Updates from November, 2018 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Noreen 4:19 pm on November 27, 2018 Permalink

    I am not one to be on the phone other than acknowledging appointments . . . or if I recognize the number of a family member. The computerized calls are awful. They don’t honor holidays or Sundays. We do not answer them. Thankfully, someone who does need to get ahold of us will leave a message. If I hear a message beginning, I will pick up the phone and thank them for being patient in me getting to the phone.

    Last night the phone rang and it was a number both Dennis and I know. It was aunt Lorraine in Arizona. She was having a very bad day. Due to eye problems that cannot be corrected with lenses, she had to give up her driving that day. Lorraine is 87 and comes to see us every summer and stays for several days. She has been able to use a car of one of the kids to motor around Minnesota. That was until last year when neither of her kids offered a car and Dennis and I didn’t question it. We picked up Lorraine at Chris’ and delivered her to Mark after our visit. Lorraine’s son, Mark, lives in Hastings. Daughter Chris lives in Lakefield. We visited for almost an hour last night and it gave her a chance to vent and share. What more could I do than give her positive support. No one likes change.

    I have no doubt this will be a challenge for Lorraine. Who wouldn’t want to remain mobile at will. It wasn’t Lorraine who finally made the decision. That made it hurt a bit more.

    Dennis and I talked about when Mom gave up driving. One day out of the blue, she told us that her car was going out to Michael’s for them to use and that was that. She was living in an apartment house in Hutchinson at the time. She had realized many of her friends in Park Apartments used the city transport. There was no moving the car when it snowed and all she needed was to step out the front door and she could continue doing errands. I believe Mom was 88 or 89 when she let the car keys go. Come to think of it, that is exactly the same way Mom decided to move off of the farm and take that apartment in Hutchinson. We all came for a Mother’s Day and she made her announcement. She perhaps knew in her heart what her limit was with what had been usual and customary all of her life. She was a trooper.

    I admit I don’t drive as much as I used to when I was working or when Megan and Nicholas were small and I would travel to the metro to help out when needed. It’s one thing to only drive once in a while compared to not being able to drive that “once in a while.” Actually, tomorrow is my “once in a while” to do some banking and grocery shopping here in town.  Snow is forecast and I hope to be ahead of it.  I don’t drive at night. My depth perception is not good. Car lights, reflective road signs all have a halo around them and it is quite difficult to remain focused. If I can’t get my crap together and get it done in daylight, it must not be very important. In the recent past, Dennis has even commented that if we go somewhere, he would like to be home before it gets dark. For us older ones . . . smart move. Yup, we continue to get smart to protect what we have for a wonderful life right here on Stauffer Avenue.

  • Noreen 5:37 pm on November 23, 2018 Permalink  

    Oh my oh my, these two older folks on Stauffer Avenue need to rest and regroup this weekend. Yesterday we hosted Thanksgiving for eight plus two puppies for my children. Just a fantastic day of laughter, giggling and being together. Dennis was happy as the food was hot when he had his plate filled with his favorite goodies. Nailed that!

    Today we traveled to Mankato. Dennis’ daughter Sandy hosted the Curry gathering. Within the mix: a railroad worker who is home every three weeks, a county worker from north of Duluth, a nurse, two military people, etc. It was a total of 28 from the age of 82 to 14 months. The decibel level of noise was at times horrific. As winter can bring predictable weather, it was also their gathering as a total family for Thanks-Christmas.

    I found myself loosing a month of days for stitching that I wanted to do for the daughters and granddaughters. The hint had been given to me that they all enjoyed the old fashioned feed sack dishtowels. The six of them were not disappointed.

    When Megan was here for her sewing retreat, her and I talked about being brave and trying to sew a purse that would have good utility. I have seen them at craft shows. With a downloaded pattern complete with a companion video, I was getting a good vib.

