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  • Noreen 4:17 pm on June 30, 2018 Permalink  

    Five in the afternoon and it is dark city outside. Weather warnings are out and to make sure we are aware of that there have been some strong claps of thunder.

    My sister’s oldest child is soon going to be a grandpa. I have received a baby shower invitation. In between time I have been poodling over what I can get done with my sewing machine.

    The plan was ready to implement when Dennis asked for my help in the patio porch. The heavy Berber carpet that we are replacing needed to be drug out of the pickup garage as the neighbor gave us the go ahead to burn it in his fire ring. That would most likely give phase to most people . . . we are not most people and it was the perfect way for Dennis and I to get rid of it in a timely fashion. I will comment that the smoke went straight up and didn’t piss off any neighbors. There is a benefit for living on the outer edge of the city. I give my ole cowboy kudos on that decision of replacing it. His thought was that, yes we could make it work, but . . . now he and I could get it up and out for replacement. Perhaps the next time we had a huge rain dump we might not be physically able to fight working with the weight of it. It’s always important to Dennis that he and I remain as independent as possible. I totally agree.

    With a cool treat of tea in Dennis’ hand I did make tracks into the sewing studio. My scheme for a baby blanket was itching me. About the time I was ready to hit the green button for the first stitching, Dennis was at the back door. He asked if I would help him for a bit. The vacuum was out in the center of the patio porch. I agreed I would vacuum up the plywood floor as I could see out of the corner of my eye, the new outdoor indoor carpeting had now been moved into the pickup garage. Heck . . . the fire ring was still smoldering.

    Here we are at five in the afternoon. The new carpet has been laid upon the plywood floor. As it had been bent in two for the trip from Lowe’s to St. James we agreed upon leaving it lay overnight and let it relax. Truth to be told that will be easier than getting Dennis to relax and work with the fitting of the carpet to the floor for another day. I do get it. That patio porch is Dennis’ sanctuary. It was no different when I had to do some work in the basement last week when we had water in the cistern closet. That area, the basement, is my sanctuary. Life is sweet when we honor and respect the other member of the team. We are a team of two . . . I don’t think anybody else could tolerate us so I am quite sure we will remain the exclusive team on Stauffer.

  • Noreen 5:51 pm on June 29, 2018 Permalink  

    With the onset of the heat and humidity, our target goal to complete outside work was twelve noon. What would you think two older senior citizens would have that needed doing on a hot summer day. Let me clue you in on what happens when four cats adopted Dennis.

    There is stuff everywhere. The stuff is tuffs of fuzz, tuffs of cat hair in every cranny imaginable in a two car garage. With the patio porch being stripped naked it was the perfect opportunity to do a blow out from the tip of the rafters to the lowest of corners via a leaf blower. That little Black and Decker leaf blower needed to be unplugged every once in awhile. No it didn’t give out . . . the person running it . . . that was another story. Dennis and I took turns. One to hold the stepladder while the other hefted the blower as high as we could reach. There was a secret. Only one door open at a time so as to not let the goodies go around and around. We did find four ping pong balls that had been great fun being batted around by the cats.

    We had talked about doing this for some time and today was the time to get tidy. All soft surfaces that Dennis’ four cats have been snuggling on up in the rafters . . . are no more. The fire ring was kept busy. It all sounds like a great permanent solution . . . nothing further for cat hair to catch on to. NOT! Brand new fresh soft surfaces are ready for Dennis’ kids. I really didn’t fight it. We know cats love high lofty places and we have given it to them via the hoods of our vehicles . . . what can we say. Tabatha, Snuggles, Harriet and Honey Bunny bring a lot of entertainment for both of us. The neighbors are fond of them as well. It is similar to grandparents enjoying their grandchildren to no end as you know they are going home after the visit.

    A day such as we have had is why Dennis and I never get bored. If something doesn’t hit us in the face that needs doing, we seek and search . . . and sure enough we find something that requires local effort from us. I know . . . we are weird. For myself I have always enjoyed making chores as enjoyable as possible and it is so gratifying when it is done. The down side is this type of cleaning begs to be re-visited in time to come. The up side is we don’t have extra four legged critters that stand a chance if they intend to invade the garages.

