Updates from October, 2018 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Noreen 3:28 pm on October 29, 2018 Permalink  

    How many leaves can 100 year old Maple and Oak trees drop after hard frosts? Enough to keep Dennis and me busy for five hours. I had raked some yesterday. Today Dennis was on board with the Sears riding mower to mulch. We have twenty feet of Hostas under the lilacs that are under said Maple and Oak trees. Those packed leaves needed to be raked out and over the back patio into the path of Dennis and his mower. We got it done. Whatever there may be for leaves that have a thing about hanging onto mom’s limbs, they have our permission to fall at will.

    We were dirty so we felt we might as well take care of the Koi. They are now in the horse tank in the car garage with the bubbler going. It is amazing how difficult they are to net. All of the filters and pumps have been washed in Dawn dishwashing liquid and are drying before being stored for the winter. Dennis is now taking it easy in his rocking chair in the patio porch watching the sump pump empty the Koi pond onto the backyard.

    I am currently busy screwing up chili. It’s bad enough that 2lbs of 85% ground beef was $8.14, without my hand putting in too much salt. We now have chunks of raw potato floating with the hope of absorbing some of the salt. I have bought packages of chili seasoning to add to ground beef. Within those packages is white rice which is also a good component to soak up salt. We will have some unique chili for supper. I can also tell you that it will be eaten as there is no way this will be thrown out. Dennis is a good sport. In days of old a very strong dose of salt water was given to stave off worms within the frontier children.

    There is never a dull moment here on Stauffer Avenue and we wouldn’t want it any other way. When I am very weary I either sleep deeply or I can’t get to sleep. It doesn’t matter as I am hoping for a slow quiet day tomorrow.

  • Noreen 4:09 pm on October 28, 2018 Permalink  

    It’s “Hang on to your bloomers Day.” The north wind means business just not enough to take away the good feelings of sunshine.

    I have been keeping an eye out on our backyard that has been tilled and seeded. Today was the day to go and take a peek. It did surprise me how deep the Oak and Maple leaves were on the new area. There definitely was a layer that was quite sodden. That layer if left till spring always reminds me of the manure that was in the calf pens of our barn. Layer by layer it had built up. That did bring to mind about snow mold in the spring of the year. As I ventured onto the area, the soil was soft but not sinking soft. As I brushed away the layers of leaves, just as had been predicted, there were fine needle like green sprouts springing forth. There will be some level of success next spring.

    With a wide rake I did swipe off a heavy layer of wet leaves. A bit of fresh air surely couldn’t hurt. As I looked up I knew that there would be a fresh layer of leaves yet to come from the Oak and Maple trees. The north wind took the leaves to an older established portion of the backyard that Dennis will be able to mulch with the mowers.

    With Dennis being gone this weekend there was one small perk. Grammie got to eat her meals how she wanted to and when. Priceless. Structure is generally attained at Stauffer Avenue on a regular basis. This weekend was mine . . . all mine. I favor a sliced sandwich meat container that comes in a trifecta . . . turkey, ham and roast beef. I felt it was quite a bit of sandwich cold cuts so I had shared some of it. This weekend my main meals were cold turkey, lettuce and mayo sandwiches on rye bread. Yum, yum.

    About sunset the ole cowboy will be returning home and most likely his voice will be hoarse from the non stop talking. I also know that he may very well be wore out as this is the first trade show he has taken in since the recovery of the carotid surgeries. Prior to those surgeries he would not have stood a chance of leaving home for the weekend. Dennis has a medical appointment at nine in the morning and I will be sure to set his alarm for that. Nothing promotes deep long sleep than being between your own flannel sheets. Life on Stauffer . . . can’t be beat.

  • Noreen 5:08 pm on October 27, 2018 Permalink  

    Yesterday late in the afternoon I did go and get my flue shot. I will admit today I feel a bit like the helium balloon that is less full of air as it should be. With the thick fog this morning it was a will of wits to get going for the day. With Dennis being gone I am getting the tasks completed with the livestock: a pond of Koi that needs leaves scooped off of the surface of the water and a herd of four cats.

    I did wander into the sewing studio. Yesterday at the Dollar General I bought several three ring binders. Today was a good day to get printed stitching tutorials organized.

    Dennis called this evening from the trade show in Mitchell. All is well with him and I assured him I was following through on this end. If the sun shines tomorrow all will fall back into the normal pace for me.

  • Noreen 5:27 pm on October 26, 2018 Permalink  

    Yesterday afternoon as I was walking in the door, Dennis almost didn’t let me get my jacket off. He had a letter in his hand and his look was serious. It was from Minnesota Revenue. Yup . . . those letters are usually serious. We were being notified that we had not filed a 2015 Minnesota Income Tax return. Ya right! As someone, while I had been working, could have had their Minnesota Assessor’s License revoke for such a non-action, there is no way I would allow such a misstep as this to happen to Dennis and me. I assured Dennis I would get on it in the morning.

