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  • Noreen 2:39 pm on July 10, 2024 Permalink  

    Extra Heat 

    As if the humid temperatures were not enough yesterday . . . there was more on the local level.  It seems as if Dennis’ son, Jeff, can’t even get cancer correct.

    Jeff’s sister had set up the biopsy appointment for yesterday that Dennis took Jeff to . . . check in at seven a.m.  Apparently when Jeff got a courtesy call to remind Jeff, he cancelled it.  Did he tell his dad?  Had he forgotten?  I kind of knew something was up when Dennis was at Jiffy Lube yesterday when they opened at eight and Jeff was calling his dad that he could be picked up at the hospital.  One . . . Jiffy Lube is quick.  Two . . . biopsy preps and procedures take longer than a hour and a half.  

    When Jeff was picked up, he got into the little red pickup and immediately went to sleep.  What did Dennis know of procedures and how long they take or if Jeff was given a pain med.  It wasn’t until Sandy called last night that Jeff had blown off the appointment as there was nothing on the portal.   The manly thing would have been for Jeff to tell his dad he screwed up and apologize rather than hiding by sleeping, not say a single word even when Dennis dropped him off at this apartment.  Grr!

    As of last night, Sandy told me Jeff was on his own.  She had had made sure that he could get pain meds for himself from his local provider here in town.  Dennis was very quiet until he went to bed.  I got a hug and he told me he loved me.  Sweet.  So be it all.

    It is so difficult when smart drunken farts blow off their family for several years and then come back with all their problems and need help.

    So . . . I had a good run in the studio today.  Dennis came down chewing on a cookie and let me know the last of the railroad-tie cleanup on the blue barn acre has been paid for in total.  Sweet.  It was decided right then and there to share a 12″ Tuna Subway for supper.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:01 pm on July 4, 2024 Permalink  


    Our city had their fireworks last night.  Thirty plus years ago I could sit on my front steps and watch them as they were being shot off in the area of the lake on the west edge of town.  The trees have grown so all that I can enjoy is the noise as I conjure up images.

    To the northwest of us a block over, a group of individuals had their own fireworks.  We were amazed at the quality of the light show.  The noise lasted longer than the light show, but they paid for it, so let them enjoy it.

    To the far north was mother nature’s light show.  When I got up at 4:30 for a bathroom break the rain was beginning.  Shortly after twelve noon, the thunder rolled and another strong shower of rain came down.   When I looked at the weather map, there could be pops of rain for quite some time.

    The 4th of July brings many personal past celebrations to mind.  With that being said, I wished my son a Happy Birthday!  How can it be that my children have the birthdays that each year signifies?   I enjoy and celebrate the lives that both have honed.  My memories . . . priceless.   

    I am so fortunate to have the quality of life that I have.  I am here to continue soaking up the day-to-day events that will become more sweet memories.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:58 pm on May 22, 2024 Permalink  

    Plentiful Rain 

    It seemed as if it rained all day yesterday.  Some in Iowa would have only wished that was all that was to be had.

    Alright, the guilt got the best of me.  I called my brother in Iowa to check in with him.  There, I can say I did it.  Every other word is an expletive.   It is 45 minutes with no positive input from him.  When he is bored, he goes to bed at four in the afternoon.  I feel bad when my body tells me I have to go to bed by nine or ten as there is a bit more I’d like to do.  Oh well, it is what it is.

    I did receive a text last night at six from Jeremy.  Carrie had pulled the short straw and was one of the last ones for surgery.  I was correct that they would do a preliminary pathology run on the tissue that was removed.  No cancer was detected, but Jeremy said further study of it would ensue.  I will pop off a text to her either this evening or tomorrow. 

    A pickup pulling a huge hayrack filled with potted plants went by.   I am sure the greenhouse is delivering to the cemetery south of town.

    When we lived at South Branch and were taking care of the cemetery, there would be all sorts of items next to the stones as mementoes.  After short periods of strong winds taking its tole on those mementoes, it was a clean-up that needed to be done day after day.  What beat all was the faded plastic flowers.  Ish.

    For myself, I don’t partake in that tradition.  Numerous family members and a child of our own are no less remembered for the lack of paraphernalia on or by their stones. 

