It was a busy day and I will catch you all tomorrow.
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It was not to be that we would be getting a huge amount of snow. If we got a half inch that might be stretching it. On the other hand the wind has been moving the new snow around and as it swipes across the drive and sidewalk it is slippery. Time to curl the toes and hang on.
The sun is out and at five this afternoon it is 30 degrees. I may add that Dennis did fantastic last night for supper. Obviously, jellied cranberries are always good and they really topped off the small steak wrapped in bacon over a slow heat. Yup, he did good. Many people mention that as soon as an appliance’s warranty is expired, a new unit is bound to be needed. I can tell you my dishwasher has been going great guns for decades. I love seeing Dennis’s hand immersed in bubbles. Dennis is always on board to get those dishes done and put away. Our home is small and things always go better to get the dining room table cleared to make room for the rest of the story.
It’s a goofy day. The sun was out for a time and all looked promising for March 1st. The clouds moved in and the earth shoke a bit as Dennis declared he is making supper. The statement I made about no harm coming to either of us if we skipped a meal . . . didn’t fly. One of his offering is jellied cranberries. Time will tell and I will just sit on my hands and let it all play out. Oh, that’s right I can’t sit on my hands as my thumb on my right hand has been in a “charlie horse” mode for some time this afternoon. Arthritis must be making a play on yet another joint.
Fleeting Thoughts:
With a sunny 36 degrees and wind speeds matching that, the remaining snow is diminished and anything lying loose in the yards, is no more.
Fleeting Thoughts:
Decades ago, telephones were used only for important messages. Long distance phone numbers that were called were especially placed sparingly as each call was evident on the phone bill that came in the mail and how much it had cost per the minutes used. Does anyone trust happenstance on being in the right place at the right time to receive a message?
Nothing makes the cold temps tolerable like keeping busy within my home. I would love to be taking a walk on Stauffer Avenue, but there is more hidden ice that I dare trust. Each day that passes with no huge dump of snow will allow the spring to get here sooner than later. The sun is gaining power, regardless of what the temperature reading is. Life on Stauffer is good.