    This morning I helped Dennis get packed up for a gun show at Mitchell, South Dakota. After the exhaust fumes had left the driveway, I headed for the paper trail of our tax returns. With the 2015 tax info on the dining room table, I went online to see what my options were. I settled on several telephone numbers. It was a good thing I had plenty of breakfast coffee left as I was on hold for some time.

    I answered quite a few questions before we got to the nitty-gritty. There was an exact time dollar amount showing up in our records that is pending with no tax return attached to it. I also had a printed out copy of a computer generated “Pay MN Tax” receipt of the amount needed. It had the last four numbers of the credit card on it as well as the date, March 21, 2016, which would have been the date I electronically filled our returns. Monday morning I will mail copies of all of our info and see what shakes out. In between time, in the mean time, I called our credit card and got a rep on the phone. Our credit card has switched from a Visa to a MasterCard since that time. For the whopping amount of $5.00 I will receive a copy of the credit card statement for that time frame. Time will tell what shakes out. If in fact the amount was charged on the credit card at that time, it will work to our benefit if they want to add on a late charge.

    Ya know . . . I wonder how some of our fellow senior citizens work through issues such as these. As luck would have it, 40 plus years of working with records and numbers has taught me to take fairly good care of our business. What would have been perfect is if I had saved in a folder the emails that are sent out after electronically filling that stated something to the effect that “Your Minnesota Tax Return for 2015 has been successfully been accepted.” You can be sure that next year I will have it nailed down. Ironically it takes about three years before situations that happened in the world of income tax in 2015 to hit the fan. I did not know that. I will also make sure to keep better notes on the copies of future income tax returns. Will I be hearing from the federal . . . I am not going to sweat it. Time will tell.

  • Noreen 5:32 pm on October 25, 2018 Permalink  

    Today I left the comfort of Stauffer Avenue and tripped over to Mankato to meet with a group of gals that have similar interests to mine . . . sewing and stitching. A fun group to share ideas, hopes, failures and current projects that are under the needle.

    On the way home I stopped in Madelia as I had heard that a quilt shop had opened in what had been the Dystee’s Gas Station. The hospital acquired a new doctor from out of state and Mrs. Doctor has always wanted to have a quilt shop. What an endeavor to take on. There have been several quilt shops that have closed in the area and there is one in Bird Island that is for sale. I wished Susan much success and assured her when I had used up a bit more of my stashes I would return.

    As I left Madelia, the rain began and I was thankful that the grass seed would get some of the real deal and not just from the end of my garden hose. Checking in with Dennis when I returned home, he had checked off all the items he had had on his list. He was able to take his Cub Lo-boy and mulch a lot of the leaves before the rain had begun. A good day all around.

  • Noreen 4:48 pm on October 24, 2018 Permalink  

    Today felt like a day much like the farming days. Fall is here and it was time to check the canning cellar to see what is ready for the winter season and what is needed to fill some empty spots. No . . . my canning days are long over. I do enjoy having grocery items in the cabinets of the cistern closet. Running to the grocery store every several days . . . I am not cut from that cloth. Dennis totally agrees with having enough on hand to make a good meal.

    In time we will be filling in the empty spots of items we use all the time. We are not fussy eaters. It does not take a lot of prep time for a meal here on Stauffer Avenue.

    The item that we don’t have on board is a freezer. What we have above the refrigerator seems to serve us well. Chicken seems to be Dennis’ favorite. I have a freezer baggie full of Bisquick that has flavorings of turmeric, cinnamon, salt, pepper and a smidge of Cyanine pepper. Shaking the chicken tenders in the mix and giving them a few turns in a fry pan seems to be Dennis’ go to meal. I have tried fixing them in the oven and he was not in like with that technique.

    As Megan and I had visited the Odin Craft Mill while she was here, there is a bit more of the specialty items on the kitchen counter. No doubt Carrie’s kitchen counter resembles Stauffer Avenue’s as Megan took a few items home to share with Nicholas and her mom and dad. Not necessarily healthy but definitely a treat for the taste buds. I do think about doing baking . . . and then I don’t do it. Perhaps wintery days may spur that desire. We will take a step back to decide.

  • Noreen 4:54 pm on October 22, 2018 Permalink  

    Monday, Monday! A boost in temps with the sun so why oh why do I ache from toe to head! It was a good thing Dennis was willing to settle for a fried egg sandwich for noon and a skillet of leftovers for supper. Well . . . it may be that the ole Grammie is just not as agile and spry as I believe I am as I hustled through a fantastic weekend with Megan. Even when Megan first became a chatting toddler and play was to take place on the floor . . . “Come on Grammie, you can do it!” Sure enough I did then and sure enough I did keep up with her this weekend. Aches? Wouldn’t have it any other way.