  • Noreen 6:18 pm on June 28, 2018 Permalink  

    What a wingding of a day. Lots was achieved in Mankato. The machine embroidery class that I attend once a month is a good source of information of what and how other individuals have found success. Today was the last day that Dragon Fly Quilt shop was open. Closing forever. River City Quilts in Mankato will be closing for good in August. Changing times. What was astonishing is that there will be a new quilt shop in Madelia. In times past there was a gas station called Dystie’s. It has been a closed business for some time. The gal that is opening that new quilt shop will be purchasing all of the inventory that was left in Dragon Fly Quilt shop after the 5:00 p,m. closing today. Very interesting and I will be keeping an eye out for it to open. In the mean time there will be a new spot for us machine embroiderers to meet by the end of July. One of the gals from Mankato is in charge.

    I have my product for painting the two closets in the basement. It is a two part epoxy. I have the full dity printed out as to how to go about this, including the amount of time that the two products to need “sweat” after being mixed together. I have four hours to use each batch that I mix. I am excited to see a nice light gray greeting me when I go into the closets and choose the groceries out of our pantries.

    When I got home the ole cowboy was just about done mowing the acre. With the amount of rain we have had . . . it needed it. Did it mow well in spots . . . no. It will grow and there will be another time to give it the manicured look. It could be worse as our neighbor to the southeast is still mowing around a water pond.

    This weekend is not for the faint of heart to be out and exerting themselves. Even those who have a lot of stamina need to be taking care. Humidity and heat to allow it to feel 100 degrees plus and even a higher heat index is not safe. I am happy Dennis got the mowing out of his system today. Long grass gets under his skin and you might just as well let him loose in it.

  • Noreen 5:01 pm on June 26, 2018 Permalink  

    It was Dennis’ decision to go to Mankato today. With an additional downpour of rain during the night, it was escape time. I asked him what his agenda was . . . it apparently was time for pedicures. While in Korea, Dennis’ feet were always wet and more times than not they were wet and cold. Shoes never had a chance to dry out. Now, sixty plus years later the feet need TLC. Over the last 14 years we have gone off and on for pedicures and it feels wonderful. Nails Group in Mankato is now Nail Spa next to Busters on Madison Avenue. It is owned and operated by a Vietnam gal who knows her business. When we got back into the pickup the first thing Dennis commented on was how wonderful his feet felt. I could never massage my feet and legs the way this group can. Obviously with the knee replacements I can’t bend and rotate my knees for the best of nail trimming. Just let me tell you . . . I have spent $25.00 in times past with not near the good feeling of having my toes in good shape. The ole cowboy and I are in agreement on this.

    We drove in rain coming come and the rain just quit here at five this afternoon. It is getting a bit annoying.

    I have a large pieced flannel quilt top to get to Old Alley Quilt Shop later this week for long arming. Minnesota State Highway 4 south of Sherburn is under water and will be for some time. I will need to go south to hit Interstate 90 and then go west. The usual 26 miles trip will be a bit longer this time. In this area there are worse things than wet backyards. The farm fields that we saw today are not going to recover. The entire park and golf course at Madelia is under water with more water being funneled by Mother Nature. Time will tell what summer will hold.

  • Noreen 4:15 pm on June 25, 2018 Permalink  

    Dennis and I sat on the patio this late afternoon. We checked . . . neither one of us has any grass growing under our feet. I got rained out yesterday with my weed pulling agenda. That freaking rain lasted off and on until evening. This morning there was a bit of standing water in the far east portion of the backyard.

    Dennis was determined to pick up the entire carpet in the patio porch. He did the sniff test and knew there needed to be a clear wood deck on the patio porch floor to assure everything would dry properly. Out came the little red pickup out of its shelter and in came everything that had once been the wonderful hide out of the patio porch. Not to worry. The flat screened television is putting out the wonderful choices that Dennis likes . . . just in a new location. Dennis has moved his chairs into the pickup area and all is well with the world. He was right. It is better to be safe than sorry with anything that can retain moisture.

    The sun came out with a breeze. Scrub pail in hand with Dawn dishwashing liquid and the garden hose, I tackled scrubbing off the aggregate stone patio surface. Yes . . . the water went down. No . . . what remained was not nice. There was a scum on the patio. It took a bit of elbow grease but with coffee for encouragement the patio is in good shape. I made sure as I scrubbed and rinsed not to allow more water to be used than what the trench around the patio could absorb.