    As long as Dennis and I were traveling to Mankato, I suggested we leave a little early and stop at JoAnn Fabric for some of the metal clasps and buckles that the pattern indicated. What was I thinking? The first clue was that there were no shopping carts available. Immediately as I walked in the checkout line caught my eye as it was halfway down the store with various looks on those who had carts in front of them. I saw three tills going. As I walked down the main aisle to where the sewing notions were, I couldn’t help but see the line of shopping carts, some with more bolts of fabric than others lined up at the cutting tables. It finally clicked. Some men got in line with a cart to pull a number that would be called for the fabric to be cut. The men got in line with their cart while the women were cruising the aisles and kept adding to their stashes in the cart that they intended to have cut and purchased. These couples had taken part in Black Friday lollapalooza sales before. That line soon became so congested that they were lining up two wide.

    When Dennis saw me coming out of the store empty handed I could see he had his hands palm side up over the steering wheel as if to say “What . . . they didn’t have anything you needed?” There is no way we would have made it to the family gathering if they had planned on eating at midnight. Amazon and I will be having some intimate time later tonight. I do give some credit for hanging tough. Having to go through what I saw in JoAnn Fabric would totally take the fun out of the sale prices.

    I am home loving the fact that Dennis and I hit all the marks for taking in the family time that we had, having a thankful Thanksgiving.

  • Noreen 9:05 pm on November 22, 2018 Permalink  

    Being thankful doesn’t begin to describe the serenity and security that having family close can bring. I want more and pray that I will be blessed with it.

  • Noreen 5:55 pm on November 21, 2018 Permalink  

    It is multi-tasking here on Stauffer Ave on Thanksgiving Eve. The Bernina has been humming via Megan. It is going well, even knowing that the Bernina can poke a hole through the metal of a safety pin. That did take a new needle. The old part of the needle is still in the safety pin and will remain there as Megan wants to keep it as a reminder to watch as you stitch.

    Two pies are cooling and I am heading up out of the sewing studio to get my carrot dish put together for tomorrow. Dennis chopped the carrots for me which was a huge help to my hands.

    I will tell you that Megan and I did take a trip to the Old Alley Quilt Shop this noon. She has heard me speak of it often and she needed a quilting fix. How could you not when you are surrounded by dozens and dozens of finished show and tell projects and bolts of fabric by the hundreds.

    I need to fix us all some supper and see how the rest of the prep work goes.

  • Noreen 3:17 pm on November 20, 2018 Permalink  

    Dennis is feeling quite proud as he had successfully implanted a brick in my pants for the entire day of Monday.

    We have had such a great run of getting everything done this summer and fall. Neither one of us can do it on our own . . . but together the outside work was whacked and stacked. No branch left lying or piles of soggy leaves left to mold.

    We moved right into the housework. It was a “We” all the way. Dennis recalls a comment I made many years ago: “I don’t ask for much . . . but I deserve to have a clean home.” Thus the ole cowboy steps up, steps into the world of dust bunnies. With a forced air furnace there are always going to be dust bunnies.

    Dennis was busy this fall working with getting his newly acquired 1968 Cub Lo-Boy spruced up and I spent a fair amount of time in the sewing studio. Now it was time to pay the piper.

    The piper has been paid, Dennis’ hands are soft from the Murphy Wood Soap wipes and on the last day of the cleaning frenzy I reached too far. I reached too high and the right shoulder literally pulled me up short. We checked out the range of mobility and knew that the hardware of the shoulder replacement was OK.  There were muscles and tendons that were pissed. Sunday night was ice pack night as I watched the Toy Story 3 movie. Heat brings more blood to the owee and causes more pressure. Ice takes away some of the blood supply and the pressure. Sunday night was hard to find a good spot to sleep on. Making sure I had crackers with the Aleve Gel Caps, Monday my buns were in my favorite chair with more ice packs watching television. Dennis made one of his notorious pasta hotdishes for supper. I slept well last night.

    This morning the shoulder was back in good stead and Dennis can take his brick and . . . ! The experience drove home that from the neck down I have great mobility. From the neck up . . . not so much. The mandated downtime was needed. Dennis’ loving care was needed and appreciated. What works for one, works for both. Today is Tuesday and there really was nothing that needed much tending for Thanksgiving Day. It’s all good here on Stauffer Avenue. I most likely needed a slap of reality . . . AND it has nothing to do with age.

