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  • Noreen 3:28 pm on May 27, 2022 Permalink  

    Spring has Arrived 

    With 78 degrees in this late afternoon . . . spring is here.

    We had Jan and her long green line mow the acre today.  Her yard needed mowing as well and she zipped right through from ours to hers.  It sure didn’t take her long.  I went over and sat with her a bit afterwards and thanked her.  That speaks to a larger, more powerful rig than what we have.  Each year we have wondered how long our Sears would last.  The deck is getting quite fragile.  

    I had texted Megan after the baccalaureate festivities.  She was surprised by her receiving awards.  Super Sweet.  Tonight we will be watching the graduation ceremony via the live stream.  This young woman is the same little strawberry blondie that spent so much time with us . . . until pre-school hit.  Memories are mine and I cherish them.

    Today I was so thankful that we do not have any carpeting in our home.  I used the same Swiffer mop that I use for dusting, by just putting on the wet sheets.  It had been some time since all the floors got hit at once.  A satisfying feeling.  One of the two beds has fresh bedding.  The duet cover for my feather blanket has also been washed.  I can tell you that I am not up to putting those two together today.  My arms are telling me, “Get over it and use an afghan to cover with.”  Good message from arms that have had quite the run of mowing yesterday and doing the tidy, tidy house today. The second bed is up for tomorrow. 

    Progresso soup has had its run.  I have a tuna, green pea, pasta dish put together with Alfredo sauce.  While the pasta was still hot, I whisk in some roasted garlic bullion paste.  Just a bit more flavor.

    We have a new flag!  Friend Bruce picked one up for us from the VFW.  We have a holder made out of narrow PVC piping that has been threaded onto a rod cemented in the patio.  Bruce got the nylon one as he said the sewn cotton flags have a disclaimer that they may weigh up to seven pounds soaking wet.  Out little holder would be challenged.

    Everyone have a wonderful holiday weekend!

  • Noreen 3:35 pm on December 24, 2021 Permalink  

    The Most Great of All Births 

    This is the eve of the birth of Jesus.  I can only imagine the weariness of the shepherds as they followed the star.  The wise men may have followed their trail, and they came in meekness as they offered their gifts. 

    Today I feel weariness as I prepare my gifts from my kitchen for those that are coming to our humble home.  Having guests on Christmas day as well as the day after does not dim the excitement to make each day special.

    Dennis has been busy making beds in the porch for his kitties.  A remodeling is ensuing.  He felt that they are all getting older and a more substantial basket was needed. The day is gray but the temps are liking the 40s. 

    I am hoping we can do a light supper as this Grammie is “food prepped” out and no, the pie does not get cut into.

    I have sent out greetings to many and this is a Merry Christmas to all.

  • Noreen 3:36 pm on October 17, 2021 Permalink  

    Filling Out the Weekend 

    This is a first for some time, but I am filling out the weekend on the quiet note.  Most likely I will resume my busy body posting tomorrow.  It was significant that my daughter’s birthday was today.  

  • Noreen 4:35 pm on October 16, 2021 Permalink  

    Enough for One Day 

    I will not be putting out a post for this Saturday.  There comes a time when the day has been full enough to be thankful it is ending well.  Catch ya tomorrow.

  • Noreen 5:21 pm on June 19, 2021 Permalink  

    I am home 

    Open heart surgery was on Tuesday and today is a short four days later and I am home after a successful surgery.  Will be laying low for a time to come.

  • Noreen 1:07 pm on May 14, 2021 Permalink  

    Bubbles Everywhere 

    Dennis found the cheapest laundry soap possible in the Family Dollar store.  A container filled with soap and attached to the garden hose puts Mr. Clean to shame.  Stauffer Avenue is gravel.  Not much more is needed to be said.  We have, as of this morning, wonderful lavender smelling bubbles all around the garage, the patio porch and the potting shed.  Talk about spring cleaning.  As the water and soap combination hits the siding, rivulets of muddy water are running.  With a switch of a lever the rinse ensues.  I marvel at Dennis’ strong arms to keep at it.  His legs mandate the breaks.

    As I was in and out, I realized how few lilac blooms we have this year.  It isn’t just our yard.  On either side of us, the blooms are scarce.  Earlier in the year, we had unseasonably warm weather followed by freezing cold and snow.  Mother Nature has a way of putting her foot down.  The perennials are slowly looking as if they will participate in this spring.  Some are just inches tall while some are beating their core stems to reach tall.