    Dennis was off for coffee with the 80 plus gang this afternoon at one of the apartment complexes. It’s good for him to mix it up as often as possible with those who he has known for his entire adult life He does mention that the gang does keep on getting smaller. Tuesdays there is a group that gets together at McDonald’s. Dennis is on the move. Priceless.

  • Noreen 3:24 pm on October 19, 2018 Permalink  

    October 19th and it is Christmas here on Stauffer Avenue . . . this whole weekend. Megan has decided to spend her MEA weekend with Grandpa and Grammie. “The goods” arrived at three this afternoon. Megan came with fabric and plans. The plan for supper is the Home Town Café. Who knows what this weekend will entail! Needless to say the older ones on Stauffer are happy beyond belief. As we were making our plans, out of Megan’s mouth, “Remember the sign we made a long time ago? What happens at Grammie’s house, stays at Grammie’s house.” That pretty much still goes!

  • Noreen 5:46 pm on October 18, 2018 Permalink  

    When I got up this morning and looked out the bathroom window to see Dennis pulling up our little utility trailer to the car garage I knew there was not going to be a slow start to the day. Get dressed Grammie; grab a cup of coffee and met him head on.

    Dennis already had all the patio chairs lined up on the south side of the garage waiting for me to decide how and where to store them in the potting shed. The small little trailer needed all four tires aired up so that gave me a bit of time to catch up to him. There was a bit of tidying up in the potting shed and when I turned around, there was Dennis with the umbrella stand and the wooden round patio table on the trailer. He left it for me to unload and he soon came back with the umbrella. I must say, before I had the sleep rubbed out of my eyes that phase of Dennis’ schedule had been completed.

    I had to find my gloves as it was going to be my job to pull out the garden hose along Stauffer Avenue to the total extent as to drain all the water out of it before it was reeled up and stored for the winter. I kid you not there was almost 260′ to be pulled to the east. When I walked back Dennis was sitting in a chair next to the hose caddy ready to start rolling it in. The only problem was that it was too heavy to roll up on his own, I needed to haul back lengths of hose so it could be rolled up correctly. Seriously!

    People always told me I would notice a difference in Dennis after the carotids were stripped. I will say that after the second one was stripped in Feb., I did not see any improvement. About the early part of June, Dennis began perking up. Here we are in mid October and it’s a good thing Kevin has most of the backyard tilled up as grass wouldn’t stand a chance under Dennis’ feet if there were some.

    About this time of the morning I called for a coffee break. Snuggles had just jumped on my lab for a long sit when out of the corner of my eye, I saw the car being taken out of the garage. Next came the pickup. I must have missed something. The next item on Dennis’ agenda was sweeping and or blowing out the garage floors. There was much to move out so corners could be hit. Hell’s Bells! If those floors have been cleaned we might as well clear out the patio porch and get that floor vacuumed. Dennis shook rugs and aired out kitty baskets and sure enough, the patio porch is clean and tidy.

    The only thing I had had on my agenda today was to wash the bathroom windows as they need to be done from the outside. I eventfully got them done after Dennis left to have coffee with his nephew Brett. Thank God, he had left before finding more to get into for the day. As I have mentioned, Dennis is back going full steam. It is welcoming and wonderful. I wouldn’t have changed a single thing about this day. It was heart breaking prior to the carotid surgeries when all that Dennis welcomed was sleep.

  • Noreen 5:20 pm on October 17, 2018 Permalink  

    My aunt in Arizona called and requested a quilt pattern. The search was on here at Stauffer Avenue. The sewing studio is much easier to search through since it was organized last October. There are only so many file cabinets to look through. Since last October there have been few surprises that I have run into. Shucky darn!

    Today I found a surprise. A file folder that was filed with lots of photos over the last 18 years. Many photos that had been with me when I worked at the courthouse. So much for looking for a meager quilt pattern. Dennis and I spent quite a bit of time checking out how tiny Megan and Nicholas were in some of the photos. Dennis had forgotten that at one time he wore mutton chops. I didn’t know there was another way of saying mustache. Needless to say we had a great afternoon in the sewing studio.

    Tomorrow Dennis has our day planned. The patio umbrella and all such patio items need to be in the potting shed before supper. We think we have a lot of fall left but that is only IF we have a fall. Dennis has been going from garage to garage always finding something to tweak. Dennis remembered what Kevin had sent along as far as what his convertible needed in regard to anti-freeze. Indeed this ole cowboy is on the move. Exactly one year ago he was in the intensive care portion of the hospital recovering from his first carotid artery surgery. What a difference a year makes. Special!

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