  • Noreen 5:04 pm on November 19, 2018 Permalink  

    We started out the morning at an early pace . . . at least I did. A dishtowel swiped across the coffee pot settings last night after supper had me up at six rather than at seven. I had the alarm set but it is a habit of hearing the coffee pot that sets the mindset.

    Dennis grabbed a cup of coffee and went to the patio porch to check on the kids. All four were in for curfew last night. The night before Harriet missed curfew and when Dennis went out with his coffee cup Sunday morning, she was sitting right by the back door of the house. She didn’t miss a step as Dennis said she headed for the food bowl.

    As Dennis was getting ready for the VA Clinic appointment this morning, he was telling me about the doves that were in the Maple tree as it was getting daylight. Apparently it was a huge amount that flew in and sat on the branches watching him through the glass sliders. They weren’t in any hurry and more kept coming. Dennis equated it as all the past family members came to welcome him to this new day. Obviously Dennis feels comfort from doves.

    Dennis had a good checkup at the VA Clinic and was off running a few errands afterward. My day was planned to be quiet as tomorrow at this time Megan will be settling in for a weekend of sewing. By the way, we will be squeezing in baking for Thanksgiving on Wednesday, getting the Thanksgiving meal on the table hot and tasty sometime on Thursday. Oh . . . I can’t forget the elfing that will also be going on. Fun times. I wouldn’t want to miss a minute of it. I can have many more quiet days after the weekend and relish all the memories.

  • Noreen 4:51 pm on November 18, 2018 Permalink  

    Dennis and I agree we are done with the 2018 fall housecleaning. We rely on each other to reach where the other can’t, climb to the next step of the kitchen stool where the other shouldn’t, and overlook the smear of a streak when it is on the outside of the last window we tackled. We work at it together as we can’t decide whose dirt it really is. Windows #15 and #16 are going to wait until another sprint of the cleaning fever.

    Tonight we will have a celebratory Bird’s Eye frozen skillet meal that is labeled as Shrimp, Garlic and Pasta. As we eat supper Dennis and I will go over lists that are either verbal or actually written down as to what the new week holds:  I will have the alarm set for tomorrow as Dennis has a blood test at the VA Clinic just a five minutes drive south of us. Tomorrow I am going to sit and jot down the Thanksgiving meal items that will include time tables and check to see if I have the job jar items written down for the kids when they come on Thursday. I already have the sewing area tidied up for Megan to come for her sewing retreat.

    I think us two ole timers are in a great place for the winter season. After the five inches of snow that fell on frozen ground, we are resigned to enjoy each day as it comes, the whole while thankful for each other. It doesn’t hurt that we have the support of family near and far, whether we have frequent contact or think on thoughts of love for them.

    In the mean time, I am in my pink robe with slippers on my feet and watching Toy Story 3 on the television. When I have had a great run of local effort I can sit down to relax and be oh so easily entertained.

  • Noreen 4:30 pm on November 17, 2018 Permalink  

    Talk about white. There was a five inch layer of snow when I got up this morning. Our insurance man was to be here a little after eight.

    Dennis was asleep and I decided to check out how heavy the snow was. With my wide pusher the snow pushed off right down to the bare driveway. It was heavy and wet. After one full swipe, I took a half swipe at a time. It would have been perfect snowman making snow.

    It must have been challenging out in the country as our insurance man from Madelia was a good hour late. That worked out perfectly for me. Our 90′ freeway was clear. A gracious insurance man that Mark is, he parked out on the street and walked up the driveway.

    So why would I want to take care of the driveway before anyone came calling? Once this type of snow is driven on . . . it is a layer of ice . . . packed. Even with Dennis using the snowblower it would have packed as the skids don’t go right down to the surface of the driveway. When I got to the end of the driveway the lip from our driveway to the county road was a good inch. Packed and iced over.

    It is now late afternoon and the concrete is totally dry and clear. Anyone can get out of a vehicle or get into a vehicle without the chance of slipping, falling and getting hurt.

