Updates from September, 2014 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Noreen 3:31 am on September 29, 2014 Permalink  

    True to my blog of yesterday, today Dennis and I took a road trip. As we saw combines out in the bean fields, we started reminiscing about the days that Dennis farmed with his uncle and I was at the elbow of my parents on the farm. We reached a destination down the highway that was our “turn around.” Checking on new construction could be an old occupational hazard. On the way home everything that we took in on our trip made my heart happy and I will be smiling for some time to come.

  • Noreen 4:23 am on September 27, 2014 Permalink  

    Dennis made a comment today that I would have to agree with. His observation is that both of us being in good health, we are feeling our oats to a greater degree than we did last fall as far as yard work and fall cleaning is considered, or we got an exceptional bottle of multi-vitamins. I am not knocking it one way or the other. it feels great to be on top of the real estate. Go “older ones.”

  • Noreen 4:27 am on September 26, 2014 Permalink  

    Our neighbor, Bob, has a fire ring that he lets us use. Today, it was a day to tidy up the shrubs and trees with literally, dead wood. Nothing says supper like leftovers for two older ones on Stauffer Avenue that always seem to find things to stay busy. We are good stewards of our home.

  • Noreen 1:48 am on September 24, 2014 Permalink  

    The trip to the metro went smoothly yesterday. We dodged the early traffic and well as the afternoon rush. Dennis has had the last of the Vascular tests and now we wait for the Radiology Department to forward the info to Dennis’ doctor. It doesn’t hurt to anticipate the future, so today we tackled things out in the yard that needed us to work together and flex our backs as we tackled a few things. A good day as we swept the yards of garden art and closed the potting shed doors. The patio umbrella and chairs need to stay out in the anticipation of many nice sunny warm days to come.

  • Noreen 9:02 pm on September 22, 2014 Permalink  

    An early blog on this Monday as we are heading to the Vascular Department at the VA in Minneapolis. Dennis’ 78th birthday is coming up and he knows he wants to continue enjoying day to day life. The legs may need some stints for better circulation and that will be determined in some on going tests today.

    On the flip side I could use a bit of quiet time as I took a tumble yesterday in the potting shed. Just tripped over my own feet. As I was in flight I manipulated the old body so neither the shoulders or the knees took the full brunt of the tumble and it became a soft fall. I am sure the site of me getting back upright would have been enough to bring chuckles. A bit stiff with one or two small bruises, but all is working just fine. A few extra spins on the exercise bike this morning helped the mobility. Catch ya later.

  • Noreen 7:01 am on September 21, 2014 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    Kitchen Flood

    It’s a good thing the bottom of the cabinet had just
    been cleaned with few cleaning items stored. It’s amazing how
    much water is in a sink full of dishes — on its way out.

  • Noreen 3:59 am on September 20, 2014 Permalink  

    Summer warmth with a touch of humidity is back for several days. I really enjoyed the cooler temps even if it meant digging for a light jacket during the morning hours.

  • Noreen 6:17 am on September 18, 2014 Permalink  

    I rode with Dennis today to get the pickup serviced so it’s up to speed for the winter. What a remarkable difference in the look of the crops from last week. Gone are the masses of green soybean fields; replaced with hues of gold and brown leaves on the plants. We sat outside on the patio for some time this evening. Night rolls in earlier and earlier preparing to usher in the fall season.

  • Noreen 2:58 am on September 17, 2014 Permalink  

    Dennis is home from Silver Bay and had a great and safe trip. The 46 degrees this morning was a bit chilly, but the sunshine sure helps it feel bright and gives energy to the day. Today was head down and sometimes butt sticking up in the air as the bedroom closet was tidied from head to foot. Dennis even got in to the project. Some items hit the donate box and some things such as my variety of arm slings and Dennis’ suspenders were tucked back into the “might need these sometime” box. It must be in the blood that the fall season also means time to clean and sort.

  • Noreen 2:15 am on September 14, 2014 Permalink  

    Options must be kept open. After a bit of Saturday house work, Dennis and I hit the yard work. There is no way we could complain about mowing the grass as it is lush and beautiful for this time of year. I knew I could either rake off the front yard of heavy grass clippings or . . . I could try out attaching the bag for grass clippings. In all my years I had never worked a lawnmower with the bag attachment.

    Dennis made a few modifications on the mower and showed me how to attach and detach the bag. After a show of moral support with a pat on the butt, he headed for the east yards on his rider.

    I was very pleased as to how the yard looked after each swat. The downfall I would have to say is that the mower had to be shut down each time I had to empty the bag, and that was quite often. On the up side, thankfully the mower does start with one pull.

    Here it is, the middle of the afternoon and we are cleaned up and ready to work at a VFW event from four through eight this evening. A full day, but a very rewarding day. There will be some windows cracked in the house this evening for lots of fresh air to assure a sound night’s sleep.

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