spring. It’s a good thing.

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