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  • Noreen 6:06 pm on December 9, 2017 Permalink  

    A gray day that had snow flurries. At one time when I looked out the tiny floating snowflakes looked just like the little feather tufts that leak out of Dennis’ winter nylon jacket that has channels of feathers.

    I had a great day of stitching. It can’t always go perfect though. Dennis was in place to see what a thread mess can be made when a sewing machine bucks. It was my fault in not threading it correctly. Several attempts, only one thing to be done is to take it slow and take it apart to the point of the problem. The problem was a piece of thread the size of an eye lash that had gotten wedged under a spring. Five o’clock the sewing studio shuts down. It is never a problem wondering what to do tomorrow. I like it that way.

    Life is good and there are blessings abound.

  • Noreen 6:01 pm on December 7, 2017 Permalink  

    Sometimes it takes that last ditch thought to get to the bottom of a problem. Nephew Brett got his sewing machine tuned up by my people in Bird Island. They pin pointed the problem and had put down a solution for him to follow up on. When my cell phone rang and I saw it was Brett . . . I cringed. The free motion foot they had put on to replace the bent one was of a plastic Mylar type until Brett would go online to order the specific foot needed from the Husqvarna Viking site which was of hard metal.

    The interim foot had lasted for only several hours and it was in pieces. “Have you gone online and gotten the order in place for the appropriate foot?” “No . . . not yet.” All I could tell him was to dig the original foot out of the garbage and take a needle nose plier to it until the needle would pass through the center of it and not force the needle to hit the face plate. By the way . . . that was one of the problems as to why Brett was breaking needles.

    A call later, the needles were still breaking. As I looked at my own machine doing an embroidery design, it dawned on me. I finally ask him how fast he ran the machine. “Wide open.” I was amazed. I asked him how much the machine vibrated running at full speed. You can imagine the response. What made this fellow who has expensive machines for cutting concrete and steel to think that a sewing machine needed to also have some reasonable speed control.

    The last phone call . . . “It’s running like a champ.” Why I had never asked about the setting of the speed is beyond me. Never assume. You know how that ends up. “Did you put your order in for the new foot? That metal tweaked with a plier may be weakened and cause some problems if used for many hours.” “No, not yet.”

    I now have a slight headache. Gotta love those who do try something that is out of their wheelhouse.

  • Noreen 5:14 pm on December 6, 2017 Permalink  

    Yesterday Dennis took me to Bird Island for my sewing machine. Today I rode shot-gun as Dennis had an appointment in Mankato. I think it is about time these two ole-timers stay off the highways and enjoy this snuggly home on Stauffer.

    Both of the individuals that had their sewing machines serviced via our trip to Bird Island were ever so happy to have had it taken care of. It was a good job of elfing by Dennis and me.

    When Brett picked up his machine it was time for a great one on one to refresh his memory of “Quilting 101.” The concrete business is closed down and now he has a chance to get back to his enjoyment of all things fuzz and threads.

    It is snowing as I type this post. The chances of any thaw anytime soon is slim to none. Dennis and I are so content here on Stauffer with not a want in the world. Our errands have been taken care of and it is “honker down time.” Good grief! My sewing machine hasn’t been turned on for four days. Our motto has always been “Take care of business and then play.”

  • Noreen 6:33 pm on December 5, 2017 Permalink  

    We really have a reason to take it easy this evening. WE elfed! Dennis did a great job manning the 120 miles on roads that were less than good as we traveled to Bird Island with sewing machines. The best part is that all three of the machines were serviced and we were able to bring them all back to St. James with us. My machine was under warranty . . . no charge. Brett and Jody have bills for their service work under my Friends and Family Benefits. The next time their machines need servicing they need to bring them in on their own and pay the usual and customary price.

    Dennis went straight to his recliner when we got home as I knew he needed to stretch out and let his body recover from being held tense quite a bit of the time.

    We had a chance to swing in and say “Hi” in Fairfax. A special part of any trip that takes us north. I know we will sleep good tonight as we felt our home was going to take flight last night as the winds were extreme.

  • Noreen 2:36 pm on December 4, 2017 Permalink  

    Look Mom! A walk with no hood, no gloves and a light summer jacket. It may well be the last good day for a safe walk.

    I took the advice that was found on the YouTube for the sewing machine problem . . . Zilch. By the time I went to bed, I had an email from the good folks in Bird Island and we have an appointment at 9:30 Tuesday morning for a service of the Error Message 1010. December 1st a new download of the most current firmware was forwarded to all the Bernina dealers. It’s a good thing we get all bases covered at one time. I will need to set the alarm. By all indications we may have some winter on the roads tomorrow and Dennis doesn’t take any chances in driving faster than the roads allow.