    In hindsight . . . everything should have been built on stilts. Realistically . . . there are more wonderful days to be had with our yard and patio than not. We were not alone with challenges in our community. God works in mysterious ways and is not above using Mother Nature to drive home a point of humility. Being mindful of blessings and nurturing each other for strength to work together is priceless. Dennis and I make a fantastic team of “Us.”

  • Noreen 3:32 pm on June 23, 2018 Permalink  

    It seems as though with the water situation it has been hard to keep track of what day of the week it is. This noon as Dennis and I were having lunch, you couldn’t help but notice all the traffic going by in search of where the city celebrations were taking place. I asked Dennis if he wanted to take some of the activity in . . . “No.” I feel the same way. I felt the same way yesterday, I feel the same way today, and I know I will feel the same way tomorrow and beyond. I ask him point blank if that was a bad thing for the two of us . . . Dennis felt it was not. If our family thinks that we have become too much of homebodies, or if they have any opinion on this, they will need to speak out. Silence is consent. Dennis and I may well continue being on Stauffer Avenue and doing what makes us happy and that apparently is . . . being on Stauffer Avenue in our home.

    For myself, I enjoy people and I can interact with people on many levels, i don’t often seek people out. My world is far from small. My activities are quite varied and it has been known to expand from time to time within reason as to the amount of my resources and the physical area the interest may take.

    Indepth soul searching is important to do from time to time. Taking stock of what is around you . . . is it a positive or is it a negative. I always have the ability to adjust it or change it. It’s not as if I have a timeline. I have today, the entire 24 hours.

  • Noreen 2:58 pm on June 22, 2018 Permalink  

    Amazingly the water has receded to a huge degree in the backyard. Don’t try to walk to the backyard unless you are prepared for the wetness that will soak through your shoes right to your socks. Sump pumps are an amazing tool to have on hand. By supper time last night Dennis had the patio area sucked down and there were spots that showed drying in progress.

    This weekend is the city’s summer festival. It actually started yesterday. The city crews have been working hard to make sure the event areas are dry or have found a replacement site.

    At noon Dennis commented on how many lawnmowers could be heard. Hmm. Dennis won out. He headed to the far east of the acre where it was high and fairly dry. The backyard will need to wait until another day. I agreed to push mow the front yard and bag it. Other than the ground being very soft, it mowed great. I didn’t venture to the north side of the house as I was not about to bag more water than grass. All in all the acre looks as tidy as it can for the weekend.

    I can report that the cistern closet is just about done having water seep in. I took my handy dandy flashlight for an up close and personal look at its perimeter. There is a spot on the east wall about two inches from the floor that is sporting a marker in black. Yesterday that very spot was as busy as a free flowing water fountain. When all is dry, I will be visiting with the experts in Lowe’s to see what can be done in regard to a sealant. Ya know, dang nab it, when you own a home there is always – and I repeat, always – something that needs attention. I am just the person to get it checked out and get it done.

  • Noreen 4:16 pm on June 21, 2018 Permalink  

    June Rains 

    June 2018 (Small)

    It is not surprising that rains lasting over a period of 24 hours and amounting to seven inches can cover our entire yard. Not a whole lot to do about it. The sewing studio is dry, thanks to all the attention we have paid to our basement for just such an event as this. We do have a closet that was once a cistern with the dipped floor. That area does not have access to the tile as the remainder of the basement has. Once the seepage in the closet reaches a certain height the water runs over the step and down into the tile. As our sump pump has been running every 20 seconds to empty the tile around the perimeter, I have been using our wet vacuum to keep as much water sucked up in the closet rather than add to what the sump pump has to deal with. Dennis has a pump sitting on the front patio and pulling water from the patio onto the driveway and then into the street. It is surprising how much that has helped. We can see by the level of debris on the sidewalk that he has made progress. Thanks to our false floor in the patio porch that floor is dry. I know that there is water under it and it will take a bit to get it dried out once the water has gone down outside around it. Lots of fan power. All in all from what we have heard from others around town . . . we have it under control. For the first time in a long time the sun is out. It will be interesting to count the Koi in the pond to see if any floated out. The ledge of rock around it should have protected them. Time will tell. Well . . . it’s time to start the wet vac and add to the water going down the toilet. Glub, blub.

