Fleeting Thoughts:
I am always so thankful when there are leftovers in the refrigerator. Martha Stewart must have taken a hiatus from time to time of fixing meals and food. I wonder if she ever resorted to Spam or Herring with crackers?
I am always so thankful when there are leftovers in the refrigerator. Martha Stewart must have taken a hiatus from time to time of fixing meals and food. I wonder if she ever resorted to Spam or Herring with crackers?
When the sun shines all is well with my world. I hope this effect is widespread among my people. Oh yes, you know who you are.
This is a great summary of how I have always felt about my life and how I have lived it and will continue to live it.
“Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is life, fight for it.”
author: Mother Teresa
Oh my gosh, it is so gray out. The sun would just be the ticket to enjoy the temps that are 40+. The amazing thing I heard today was that weathermen were being taken to task as the east coast snowfall was not as severe as forecast. People just never cease to amaze and disappoint.
Started income tax for 2014. Yuk!
Road trip today! A brand new sight for a trade show that was just a bit up the highway. For Dennis it is always interesting to see what the price may be of items that he has and then will take to a trade show later in February. I was able to take in a visit with family along the way. It’s always special to catch up on a one on one, eye to eye, toe to toe. As we drove, the fields seem to turn black right before our eyes as the temperature of 43 took the remaining snow to task. A great day, but then . . . there is no place like home.
Had a busy day of errands. Where did the time go, as today a trip to the motor vehicle department was needed to keep the wheels moving under me for another year. I take one prescription drug and that three month supply needed to be picked up. Shut the front door! This three month supply was 4.2 times more expensive than the last. Cheaper gas prices, but the drug companies are making up for it. As Dennis says “What are you going to do about it?” I did make a call and had a rep of Blue Cross Blue Shield do some checking into it. It was my way of making sure that a human error had not been made and that all of us may be getting the shaft.
Life is still on Stauffer.
We went to Mankato today. The sunshine and 37 degrees took Dennis into a spring fever mode. I so agree. Life is sweet.
This was a day that really does not have much to show for itself. By the time we got home from the Super 8 pool it was noon and I could feel that I had done a good job of stretching and moving. We visited the pool three times this week and my lower back tells me it was a good thing. As with any area of the body that arthritis has dared to invade, continual moving will not remove it or cure it, but it allows the joints to continue at an acceptable level of function. The argument of ice or heat for inflamed areas has always been batted around. Ice is the friend of choice if a new injury is being dealt with to relieve the possible swelling. Arthritis needs heat to get as much blood flowing as possible around joints.
That being said . . . we had a great evening meal and I am going to do a bit of crocheting while I have heat on the lower back. If the pool pass and the heating pad can contain the pain, back surgery is not in my vocabulary. With knees and shoulders having been replaced, there has been some mobility that has been sacrificed. On the up side, I have no knee and shoulder pain and as far as the quality of life . . . it is sweet. I just am not up for any additional lack of mobility. I was quite blunt about some physical struggles after the second shoulder replacement in my blog stories. I am very comfortable having met and conquered those struggles, taking it one day at a time.
Life on Stauffer Avenue with Dennis is just priceless.
27 degrees with on and off again sunshine. It puts a new bounce in my step. This evening we are going to enjoy a crock pot pot roast meal. The carrots, onions and potatoes round it out to be a healthy winter meal. The leftovers later this week will be just as good as the real deal this evening. No kitchen duties for me this evening. Dennis can enjoy the self serve buffet style via a complete meal in a crock pot.