    Yup . . . I can feel a bit of tightness across my back, but mostly I feel great. I protect my shoulders beyond belief. No way am I going to take a chance of needing any replacement of the replacements that I have. My snow pusher is the kindest way for me to move snow. No hefting allowed.

    I am not sure what supper is going to be, but there is freshly baked out bacon. Most likely a couple of eggs will fill the bill. It’s been a wonderful day.

  • Noreen 5:42 pm on November 15, 2018 Permalink  

    There is no end to what makes me shake my head and think “Seriously?” We had a trip to Mankato yesterday and pretty much thought that would be the end of our out of town trips before Thanksgiving. Not! There was a message on the answering machine from the Pulmonary Department of the Mayo clinic in Mankato . . . we needed to contact them as soon as possible.

    As luck would have it I called in immediately. The Pulmonary department had been tracking Dennis’ usage of CPAP machine over a period of time. There was a problem. Now how the hell they can track high nightly usage beats me. There is a computer card in the machine, but I had no idea there was a sensor in it that linked it to the clinic. Truth to be told, I haven’t asked that specific question yet. It was indicating that Dennis was having a sleep apnea episode as high as 20 per hour. That means: his heart has stopped it’s normal beat and the CPAP machine should at that time put a burst of air via his mouth to get him breathing. Something was definitely amiss. The max that can be overlooked is 5 per hour.

    We were in Mankato at one this afternoon. His face mask that is hooked to the CPAP machine does receive new gaskets every so often. The head gear had not been reviewed since Dennis started using the machine ten years ago. Dennis came away with a new unit that is the latest and should offer him a better fit. The old one had elastic up the wha-zo that needed to be released each morning and then re-attached at night. In ten years I know how much my range of motion in my arms has changed and I know Dennis at 82 may have experience some of the same lack of ability to get those arms up and around his neck to attach the elastic as several points.

    This head gear was put on Dennis and the straps going over his head and the straps going around his neck were set where it would allow the mask to sit where it was needed. These would not need nightly and morning releasing. At that point, a strap, one on each side of his face, is simply picked up by his hands and place the ends of those with magnets attached, allowing the attachment of the head gear to the mask that also has magnets.

    Time will tell how things go this evening. No doubt those in the know will be able to tell how this new up to date mask will work for Dennis. Dennis has been enjoying such a renewed life since the carotid surgeries, this could have gone so wrong so fast if not for the watchful ones on the other end of this CPAP computer card. I still need a bit more information as to how this was caught here on Stauffer Avenue from Mankato, Minnesota.

  • Noreen 5:14 pm on November 14, 2018 Permalink  

    Now this is what I call an Indian Summer type day. The breeze from the south was brisk but at 45 degrees I could have just as well been in the south Carribian Islands. I really have no idea where they actually are, but today was a gift.

    Our day included a trip to Mankato. Hair cuts, pedicures and a luncheon out. It was a surprise to see Kersten as we came out of Great Clips. See! It was a great day to escape home boundaries.

    As we were having lunch in Perkins, Dennis explained to me that he had a shelf to put up next to his bed for all the goodies that come with the CPAP machine. He would be in charge of getting it cut complete with rounded corners and also be in charge of the sanding. Now then . . . what did I have in mind for brackets? I looked out the window and there was Hobby Lobby. I decided to check out it.

    I have never seen such a collection of hardware for shelf brackets, drawer pulls, etc. The sign that caught my eye was 50% off. I would have loved to have come home with the brackets that resembled spurs. The downside was that it would only have taken a shelf width less than what we needed. I settled for some brackets that look like rusted angle iron. Perfect for the ole cowboy’s wall. It will be my pleasure to get the pine board stained and sealed. After all there is elfing to be done on Thanksgiving.

    When we got home it was the perfect opportunity to get two of the eight west porch windows washed. I’ll keep pecking away at them. The Lime Turbo spray that Kevin had gotten for me for water spots worked perfectly. The Windex was the final swipe. Yes! We can see out of those two west windows.

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