  • Noreen 4:06 pm on June 20, 2018 Permalink  

    It was my day for a solo trip north. Bird Island, Minnesota, is the best place to take a sewing machine for expert service by a licensed Bernina technician. There may be a shingle out here or there for sewing machine repairs, but they do not have access to Bernina components. I have total confidence in Kelly and Amanda. The plus is picking Amanda’s brain on techniques. I also took Mom’s New Home brand sewing machine with and that one needed to stay as some parts are needed. What a great reason to head north again sometime soon. Do I need to have Mom’s machine in working order . . . not unless I could grow several more arms or . . . get Dennis to saddle up for stitching. It seems a shame or a waste to not have it fixed. I cannot get myself to believe that sewing is a passion that is lost on Millenniums. Someday, somewhere the disposable style of living will come crashing down and that type of creativity will be alive and well again.

    I stopped in Fairfax for a “Kevin Fix.” I would never miss an opportunity to see family. Phone calls and text messages have their place, but feeling and touching is the ultimate. The old Lincoln just veered into Kevin’s place of work automatically. Now, on the other hand, when Megan and I having texting conversations that is simply priceless. She is busy with violin lessons and now she is preparing to teach a class of kindergarten age in Vacation Bible School. But . . . she still has time for Grammie. The 60 years of difference in our ages transcends into sweetness.

    As I was driving home south the clouds got thick. Twenty six miles from home the windshield wipers needed to be turned on. That was right after dinner time, twelve noon. Now at 5:00 p.m. the rain never has stopped. It’s something about a weather pattern that is stalled. It goes on and on and on and we persevere. Hey . . . I’m set. The sewing machine has been given a clean bill of health, I have threads and I have ideas.

  • Noreen 2:31 pm on June 19, 2018 Permalink
    Tags: Judy   

    What the heck? Another 1.5 inches of rain during the night? Glub, glub! My gardening shoes are going to need the dust blown off of them in time to come . . . or the city weed inspector may be making a home visit.

    I had a 10:00 a.m. appointment with an eye specialist, Dr. Gaven, who comes to St. James from Mankato. He happens to be the same doctor who did the laser work a decade back when both of my retinas detached within six months of each other. At the time I was questioned quite intensely as to whether I had taken a hard fall with a blow to my head. The answer was no. Just a fluke. Torn retinas left untreated do end up in blindness. I do visit the eye doctor every six months without fail. From the time of December, 2017, to May, 2018, a small hole had appeared in my right retina. Thus was the consult today to get an opinion on what was happening. Both the specialist and I were amazed that yes, he could see the hole, but . . . the hole was not as large as it had been in May and the eye was producing its own scar to close the hole. Basically that is what laser surgery on a torn retina does . . . it attaches the retina and the scar then holds the retina in place. Dr. Gaven checked both retinas and the work of a decade ago was A.O.K. Whew! The comment was given that I have a very good immune system. I’ll take that to the bank any day.

    I had driven myself the six blocks uptown and believe me I was glad when I drove into the driveway coming home. The dilation solution had really done a number on my vision to a greater degree than I could remember from times past. It may have been stress, relief or lack of comfort from not being able to have my eyes focus, but I was a mess that came with a nasty headache. I sat down in my favorite chair, closed my eyes and chilled.

    What came to my mind was my friend Judy. She retired from Brown County about the same time I retired from Watonwan County. A month after her retirement she was diagnosed with Macular Degeneration. It is an incurable disease of the center portion of the retina and thus the center portion of vision is distorted or totally lost. Over the course of the disease as it progressed, Judy has auras of light, but nothing that could be considered as vision. Judy did go to Arizona where they had the option of harvesting her own stem cells and injecting them into her eyes, but it was not successful to any meaningful result. She can listen to e-books. Her mobility is with help and what she has trained herself to remember in her home. She has never seen her great grandson. She remembers her family and friends via their voices.

    This afternoon, I sat in my disoriented state with my eyes closed and gave blessings to the Lord my Father how fortunate I have been and am. I might add, my eyes did leak a bit for Judy and all she has lost.

    On a light note. Later in the day I went with Dennis and we picked up the ole cowboys two-wheel trailer that is now sporting two new tires. Needless to say, Kevin and Kersten can attest to the fact that the old ones were running on the grace of God. A good day for us on Stauffer Avenue.

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