Updates from February, 2015 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Noreen 6:10 am on February 15, 2015 Permalink  

    Busy, busy during the time Dennis is gone. Laundry done, floors damp mopped and all of the livestock is present and accounted for. The house is uncommonly quiet. The music from Dennis’ command station is silent, much different than the sounds of his computer card games that can almost give out a surround sound. Dennis called last night and has connected with buddies from various states. It’s very healthy for Dennis to get out of Dodge and chew the leather as to what others are doing.

  • Noreen 4:43 am on February 14, 2015 Permalink  

    At nine sharp this morning Dennis in his little red pickup headed out the door for the drive to Sioux Falls. We checked his travel stash once and then once again. Medications and his CPAP sleep machine will guarantee a good weekend for him and peace of mind for me. As Dennis drove out, Butter Ball and Snuggles were sitting in the garage porch looking out the patio door in utter disbelief that yes, he was actually leaving them. Pets . . . you just have to love them.

  • Noreen 4:32 am on February 13, 2015 Permalink  

    004_2A (400x267)

    Dennis in the thick of things at previous trade shows.

    I am getting the low-down on my chores for the weekend. Dennis is participating in his annual trade show in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. I have assured him the livestock will be well taken care of. His little red pickup is packed and tomorrow morning his personal items will be added and the exhaust fumes will following him down the driveway. Dennis has been enjoying the gathering of fellow enthusiasts at this show since the mid 1980s. I am going to be sure and have throat lozenges on hand for his return, as he may very well be hoarse. I have gone with in times past, and the kabitzing begins before breakfast and lasts well into the evening as the fellows get together over supper. Fun times for friends getting together.

  • Noreen 3:25 am on February 12, 2015 Permalink  

    It’s Getting Hard to Wait 

    Calvin's art

    This garden art from my brother, Calvin, is so ready to have some flowers adorn it. The ice is quite nice, but the blossoms are so much better.


  • Noreen 4:45 am on February 11, 2015 Permalink  

    Awoke to rain quickly turning to ice under foot. We have experienced ice pellets and light snow. I really curled my toes as I headed out for an eye appointment this morning. Dennis had the pickup warmed up and put the pickup in the 4-wheel drive option. It is always a relief when nothing of a serious nature is discovered with my eyes. I can continue enjoying my sewing and stitching to my hearts content. Speaking of sewing and stitching, I have not participated in that for the last two days and the fingers and wrists are telling me they need to be flexed and wiggled. Perhaps there could be worse things than being doomed to being creative. Catch ya later.

  • Noreen 6:20 am on February 10, 2015 Permalink  

    Dennis checked on the Koi in the horse tank . . . all present and accounted for. Dennis was amazed how clear the water was. The Koi were put in the horse tank the first of November and the filter did get a cleaning today from their excrement. Some water was scooped out and they were treated with many gallons of fresh water. They have a bit more time to spend before they will be turned loose. Megan and Nicholas’ Beta fish Dorothy is still doing fine. This is the second winter of it swimming with the Koi that go dormant. Koi don’t eat until temps get to 50 degrees. Dorothy is a survivor.

  • Noreen 6:11 am on February 8, 2015 Permalink  

    This Is What I Do 

    009 (300x400)

    When I want to enjoy counted cross stitch, this is what I do. I know that there are lamps of various types that can be purchased to look through for amplification, but just a common pair of store cheaters work just fine. I am just not ready to give up a very much enjoyed hobby.


  • Noreen 4:17 am on February 6, 2015 Permalink  

    Oh So Good 

    002 (400x300)

    This pork roast with carrots and potatoes
    will make a wonderful evening meal – and oh so many
    wonderful choices with the leftovers.


  • Noreen 5:23 am on February 5, 2015 Permalink  

    A busy day for the older ones on Stauffer.

    1. Pay the electric bill.
    2. Pay the Culligan bill for the rental softener.
    3. Drop Dennis off at the VFW in Mankato for his Korean Veterans luncheon.
    4. Get the car serviced at Jiffy Lube, complete with a fuel injection system cleaning.
    5. Getting my hair cut.
    6. Not forgetting to pick Dennis up.
    7. Picking up groceries to supply the empty spots in the pantry.
    8. Happy to be home and looking forward to eggs and toast for supper.

    Dennis and I deem this to be a very successful day.

  • Noreen 4:23 am on February 4, 2015 Permalink  

    Feeling quite mellow this late afternoon. Dennis and I had a great session at the Super 8 pool this morning. We were quite surprised when the front desk staff served us warm chocolate chip cookies with coffee as we were just about ready to head for home. Awesome. We had a dusting of snow that accumulated to an inch. Too much to leave on the driveway and yet not enough for Dennis to start the snow blower. I have a wonderful 28″ wide plastic snow pusher and took the opportunity to get some good safe exercise with lots of fresh air. Dennis’ leftover meatloaf is going to be the saving grace for the evening meal. I love leftovers.

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