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  • Noreen 4:27 pm on November 8, 2017 Permalink  

    An Indian Summer Feeling Day 

    Home 14 (Small)

    Looking out of the windows when the sun is bright . . . and you can’t see anything . . . makes me sad. Checking the temps and it proved to be an Indian Summer type day, it was time to get those windows cleaned. Some of our windows are 80″ long. Having had replacement windows put in quite some time ago, makes washing those 80 inchers a breeze. Both panes tip in and I have the perfect step stood for them to rest on. Dennis saved the day by being able to tip up the top pane, push it in place and lock it in. It is now 4:30, the sun is streaming into the west porch and . . . I can see it all. Our small home has 18 windows and two doors with panes. It could be a pain if we had to have ladders put up outside and have them tip while sinking into soft dirt. To be very honest, it is the end of a great window washing day, and . . . Dennis and I never got out of our PJs. I’ve got to close this post down to go and stand in the west porch and watch the sun beams streaming in our eight porch windows. Priceless.

  • Noreen 4:14 pm on November 7, 2017 Permalink  

    A sunny bright day. I took my gloves off as I walked today. I had been geared up with gloves, mittens, double socks, etc. A mild breeze rather than barnstorming winds does make 32 degrees very pleasant. I am weary right now, I could almost put my head down and nap. My two mile walk . . . done. Sadie’s military tee shirt quilt . . . done. Shortening Dennis’ two pair of PJs . . . done. Embroidering three year old granddaughter’s bath towel for her birthday . . . done.

    All I need to stay on top of this late afternoon is not letting my kettle boil dry on the cook stove that is full of my catheters. I am very close for having a monthly prescription written for them. It is very difficult for me to dispose of each one after each use when in reality taking the time for the multiple sterilization process is not that big of a deal. The other alternative seems so wasteful. Can’t help it. Mind sets are hard to change. Time will tell.

    On the bright side Dennis is in charge of supper this evening. Beef brats and sauerkraut. I think he is up for it. I am going to pass on catching a nap and keep an eye out for the process on the kitchen burner. It’s a good thing.

  • Noreen 4:00 pm on November 6, 2017 Permalink

    I am writing while huge snowflakes are fluttering. The snow started just as we were returning from Mankato. Dennis had his follow-up appointment with the surgeon from the carotid procedure in mid-October. Everything is doing well for my ole cowboy. Quite a bit of swelling but that is on track to a full recovery. Feb. 6th there is an appointment for Dennis to have an ultrasound checking on the surgical artery and also getting the perspective on how the right carotid surgery will be done. The surgeon does not rush having the second surgery as the brain needs to recover from the increased blood flow. The left artery going from being blocked at 97% and now hopefully flowing at 97% is a huge change for the noggen. Doing both sides close together could cause swelling of the brain and then Dennis would be dealing with a whole new situation. If the right carotid causes issues, it would be noticed in Dennis’ speech patterns. Yup . . . he is talking and doing it well. As I am getting this post ready, he is over having coffee at one of this friends. This particular friend lives in an apartment complex that has a commons room. They get together for coffee and I can only imagine the city news that gets chewed over. We will later have a recap here on Stauffer Avenue. I like that my ole cowboy is getting back to his feisty self.

    We stopped at Perkins for brunch. Oh course, Mondays are free pie days. Dennis has two pieces of cherry pie in our refrig to enjoy these next several days. Because I splurged on potato pancakes, I am back on the wagon. I will say Perkins makes potato pancakes just like Mom did and I will tell you Dad loved her potato pancakes. It must be in the genes. I do pass on the syrup and prefer sour cream to enhance the onion and herb additions. Yum.

  • Noreen 4:53 pm on November 5, 2017 Permalink
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    I had never kept it a secret that I would miss the days when Megan and Nicholas couldn’t spend as much time with us as in their toddler days. Long weekends and even 5 to 6 days at a stretch would find the kids seeking and searching every corner in our home or seeing what the large Maple tree held in store for their times with us. Wise ole Uncle Kevin . . . “When Megan gets a bit older, Mother, she will be calling you on her own, emailing you or perhaps even texting you.” Sure enough. It has all come to pass. Once a week Megan and I have texted back and forth. Last night I texted her and wished her well for her skating competition today. Not less than a few moments after the competition was over with, I received Megan’s message that she had won first place today. A few moments later, I received a photo via my phone of her hand holding the first place award. A bit later Carrie sent a photo of Megan and her coach. I so do love the modern tech stuff and all it holds. Having kids that can give good advice and sharing what is going on sure doesn’t hurt either.

  • Noreen 5:04 pm on November 3, 2017 Permalink  

    What a day. A great walk while contemplating the next step in a project in the sewing studio. Before I went into the studio after the walk, I dug into our car insurance bill that came yesterday. The bill was going to increase a bit over $100. I went online and got a quote from a competitor. When Dennis came in from the porch, we talked it over having several options and decided to cut some of the coverage. The main items were collision, comprehensive and car rental.

    Over the years, the bills come in the mail and we send money. In checking this insurance bill, both of our vehicles are over 10 years old. A $250 deductible is doable on an event, which we haven’t had in years.

    We decided to stay with our current provider with those mentioned items taken out of the picture. Our new statement will be coming in the mail, well within the December 1st renewal. Our savings will be $285.94 each six months. As I said . . . what a day.