    With the challenges that our earlier months gave us, we are on board having our home and yard up to snuff.  How wonderful is that!  Our calendar had been super full with my PT appointments, both of our dental appointments and Dennis’ two cataract surgeries.  Next week . . . there is nothing on the calendar.  Sweet!  We are going to enjoy this while it lasts.  

    Good grief May is half over.

  • Noreen 2:39 pm on May 12, 2021 Permalink  

    Feeling Fit 

    It may have been brisk this morning, but out came my walking shoes.  I took the longest walk in some time.  I texted my friend June to make sure she was home.  Me and the cane took off.  June lives on the end of Stauffer Avenue.  It gave me the opportunity to arrive at June’s to take a respite before heading back home.  It felt great to do the walk and it felt just as great to get back home and soak up some of the morning sun sitting on the east patio.

    When I got back, Dennis was in the potting shed.  Dennis announced that he would be in charge of putting out some garden art.  I smiled and gave him the thumbs up.  We cleared out a lot from the potting shed last year.  That allowed for an old bushel basket to be viewed.  Oh my gosh!  Years ago Elvera and I had been at the Arts in the park in Hutchinson.  We both came home with ceramic mushrooms that were attached to the narrowest of PVC piping.  The colorful ceramics are attached via a spring to the PVC.  With the slightest of a breeze, the mushroom tops dance and wobble.  Dennis did a great job of decorating. 

    This has been my first photo to insert into a post since February.  I may have missed a step or two.  Practice makes . . . better.

    We are going to enjoy a Subway Tuna for supper.  After having gone through leftovers, it sounded like a great treat.

  • Noreen 3:26 pm on May 4, 2021 Permalink  


    In bed by 10:30 last night and I was out like a light until seven this morning.  Yesterday had been such a busy, satisfying day on all counts.

    It may have ben cool this morning but me and the three cats were gardening.  What a great feeling to have the areas under the Lilacs manicured to now allow the Hosta to let their greenery unfold to their fullest.  A few have had their tips buzzed off by Dennis, but I am sure in time to come they will look fitting to be on Stauffer Avenue.  It is also easy on the eyes to see a tidy landscape.

    PT was at one this afternoon.  There is a knob under the left shoulder blade that can make my eyes water when it is pressed upon by trained hands and spikey fingers.  My homework is laid out for me before next week’s session.

    While I was gone, Dennis made a batch of instant mashed potatoes.  The runny soups for supper have about run their course.  Our mouths, being in the healing and recovery mode will welcome some scrambled eggs with the potatoes.  It’s a good thing we are in this together.  Misery sure does love company.

    A morning of fresh air should make the pillow welcoming tonight.

  • Noreen 2:33 pm on May 1, 2021 Permalink  

    Too Much 

    Too much temperature change.  Today our thermometer registered 90 degree.  Such a huge change is hard to take.

    I sat  on the back patio for most of the forenoon as Dennis finished up mowing the acre with the rider.

    The two of us have had a busy week and each of us have a sore mouth, healing up from tooth extractions.  It is Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup for supper.

    Sunday seems to be playing out as quiet for us.  Time to do some patio sitting and watching the grass grow. 



  • Noreen 2:50 pm on April 30, 2021 Permalink  

    A Feel Good Day 

    We were in Mankato by ten this morning.  I had a post-op to see how the temporary partial was doing with a few minor adjustments.  Dennis had the remaining bottom teeth of his pulled.  Pulled, stitches put in, in the bottom gum, and temporary top and bottom plates put in.  What an experience for him.  On the way home he so wanted a sip of water from the water bottle.  I had to giggle.  As he brought the bottle up towards his mouth he couldn’t find his mouth due to all the novicane he had been injected with.  About three this afternoon he got his sip of water.  We will be back to Mankato on Monday for his checkup.  

    As we got home, I couldn’t believe how nice it was outside.  I put on garden shoes and took my merry time mowing our front yard.  Dennis sat on the front steps and was on “watching traffic” detail.

    Supper is going to be soft scrambled eggs.

    The month of April flew by.  Lots of appointments here, there and everywhere.  Lots of achievements for both of us.  Taking all in stride to keep us where we love to be . . . in our home.



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