Updates from October, 2018 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Noreen 5:38 pm on October 2, 2018 Permalink  

    What a grand day for my ole cowboy to have a birthday! It started off with his favorite pastry: apple fritters. A year ago, Dennis slept through his birthday. Much has changed for Dennis with his health. What a wonderful thing for us. Dennis was at McDonald’s by 8:30 to visit with other fellows near or about his age. Dennis grew up in St. James and the stories that can be shared . . . a good thing. This afternoon found Dennis at one of the apartment houses here in town that has a meeting room with a group that gets together for afternoon coffee.

    He did blow in and out to check on me. Ya right . . . he needed to let the jaw relax a bit.

    I stayed in the sewing room for most of the day with great success. Here it is at 6:30 and it is quite dark out and I am ready to close down the studio and put my feet up for a bit. Tomorrow I will be traveling north for some car repair. The tick list for the coming of colder weather is getting short and by no means was my car going to be slighted.

  • Noreen 4:24 pm on October 1, 2018 Permalink  

    Lord almighty! Thunder, lightning and heavy rains. Where did this pop from. Dennis and I looked at each other this noon and we both knew what the other was thinking. We are so glad we did what we did yesterday.

    Several days ago we had a huge hydraulic auger attached to a skid steer loader here on Stauffer Avenue. I was amazed as to how it could dig holes in a heart beat. I was also amazed how it would empty the dirt by reversing the turn of the auger. Yesterday we realized how much dirt can be piled up from a finished hole that was about three feet by four feet by four feet deep. It looked like just a slick job. We didn’t realize how heavy that slick job of piling up would pack the dirt pile or how heavy it would be when we were ready to get rid of it. We had had four to five inches of dirt just seven days ago. There was wet dirt and wet clay.

    The weight had not crossed our mind until we got our little $19.99 wheel barrow out of the potting shed with two shovels. We planned to put the dirt in the back garden that we had just cleared of flowers. One wheel barrow at a time the pile of packed soil and clay was dispersed. There were times it felt like I had gotten a teaspoon of packed dirt in my shovel. I filled and Dennis wheeled. Many, many breaks. Our breaks were long enough that Snuggles got in a fair amount of lap time between the two of us. Dennis and I got it done. We had taken our time and got it done without any harm to either of us. Just a good feeling of still being able to take care of what is needed on a day-to-day basis.

    As dirty as we both were, we went to McDonald’s to get a bite of supper, knowing full well once we had taken the time to shower up we wouldn’t have had the heart to leave the house but rather sit down without the heart to get up.

    When the thunderstorm broke this noon, we were both thankful we had gotten that dirt work done before the pile of dirt and clay would have been water soaked. As it turned out the thunderstorm did give us a day to take it easy.

  • Noreen 4:43 pm on September 30, 2018 Permalink  

    “Work for the night is coming, work for the dawning day.” Days such as these feel good when we can see we have made headways with what is needed here on Stauffer Avenue. The entire week is going to be great for outside work. We are ready to take the week on. One of the things that will be on the agenda is mowing . . . one more time.

  • Noreen 5:05 pm on September 29, 2018 Permalink  

    Today we traveled to Mankato in the 1966 Ford convertible. It may well be the last time for a road trip in it. It has been serviced, checked and then re-checked. The transmission additive has worked it’s magic.

    Dennis’ 82nd birthday will be Oct. 2nd. Today we celebrated his great granddaughter’s 1st birthday that will also be official on the 2nd of October. Dennis is doing just as well as the one year old. Full of it!

    We stopped at the apple barn on Hwy. 169 for goodies. I will have my refrig loaded with good apples.

    It was a great day.

  • Noreen 5:37 pm on September 27, 2018 Permalink  

    It has been a Chilly Willy day. Damp and rainy makes the cooler temps seem like a chill that wants to settle into my bones. Speaking of my bones: Dennis’ 1966 Ford convertible is one I would not want to travel in when making a lot of stops. The configuration of my wrists allows Dennis to open the door for me. Gallant to say the least. The wrist used to bend that way . . . in addition to a thumb that asks “You want me to push that button in where?” Uncle Art (arthritis) just smiles.

    I will keep my eye out for that early frost that is being warned about. I have two plants sitting next to the Koi pond that need to be taken into the patio porch. Yup, the season is changing and we need to accept it and be glad about it.

  • Noreen 6:44 pm on September 26, 2018 Permalink  

    I have evolved! I used to have a slight heart palpitation when my sewing machine would pop out a “1010” error message. Not anymore. I take that sucker apart until I get success. The “1010” is all about the little thread cutters that act up. Personal growth is wonderful.

    I think I will be commissioned for a project that is taking place towards the end of October. I am looking forward to it as it is for a benefit. Moms love to be needed.

    It’s dark out and time for seeking my favorite chair.

  • Noreen 4:01 pm on September 25, 2018 Permalink  

    I will admit I sought out a warmer sweater this morning. Dennis reached for a heavier shirt over his t-shirt and we took the day for all it offered . . . rain. It’s not all bad to have a few cool days once in a while. It allows those who are procrastinators to get a hint that soon the coolness will turn into cold and they will be up a creek on the preparations that Minnesota winters demand.

