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  • Noreen 3:29 am on March 28, 2015 Permalink  

    The sun is out and it makes such a difference as to how I feel. Sitting in my rocking chair in the porch this morning with coffee in hand, I felt good. Dennis filled the Koi pond last week. This morning there was only one small hole that the water pump had been able to keep open, fighting against the ice that wanted to totally cover the pond. Oh yes, it got really cold during the night. With the weather forecast that Dennis is watching, I am sure that the Koi will be out of the horse tank by the first of April. Once that process has taken place . . . spring on Stauffer is on a roll.

  • Noreen 6:10 am on March 27, 2015 Permalink  

    I lost a month. On February 26th, I had lunch with friend Doreen in St. Peter. I asked Doreen for help with my jacket as we were leaving the restaurant as my right arm was feeling less than good. By the time I had driven the 60 miles home, I could hardly count on my right arm for steering the car. The next day my concern mounted, my mind went to the right shoulder replacement. Infections in the body of any type, including a tooth that has an infection can attack the replacement area. A trip to Urgent Care confirmed I had shingles. The blisters from the top of the shoulders to the hand were not comfortable, even to have cloth touch them.

    Today, a month later, the pain that feels like hot heat radiating the length of the arm is lessening. During the days of the last month, time blurred as I had a lot of discomfort in the arm as it felt as if it was in a vice and the pressure was extreme, generally felt during the night. The headache and nausea came and went as the flu-like symptoms come right along with the shingles. I slept through many of the days and didn’t really care or relate to much. Yes, all the well meaning people who have had the shingles were not lying. It was pretty overwhelming. Normally, I have something physical to show for each day God has given me, be it the cries of dust bunnies or threads left about from a project. These last 30 days . . . squat.  I am also amazed by the general body strength I have to regain.  It is a good thing spring is here for some great exercise in the yard work.

    I am thrilled to have this much of the shingles experience behind me. I do know that some discomfort from nerve endings can last for some time after the physical signs are gone. Prayers go up often.

    Dennis did endure and I can attest to the fact that in another life he may very well have been a ballerina. His tip toe technique around the house during this last month was awesome and so appreciated.

  • Noreen 3:57 am on March 26, 2015 Permalink  

    Our state and federal governments are solvent for the time being. I filed our income taxes via e-file today. The feds pulled what we owed them from our checking account before I had a chance to put our information into a file folder. The greedy people.

  • Noreen 3:56 am on March 25, 2015 Permalink  

    What is a secure home without food for the table? Generally in the early years, Orlin and I grew 99% of our food. Situations do change and pantries and freezers are kept full with goods from local grocery stores. I cannot recall a single time when there was not a balanced meal put on the table for the family. I have lead a thankful life, right up to this evening. Dennis and I worked together this afternoon to have a wonderful pot of ham and bean soup ready for supper.

  • Noreen 5:20 am on March 24, 2015 Permalink  

    In all the years of being an adult, I have been thankful for the home that I had and have, be it at quite a few locations. No matter if it was a previously occupied chicken house in Texas or a huge two story brick schoolhouse in Minnesota. Regardless of the physical properties of the house, it was my desire to make a home of it to the best of my ability and resources.  I always knew the security of having a home and was very thankful for it.

  • Noreen 4:48 am on March 23, 2015 Permalink  

    This is the day the Lord has made and we rejoice in it. On March 29th, Palm Sunday begins a week of preparation for us to totally realize what our Lord and Savior endures for us believers.  I think I will start my soul searching a week early.

  • Noreen 6:46 am on March 22, 2015 Permalink  

    As Dennis would say, “Time to blow the stink off” as we went for a drive around the community. We finished off by having a great cheeseburger with fried onions at the Home Town Cafe. Dennis couldn’t help himself but have a piece of sour cream raisin pie and a piece of coconut cream pie to have as a take out for later in the evening. The days of shingles are getting easier to contend with. Life is good on Stauffer Ave.

  • Noreen 3:13 am on March 21, 2015 Permalink  

    First day of spring and there are sounds of gardens being tilled in the neighborhood. We put forth some local effort and cleaned the east and west patio doors in the porch. It is a treat to watch the world go by with clean windows. Little by little the porch is being brought out of the depths of winter grime. It’s a good thing.

  • Noreen 4:55 am on March 20, 2015 Permalink  

    Spring has sprung. If in doubt, ask Dennis. The Koi pond is filled with city water and will be pumping away for a few days to make sure the chlorine has dissipated before the Koi go in. Later in the day he went to the far east lot line and burned off the plume grass left from last year so the new growth can spring forth as the temps get warmer.

    The real blessing that Dennis and I are so thankful for is that this is the first spring in many we did not have to evacuate the garage porch due to fast thawing snow while the ground was still frozen causing the porch to flood. What a treat to enjoy these days while actually being in the garage porch. Life on Stauffer is good.

  • Noreen 4:28 am on March 19, 2015 Permalink  

    It has been two weeks of having nothing physical to show for my days. Seriously, It doesn’t bother me in the least. Who is this person taking up space?  I do pray every night that the tomorrow yet to come will bring a change in my physical condition followed by enthusiasm. I have had a lot of time to think, remember and literally dream during my many naps.

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