    The breeze from the northwest is wonderful as I am sitting in my west-facing bedroom porch.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:17 pm on May 19, 2024 Permalink  

    A Road Date 

    As we took the scenic route to the north country, it was amazing how many fields had the sheen of green that the new corn plants made.  Dennis thinks the soil is still too cool for soybeans to be planted.

    Our road date allowed for a DQ cone on the way home.  First one of the season.

    Earlier this morning, I had sent a text to Carrie as she will be having surgery in the morning at Rochester.  I sent her love, support and empathy.  Not a place I would ever want to go back to . . . but who can tell.  The suspicious area on her one lung has increased in size but it is also in a spot where a biopsy could not be done.  The best outcome . . .  the growth is taken out and it is not cancer. 

    I received a text back just a few minutes ago.  Carrie has her own unique spark.  Kevin also has a unique spark but on the opposite side of the spectrum.  I have always believed and said out load, her and Kevin are the best part of Orlin and me.  Throw in a bit of unique traits of our own and there you have it.  Two individuals taking on life, each day at a time.  They will always be a part of me no matter how many years may pass . . . they are mine.

    We are having some rain, but not enough that it will be measurable. 

    Dennis had such a good morning, he is taking a nap in his patio porch.  When I looked out the bathroom window and I could see into the porch, snuggles is curled up on his chest . . . also taking a nap.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 1:02 pm on March 12, 2024 Permalink  


    A bit of coffee left from breakfast.  Time for a few key strokes.

    When I had the wild hair to work on the living room floor, our trusty little shop vac came up from the basement.  Dennis has one just like it in the patio porch.  That little machine has huge ability to get whatever you point it at, picked up.

    The only downside is the many feet of hose.  I make sure I am always on the safe side of the coil.

    Yesterday was a good day to use the vac to clean all ports possible of the dryer in the bathroom.  That included Dennis taking the hose outside to clear that vent.  Poking around the base of the washer got everything that could be gotten with various attachments.

    We may not keep this vac on the main floor due to lack of space.  That got me going this morning on pulling out the kitchen range.  Sweet felt pads.  Next was poking around on the refrigerator area.  Nope . . . I didn’t do the top . . . as yet.

    I will keep poking around with the vac until I no longer hear the squeal of dust bunnies.

    Dennis just now came home with one med for me and supposedly one for him.  Inside his bag was a bottle of the opioid and two doses of a Narcan.  WTF.  Dennis amazingly got himself off of the opioid and this is really very disappointing.  Dr. Kohn had no business refilling this without a personal request from Dennis.  Dennis asks the gals at the drug store via giving our names.  They put it in a bag and Denis pays the amount they ask for and he heads home.

    Dennis’ so called new provider . . . screwed up again.  I called Lewis Drug and explained things and Dennis is now on his way back to Lewis Drug for returns getting his money back.

    —–onto our Tuesday.

    IMG_2234-SmallIn the evenings I have been stitching.  Finding it very relaxing.  More so than putting jigsaw puzzles together.  I have also been in the studio from time to time with the Bernina.

    We have a gal across the street that is raking today.  Too early for me.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 4:17 pm on January 4, 2024 Permalink  

    Thursday the 4th 

    Slipping into the 2024 without a glitch.

    Dennis had been heard remarking about a friend in the Trimont health care system.  Last night I offered to ride along with him.  This morning after coffee we headed south.

    I find that if I put out ideas for Dennis’ day, it goes a long way forward for him.  His yard work is on sabbatical.  No snow to move around and that leaves keeping me company in the house or snoozing in the patio porch.  I am so thankful that the child in me has lots of interests to keep two of us busy.

    After we got home, Dennis volunteered to mix up a batch of Betty Crocker peanut butter cookies for me to bake out.  Why Not!

    The cookies have been baked and we are having waffles and pre-cooked Jimmy Dean sausages for supper.

    Hmm.  We did get a call from the police department this afternoon.  Jeff was hit while riding his three-wheel bike and they are looking for him.  Sorry . . . not at this address.  Grandson Ryan told his grandpa that Jeff was on probation for drunk and disorderly and they can’t find him.  He was on probation.  Just what an aging parent needs to quiet the soul.