  • Noreen 3:31 pm on November 1, 2017 Permalink  

    Today Dennis had his Korean Veteran’s lunch in Mankato. I dropped Dennis off and I hit my list. When Carrie’s and Kevin’s were here several weekends ago, Kersten looked on the Internet for a clock repair shop. That was the first thing on my list. The fellow ask me how I had heard about his shop. Out came some tools and I walked out of his shop not much longer after that with the chimes of my 1960s vintage Westminster chimes ringing true their sound. A whooping $10.68. Wow, there are nice people around.

    My next stop was at Jiffy Lube. My 18 year old car needed an oil change, grease job and whatever else came up. I pretty much go by what is recommended as per the mileage. The radiator has been flushed with new antifreeze . . . winter, we are ready. Their coffee was not the richest, but it was hot and well needed.

    After shopping for some pantry items . . . there are always more than I have energy for, I filled the car with gas. Do we really need pantry items . . . yes! I don’t want to be going to the grocery store any oftener than is necessary. I like shopping from my basement pantry.

    As we were in Mankato and why not make the most of the gas we spent getting there, why not stop and see Dennis’ granddaughter Amy and her new baby girl, Lu. I picked Dennis up from his luncheon and cleared the plans with him. Luella was born on Dennis’ birthday. A stop for a gift card and a greeting card had to be worked in. I don’t think the gift card will answer their needs of diapers for any length of time, but it will help. We called and mother and baby were home and would welcome us stopping in. My, what a tiny bundle Luella is.

    Next stop . . . home. I have now caught my breath. The groceries are in the pantry cupboards, I fixed myself a cheese sandwich and am enjoying the re-heated breakfast coffee. Coffee is good at any time and hey, it’s not going to be wasted as shopping takes the starch out of me.

  • Noreen 2:40 pm on October 28, 2017 Permalink  

    What a wonderfully quiet day. No wind and very little evidence of the snow that swirled around yesterday. I did take notice that the bridge deck had a few slick spots on it. The sun is out this late afternoon and all is well here on Stauffer Avenue.

    You have heard no doubt of three-cheese dishes. This evening we are having three-pasta meatball casserole. It’s time to clean up a bit of this and a bit of that.

  • Noreen 6:30 pm on October 25, 2017 Permalink  

    It was a nicer day out than we had hoped for. The Koi are in the tank in the garage, the oil has been changed in the snow blower and all mowers have been tucked away. Dennis was feeling good today and it was hard holding him down. Maybe a bit of fresh air today was just what the doctor ordered. Man, it gets dark out fast.

  • Noreen 2:41 pm on October 24, 2017 Permalink  

    Who knew that the winds would actually last into a second day? When I suited up this morning I knew coming home from my walk would be interesting. I tied my hood quilt tight under my chin. Even as the winds are slowing down they are blowing and gusting at 25 mph.

    Dennis was enthused to make a chicken and pasta hotdish for supper. I made sure all he had to do was ask for help if it was needed as I headed to my sewing studio. Today was the first day in a month that I turned the machine on. It all felt foreign. Moving everything, and I do mean everything, around it took a bit to get my grove on. First item on the agenda was some mending that had found its way to the studio this last weekend when the job jar was emptied. It was tackled successfully . . . at least from my perspective and the parcel is on it’s way to its rightful owner.

    Even with the new basement windows the harsh winds could be heard here on the lower level. Knowing that we had everything taken care of outside, I just snuggled in that much deeper with my threads, fuzz and project.

    We have one more project for our basement and Friday is the day. The vapor barrier under the east portion of our home will be put in. The area under the bathroom, which was an add on onto our 100-plus-year-old home, does not have a basement, just a dirt floor. There is access from the main portion of the basement that allowed for plumbing, wiring and heating aspects to be included and then of course updated. That access allows for moisture from the dirt floor to have an impact onto the rest of the basement. Hey, we have tweaked every other aspect for good quality of air and utility, we are on the last biggy. Using the same company for all the work we have done in the basement, gives me a very good feeling. They are careful and guarantee their work. When they put in the windows there was a floor covering put down from the back door, and down the steps. All areas where they needed to work were cleaned up before they left. I feel very confident about this last phase and for that reason I had no qualms in using my sewing studio today, set up just as I had imagined it a month ago.

    Gotta watch us older ones on Stauffer Avenue. We get the jobs done. Knowing that family members do and have helped out, we know they have plenty on their own plates. Family that does a bang up job and knowing contract companies that work with the same quality outcome makes for two very happy people here on Stauffer Avenue.

  • Noreen 4:21 pm on October 22, 2017 Permalink  

    Rummaging around in the garage, I found an empty Windex window washing attachment for the garden hose. Filled with Dawn dishwashing liquid I set about to get the summer’s season of grime and grit off of the house. It turned out so good, I went ahead and did the garage as well. Stauffer Avenue is gravel and with a gravel surface there is bound to be a pot hole or two.  After heavy rains, I swear we have several travelers that make sure to hit the pot hole dead center for the gravel that has creosol in the mix to hit the south side of the garage.

    Dennis checked it all out and gave his approval. He will be back in harness before long and I will gladly return some of his duties back to him.

    The Sunday is ending with mild temps and lots of sun. Life is sweet here on Stauffer Avenue.

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