    I am not in a position to demand anything. I take each day as it comes. It is my process of accepting the days as they come and not expecting. Never does a day go by that I don’t find plenty to tackle and am very appreciative that I can accomplish it . . . at my own pace. There are various passions that I move from day to day. It may be dirt. It may be fuzz and thread. In many respects, Dennis is not so fortunate. He chose to have no day-to-day hobbies.

    Dennis tried model railroads, remote airplanes and large puzzles. Nothing has stuck. God bless the Rural Farm television channel. He can always pick up a good tractor auction to take up several hours. It is a good thing that he keeps his little red pickup gassed up and road ready. Dennis seeks out people whom he knows here in his hometown. Dennis doesn’t know what a stranger is. He can find something to visit about with anyone to rehash history of his 81 years. This week there is one less of his era for such visiting. The fellow from whom Dennis bought the 1968 Cub Cadet Lo Boy from just several months ago passed away over the weekend. A funeral to attend is on Friday.

    Each day is a good day. Each day I am determined to have something to show for it at the end of the day. That I learned from Grandma Laura. She lived her last ten years bound to a wheelchair. I can tell you that may have slowed her up a bit and the doorways in her mobile home were pretty beat up . . . but by the end of the day she had achieved the tasks of having something to show. Dad was also like that. I have their genes and plan on making them proud.

  • Noreen 5:16 pm on September 24, 2018 Permalink  

    There are no words when a day goes as well as this one did. A few rain showers are holding off. We had a light supper and I will be heading out to the patio a bit later.

    I was exposed to a new product today. I remember mineral spirits from the days of oil paint that needed to be thinned out. Wow! It worked miracles today. We have had a gas driven leaf blower that has been used here for many years. I need to be clear. It has not been used by me as it is: to too hard to start by the pull cord and way too heavy for me to handle. My best bet would be to set it flat on the patio and then manually turn the blower so the snout could blow in multiple directions.

    I will also add that the exterior of it looked as if the oil was thrown in its general direction with the intent that some would find where it was needed. Yuk! The aging layers of oil that had accumulated layers of dust: it took a putty knife to make the first few swipes. Putting a few inches of the mineral spirits in my tin Folgers Coffee grounds can and a good stiff brush did wonders. It did take several hours but the breeze was nice, I had all the time in the world to get this down to the manufacture’s finish. Dennis came by several times but did not tarry. The one and only user of this machine thought better of commenting. It’s time that these two older ones stick with the electric one that has been my favorite all these years. It is sweet.

    I also got the front cement steps painted. I realize it won’t last. Paint on concrete needs a whole bunch of cleaning and prep. My cleaning and prep was a steel bush and then washing off the dust. Dry cement and then some paint . . . for a short time it looks sharp.

    That patio chair is beckoning and I know Snuggles is ready for some lap time. Sweet.

  • Noreen 6:41 pm on September 23, 2018 Permalink  

    Oh my gosh, it’s 7:30 and it is dark outside. Fall has fallen. Today after wearing ourselves out getting our branches sawed up and burned, we needed a drive to unwind. We viewed the fields as we traveled north to see how much rain has left its mark in the harvest fields. A quick stop in Fairfax was the perfect stop for a visit and then turn that little red pickup around and head south. We stopped at the Dairy Queen here in St. James as it will be closed for the season starting next Sunday. It felt like we had the perfect day.

  • Noreen 4:06 pm on September 22, 2018 Permalink  

    Oh my gosh! What a great day. You would be hard pressed to remember how many gray and wet days we have had earlier this week. The sun and the calm breeze . . . I could take this right into the time when it would be early winter. The official KEYC rainfall for this area thus far in September is nine inches. Thank goodness for a tiled basement and a good working sump pump.

    One more time we got the lawnmowers going. Surprisingly with the amount of rains, the lawns are firm underfoot. This surely must be the last time for mowing. Dennis used the Cub Cadet Lo Boy and I had my trusty push mower. With the north side of the house being newly seeded, it shortened my time . . . big time. With the Cub’s width of 60″, Dennis made quick work of the acre. The only negative comment I have heard Dennis make of the tractor and mower is that in low gear, it’s still quite fast.

    I have grass sprouts that are making their appearance on the area right next to the foundation of the house on the north side. It’s the area that got the benefit of the higher dollar fertilized dirt with moisture control. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the Walmart dirt will pop up some sprouts within the next week. It did have fertilizer in the mix as well.

    We took advantage of the rain soaked dirt from the garden we put down to get the treated birdhouse post out of the garden. The old birdhouse that had sat on the post for the last ten years blew off the post several weeks ago and was beyond repair. It all works out great as the post was smack in the middle of the area that will be tilled up later this fall for grass seeding.

    A day that began at 50 degrees, begged for an oven supper this evening. I have some seasoned pork steak roasting right along with two potatoes that are baking. Dennis has just helped me get the quilts back into the house. With a few windows cracked and the fresh quilts, sleep will come quickly and deeply tonight.

    At the end of such a great day, it was easy to catch some time on the patio with Snuggles on my lap and sending petitions to the heavens. God is a merciful God to us older ones on Stauffer Avenue.

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