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  • Noreen 4:10 am on October 12, 2014 Permalink  

    Today was a day that my laptop computer left home for a sleepover. Quite a few years ago, I was going to download the latest version for that time, of Windows Exployer. It did not go well, so I moved on to Google and then Google Chrome. Within the last week I could no longer get the updates that were to happen automatically. A few days later I could not connect to the router that is at Dennis’ command station. It’s a good thing that I had a “rain check” to cash in.

    Six years ago a young fellow had an ad in the paper for computer repair. As luck would have it the DVD drive on Dennis’ unit was out of commission and I had Paul come over and install a new one I had purchased at Best Buy. Paul had just finished his college coarse for computer based work and was just beginning to find a client base. After that day, I went to the courthouse and sang Paul’s praises to our IT fellow who was in the process of writing up a job description for an assistant. The ad went into the newspaper. Paul applied and was chosen for the next newest Watonwan County employee.

    Six years later I had the joy of spending this morning with Paul in our home working on my laptop.

    The problem with the Internet occurred when someone tried to piggy back our internet service and for some reason my laptop was not able to connect the next time I sat down for some computer time. Paul has now installed passwords and that will not be happening again. The Window’s based updates could no longer forgive the mess I had made years before with a download gone bad. Paul took my laptop home with him and he is going to strip it down and then reload everything. It should result in a faster computer and one that has also been cleaned up. Paul and I went through the entire list of programs and there were several that were no longer needed or used.

    I am so thankful that Dennis has a computer unit that he has been sharing with me for posting on my blog and checking my emails. The keyboard is horrible to use. Let’s face it, I have been spoiled with my laptop and will so appreciate it after it has been tuned up. Here was a fellow that was happy to come and make a house call and in between his tweaking, it was fun visiting with him in regard to his transition from being a fellow wanting to start his own business to an employee with a very strong future with the county.

  • Noreen 5:01 am on October 11, 2014 Permalink  

    Today was a family funeral on Dennis’ side of the family. Lots of visiting and catching up with those that traveled to be here. I think I am “worded” out. Catch ya tomorrow.

  • Noreen 6:31 am on October 8, 2014 Permalink  

    A long day doing a good deed – catch ya all tomorrow.

  • Noreen 4:15 am on October 6, 2014 Permalink  

    We knew this day would come: Dennis’ sister-in-law succumbed to the long fight she had with Parkinson’s disease. Her struggles are over and peace is hers.

  • Noreen 2:54 am on October 5, 2014 Permalink  

    The sun is out and the world seems a happier place. It may be cool in the low 50s, but I’ll take it any day over clouds that feel like doom and gloom. We can take heart, there will be many nice days before the cool turning cold strikes us for long term.

  • Noreen 2:42 am on October 4, 2014 Permalink  

    45 degrees with the addition of 8/10th inch of rain makes it feel mighty chilly. The house plants that have been adorning the Koi pond were brought into the garage porch today as there is the word “snow” being bantered around by the meteorologists on the news. The furnace has been flipped on to take the chill out of the house. Hmm . . . not liking the idea of that being the norm from here on in. I am just wondering how long it will be before Dennis brings the flannel sheets down from the closet shelf. Dennis equates warmth with weight . . . me, not so much.

  • Noreen 4:42 am on October 3, 2014 Permalink  

    Today was a little-known national holiday: Dennis’ 78th birthday. We celebrated in good style by having a great workout at the Super 8 pool and then spending time in the hot tub. Both of these do wonders for Dennis’ legs, which suffer from neuropathy (nerve damage). Weekdays there is so little activity out at the pool, we know we couldn’t have better quality digs if we had our own set up here at home. The gals there are on top of water control and cleanliness. It does feel at times like our own spa. Our noon was topped off with his favorite fried egg sandwiches. Life is good on Stauffer Avenue.

  • Noreen 4:48 am on October 2, 2014 Permalink  

    Today Dennis had his luncheon in Mankato with the Korean War Veterans Association. Their chapter is known and registered as “The Frozen Chosen.” Once a month they meet for lunch and a short business meeting. This summer they were represented in several summer parades with a float that the fellows have put together, pulled by a real deal Jeep from that area. I so applaud his attendance as it gives Dennis a chance to meet and stay in contact with fellows from all walks of life with a common denominator. It was a good day.

  • Noreen 3:55 am on October 1, 2014 Permalink  

    In cleaning out several items from the desk: In this week of 1968, at two and a half months old, Kevin had to be bundled up and slept in Carrie’s wagon and she (almost three), the big sister, watched over him. Grandpa Wendlandt was in the corn field chopping silage for our silo. I had to help Orlin line up the wagons for the chopped corn to be blown up into the silo. Though it only took me five minutes to help Orlin with each load, and the kids and the wagon not far from me, I could not chance the kids being in the house alone.

  • Noreen 4:59 am on September 30, 2014 Permalink  

    Dennis enjoyed one of his requested suppers: biscuits and gravy. A tube of 8 biscuits to bake, a half dozen precooked Jimmy Dean sausage patties cut up and a package of white gravy mix with two cups of water. The topping: ketchup. It’s okay, once in a great while, but I could not help but wonder about . . . the nutritional value, which from my calculation, was nonexistent. As I said, once in a great while. I now have the Brussel Sprout card to play. Paybacks are hell.

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