It is a very quiet day, here on Stauffer Avenue. All the “fixings” that were used and needed for Megan’s visit are tucked away . . . until the next time. Sweet!
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A very busy day getting Megan settled in. An array of activities are being decided upon. More info to come.
A gray day that we decided was not going to get the best of us. We went to North Mankato and made the most of our gas mileage. We got to meet great granddaughter, Lux Jane, and visit with Sadie and Mike. What a tiny, two-week-old peanut. We traveled on and looked up the new home of great grandson, Oliver, aka: Ollie. Parents, Amy and Brandon, did a wonderful job of picking out a home for the family to grow in to. Dennis and I stopped in at Perkins for the meal of the day. I really enjoy their $4.00 to $8.00 menus. Just the right amount of goodness. A safe trip home and it’s time to settle in for the evening.
Just a laid back day, chilling out. The temps reached the 30 degree mark, but the air and gray skies made it feel very much colder.
High winds really bite. I thought twice about doing errands uptown. In the end, I was happy to have the errands done and behind me and enjoyed the warmth that welcomed me as I stepped into the back door of our home. Listening to the news this evening, I am thankful that there are shelters for those that have no home; have no warmth to look forward to, other than that which a shelter will bring for at least one night.