Updates from January, 2015 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Noreen 7:51 am on January 14, 2015 Permalink  

    Today was all about dust bunnies. I so enjoy the fact that Swiffers are my all time favorite cleaning tool. I would never go back to having carpeting in the home again. Had it not been for Carrie’s cat Rocky coming into our home and pushing our buttons to the point of taking up all the carpeting, we would never have realized how easy it is to keep the floors tidy. Rest in peace Rocky.

  • Noreen 5:02 am on January 10, 2015 Permalink  

    This evening was the “cook’s night off.” We have a new Subway structure and it seemed a good night to try it out. Always good food and very fresh veggies for the toppings. It was very much enjoyed and considered a real treat. I had made Dennis’ favorite meal of liver and onions last night and had half kidded that the kitchen would be taking some time off.

  • Noreen 5:55 am on January 9, 2015 Permalink  

    It Is A Challenge 

    Chrochet Stitch (400x300)

    It would have been wonderful to be able to visit with Carrie and Kevin’s grandmother, Esther, in regard to this stitch. Esther could crochet in her sleep. The stitch is referred to as the Chevron stitch. It sure was more than any stitch I had tackled before. I need a seven inch square of this stitch and my hands will be taking quite a few breaks in between rows. Blocking will do wonders to enhance the square.


  • Noreen 6:16 am on January 8, 2015 Permalink  

    Today in the cold and wind, we needed to be in Mankato for several appointments. Not very many years ago . . . well maybe decades ago, there would not have been a trip anywhere from home when the temperatures were in the minus. In today’s world, our vehicles are more trustworthy. There were a few vehicles parked beside the highway that had not been made aware of that. Dennis and I were very happy to arrive safely home in the late afternoon, appointments met and a few additional errands run. Oh, how we love our little home on Stauffer Avenue.

  • Noreen 4:18 am on January 7, 2015 Permalink  

    Small town heroes are still in our midst. The early morning hours of the 27th of December we had several inches of snow. Ever ready Dennis went out in the morning and got our the snow blower. After two passes on the drive it abruptly stopped. It has some age on it and every season has been a blessing. With help, Dennis took it out to a repair fellow that fixes some items on the side. As luck would have it, Charlie and his family were taking in a Christmas vacation. Charlie came home on the 5th of January and here we are on the 6th of January and Dennis is on his way to Charlie’s to pick up the snow blower. The cost: $25.00.  One of the main belts needed to be replaced.  Dennis could push it and it would blow snow, but the heft that it took, was not wise.  All is well thanks to small town hero, Charlie.

  • Noreen 4:43 am on January 6, 2015 Permalink  

    Quiet has returned to Stauffer Avenue. Dennis and I agree that sometimes we need that reminder as to how our home is our safe refuge and it may be more than some want bad enough to put in the prayer, time and energy. On a light note, I pulled a crochet pattern out and are giving the arthritic fingers a working out during these chilly days. It worked for Carrie and Kevin’s grandmother, Esther Schafer. If you don’t use the fingers, they enjoy getting a bit stiff and brittle.

  • Noreen 5:38 am on January 3, 2015 Permalink  

    It was a gray raw day, but I had a list of errands that I wanted to run. It was a great feeling coming home and knowing that the day went just like it was planned. Priceless.

  • Noreen 3:44 am on December 27, 2014 Permalink  

    It is the 26th and as I look out my west porch windows, I notice that there are several homes that have their Christmas trees out on the curb. Seriously? These are the special days where most of the scurry-hurry items have been taken care of as of yesterday. We still have two Christmas gatherings to attend, but the stress level is non-existent. We have the details for those nailed down. I can’t give you a date when I will take down our Christmas tree. With all the gray weeks of weather we have had, my tree is the bright spot that still has the content, cozy effect on me. I like it a lot.

  • Noreen 4:38 am on December 23, 2014 Permalink  

    Making my list and checking it twice. Christmas gatherings are spread over several weeks and lists are mandatory for me as to what food is needed to be prepared for each location. No longer do I depend on the memory for that. These last years, I do enjoy the days right before Christmas to be low key and relaxed. When we were both working the W-2 Form jobs, that thought was far in the distance. For Dennis and me that time is here and we really have slowed down. We comment to each other often, how much we like it.

  • Noreen 5:27 am on December 21, 2014 Permalink  

    Changes are tough. I knew I needed new lenses this fall. Going for six years without a change in eye glasses was pressing my luck. What I didn’t count on was needing to go back for the third time to have them adjusted to sit upon the noggin correctly. Bi-focal lenses sitting askew gives a whole new meaning for the appreciation of walking straight and reading more than one line at a time in printed materials. Yes, yes, I realize that perhaps it is my ears that need adjusting, but this is what I have to work with and they knew this when the pair of glasses were sold to me.

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