    The sewing machine is loaded in the pickup . . . and it has company back there. Brett is sending along his Vikings sewing machine for a going over. He bought it on Craig’s List. Most likely ten years old but it has “issues.” He fought with it all last winter and now that his concrete business is giving him some quiet time, the last thing he needs is machine problems. Then there is a Brothers Disney Model sewing and embroidery machine to fill in the trio in the pickup. Jody bought her machine on eBay and can’t get anything but a mess under the bobbin area. We are making the trip and why not help out some people who want to enjoy their passions and machines and not get burned out before they get a good start.

    I did let “My People” know we were coming with a load of machines. Dennis and I will spend however long it takes in Bird Island for the machines to be gone over and repaired. Waiting seems a better call than making a second trip in several days. It could be a long day but I know Dennis does take great naps in his pickup. I have cell phone numbers for Jody and Brett in case there is major, major repair problems. Dennis and I are doing a bit of elfing for the season.

  • Noreen 5:37 pm on December 2, 2017 Permalink  

    I thought about what a great day it was for Megan to have her 14th birthday as I took my morning walk.

    Who knew! When I returned from my walk Dennis was heading down Stauffer Avenue, cane in hand, going for a walk. This is a huge improvement in his mobility since the October carotid artery surgery. There have been some great changes for Dennis. He has Feb. of 2018 on his calendar for the carotid on the right side to be done. Hats off for a better quality of life.

    I realize this wonderful weather can’t last in Minnesota. It may be the latest in a long time that I have hung out quilts on the clothes line. As Dennis brought the quilts in before supper the house took on the fresh air aroma. Should sleep good tonight.

  • Noreen 4:01 pm on December 1, 2017 Permalink  

    Each day I check out local weather via the Internet. The last two days have been forecast for very little wind. It’s a good thing I have been greasing my face and lips for my walk to ward off wind burn. The wind has been brutal from the south. I am determined to continue walking while the county road’s surface is dry. I had thought about a treadmill. I really enjoy getting outside and girling up for 40 minutes of thinking about what my day is going to bring.

    Thanksgiving day I had help in my sewing studio. I had a long range project in mind. Kersten cut about 40 pieces of stabilizer to fit the oval embroidery hoop and Kevin cut the same amount of fabric in 12″ squares. When Carrie and Megan came the day after Thanksgiving Carrie sized up my sewing table and out to the potting shed we went for four more bricks to put under it. She was right. I do need to get my knees somewhat under the table top if I am going to put in any amount of time. Ya gotta love elfing from your kids.

    This week with Dennis and I having gotten Christmas taken care of . . . guess where I have been? Being able to grab a sheet of pre-cut stabilizer and a piece of pre-cut fabric . . . I am comfortable as I can be at my sewing table. Priceless!

  • Noreen 4:16 pm on November 29, 2017 Permalink  

    Today Dennis and I finished our Christmas shopping for seven children, four spouses of such, ten grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. Whew! We are wore out. In addition seven parcels have been sent out. Now it is time for us to enjoy each other in our home where there is a precious Christmas tree lit each morning when I get out of bed and is put to rest each night as I call it a day. No . . . there is no Christmas baking on my list.
    Dennis is satisfied with Veggie sticks and I have my grape tomatoes as my go-to snack. All is well on Stauffer Avenue. Of course life is always subject to change.

  • Noreen 5:55 pm on November 26, 2017 Permalink  

    This was the culmination of the Thanksgiving weekend. Dennis enjoyed the trade show at Jackson over the weekend and came home this evening having enjoyed catching up with all the ole traders from multi states.

    Today Carrie and Megan returned to Stauffer Avenue. Success! Megan finished stitching up what she has planned for her to give as Christmas presents. All she needs to do is literally keep it all under wraps until Christmas. Just between you and me . . . she would have liked to have sneaked my sewing machine home with her when she left. Tomorrow Megan will be back in school with the busy routine of a 7th grader and stitching will take a back seat to her violin and skating lessons while getting the usual homework done.

    It’s been a busy great weekend and I am ready for a bit of a sedated week. I checked the schedule and there is nothing. The older ones on Stauffer can handle it.

  • Noreen 5:25 pm on November 24, 2017 Permalink  

    Yesterday Kersten, Kevin and Sophie came for the official Thanksgiving Day. The day was full of good food, visiting and of course I had a bit of a job jar. It sure feels good to get it empty but it is humbling to ask for help.

    Today Carrie and Megan came and sure enough, we had good food. Megan said it was better than the fare they had had yesterday at her aunts, but then she may have been a bit partial to Grammie’s.

    By the time the girls left for Eden Prairie, Megan had sewn a new pair of PJ pants. It was a practice pair with the hope that more will be put out as she is planning for some Christmas giving. It gave her an idea of what went into the entire process. Lots of giggles and laughs but the best part was, no seams needed to be ripped out for a re-do.

    Thanksgiving is important enough that it should last for more than one day and I enjoyed every bit of the food prep as I knew I had great backup from Dennis . . . my major elf takes up the soap bubbles to do dishes.

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