    ContainedThanks to the times when Megan played at our home, I have the perfect storage for all my easy-to-use pins.  Pins are always needed and I said good-bye to the Glad zip lock baggies.  This is much classier.  A traveler case and all of the naughty, hard to use safety pins are in the lower-class storage.  Sweet.

    Wall-Design-SmallI achieved success in self-framing my latest cross stitch project.   I have watched enough videos on YouTube to realize people make a very good income doing the “finish” on other people’s stitched items.  All I want to do is satisfy myself.  Was it hard to decide where and how to hang it?  No.  I just took the first available hole on the wall from where the Santas had hung.  Easy does it.

    Tomorrow, the end of the new week.  May everyone I cherish measure for themselves what is needed in each 24 hours for peace and comfort within themselves.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 4:17 pm on November 29, 2023 Permalink  

    Indian Summer 

    It might not be Indian Summer out, but what Indian wouldn’t like it with temps in the high 40s.

    I rode along with Dennis today as the little red pickup needed an oil change.  When the computer comes up at Jiffy Lube, the little red pickup gets everything it needs considering the mileage.  We have never had problems with vehicles.  They get good care just like we do when we go in for a medical tune-up.

    As we drove, there was not a single ear of corn left to be harvested.  Very few fields had been tilled via moldboard plowing.  Chisel plowing has taken over.  With this weather to allow tillage, the spring field work of 2024 will have a head start. 

    Today our John Deere neighbor to the north of us, Randy, had a retirement party at John Deere.  Randy has worked for our local Deere since he graduated from high school.  Hats off.  His wife, Jan, retired from the school district in the spring of this year.

    This has been a good hump day.  Not much happening here on Stauffer Avenue for local effort.  Tomorrow will be time enough to put the lights back on in the studio.

    By the way, my stitched prototype came though the laundry perfectly.  I can now continue with the 4″ blocks for the backing.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:20 pm on October 20, 2023 Permalink  

    What a Day 

    This morning, I beat the bugs.  I had the garden hose unrolled with Dawn dishwater liquid ready to be applied.  The driveway as well as some of the cement going to the front door was caked with dirt, spent blossoms and layers of leaves that had nestled in.  By the time Dennis came home from his VA appointment I had finished.

    Yesterday when we had cut back the Russian sage, all the stalks were facing one way.  This morning with our huge rake, the trail to the burning ring began.  In no time the pile of Russian Sage was rolling over, each time the rake pulled it over.  Now there is this tight roll of foliage that is about five feet long at the burning ring.  A little drying time is needed.

    I have been hinting that I wanted to learn the operation of the zero-turn mower.  Today was the day.  Dennis ran over the particulars and I was on my own.  Dennis used the Craftsmen mower on our original lot’s grass.  I had the lot east of us that is a huge rectangle.  Hmm.  At the end of my run, I had really enjoyed it.  Both of us got home to the garage next to our home so Dennis could blow off the mowers and refuel them.  Here comes the huge “Hmm.”  I could not quite figure out how to get off of the mower.  Left leg and arm had no problem running the mower.  Left leg and arm did not have any strength to assist getting off the mower with nothing static enough for solid handling.  It took quite a while for this Grammie to do the final act.  Bummer.  At that point Dennis admitted he fell the first time he wanted to get off.

    It is now mid-afternoon and I have been on the internet.  Ah Ha!  There are manufactures that make an assist for getting off and on the zero-turn mowers. 

    When Dennis comes in for supper I will share what I have discovered.  I felt it was important to be able to use the equipment that we have to keep our property up to snuff if Dennis is not able, or . . . to help him out with our two acres.

    What a day.  With that I take my leave. ♥

  • Noreen 2:07 pm on October 8, 2023 Permalink  

    Sunday the 8th of October 

    A quiet Sunday here on Stauffer Avenue.  No news is good news.  A new Monday coming and things may well change.  Catch you all tomorrow.

  • Noreen 5:40 pm on August 11, 2023 Permalink  

    Long Day 

    A long day that included the pulmonary department, I will catch up tomorrow.

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