First time in the Super 8 pool for a good workout in over a month. Talk about a gamble that I could pull myself up and out of the pool. The loss of body strength during the month of shingles was severe and surprising as to what it took to fight the virus. Oh my, what we take for granted. Spring and the beckoning to be out in the yard is just what this body needs.
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Oh my, what a day. We were outside all day. It was a Steady Eddie type of day that had huge results getting rid of all the leaves, branches and whatever else Old Man Winter left for us. We topped the day off by going for burgers up town. Catch ya all later.
It never pays to take shortcuts. Several winters ago, the front door needed new weather stripping . . . it didn’t get done. Out came the duct tape. I taped the door shut from top to bottom and from side to side. I can tell you, no drafts dared to come into the home through the cracks. Here we were with the delivery of Dennis’ new recliner to be delivered through the front door yesterday, and the tape had to come off. Adhesives leave a residue after tape has been left on a surface for several days. You can imagine how much remained on the wooden door and the door frame after two years. There was no turning back. The weather stripping has to be applied to the door this spring and that meant the leftover adhesive had to come off first.
I don’t know where Dennis and I would have been without Goof Off. After much soaking of an area with Goof Off on a rag, followed by a lot of rubbing, the surface was smooth to the touch . . . adhesive free. Dennis and I, on the other hand, were making sure to stay close to the cracked window in between our shifts with the Goof Off. Talk about strong fumes. At the time, the duct tape went on quite quickly. Now, after several hours of the two of us taking turns removing it, we will be second guessing shortcuts in time to come.
This is going to be the true test! Can old cowboys learn new tricks? Today at 3:10 p.m. two very strong young men carried Dennis’ 27-year-old recliner out the front door. During the entire trip there were small pieces of metal falling onto the floor. It looked as if they might have been a portion of a gear. At one point the chair was set down with a thump for the fellows to get a better handle on the situation. The thump allowed a rather large patch of metal filings to remain on the floor. I know that Dennis’ old chair had his physical form in the upholstery and padding as if the chair had been built around him. The old went out the front door and a new recliner was carried in. Time will tell how long the transition takes. Tomorrow when that usual and customary nap time hits, the new recliner will beckon. Personally, I think Dennis can pull it off.
What a warm and extremely windy day. The wind kept Dennis busy cleaning leaves out of the pond and I got a fair amount of exercise by picking up branches. To the north this evening, the skies are ominous. With the temps in the low 80s today . . . it’s not a good forecast. Though the grasses are turning green without any rain at all, I can only imagine what rain would do for the new growth of grass. The lawnmowers would, for sure, be getting a work out.
So . . . how does one celebrate a 71st birthday enduring the lasting effects of shingles? A top priority was a cup of coffee to join Dennis in the porch. My first birthday greeting of the day came from Dennis, which was super sweet. In time, me in my pink bathrobe, with two kittens following close behind, checked out the far backyard. There was no chance of muddy feet as we are in need of a rain shower. Before long I had a pile of broken branches picked up. We don’t have a lot of traffic on Stauffer Avenue, but those that did pass by just gave a wave to the white haired cat lady walking the yard.
For this birthday, brother Calvin had a great email waiting for me this morning. Phone visits were received from son Kevin, my brother Micheal, sister Elvera and a surprise phone call from granddaughter Megan. Megan has passed and received her babysitter certificate and she is now able to stay with Nicholas while mom was running an errand. Megan and I had a half hour visit. Priceless.
I will admit during the course of the day I exchanged the pink robe for a green robe. I enjoyed a very lazy, laid back day. Towards evening I logged onto Facebook and responded in kind to each of the 40 plus birthday wishes that were posted. Several of the cards that came in the mail brought a chuckle with a dose of reality. Is 71 really the new 60?
The weather was such that towards evening, Dennis pulled out a bit of patio furniture. Spring is on track here at Stauffer Avenue and I know this year is going to be a great one for me . . . how could it not be? Family, friends and acquaintances all add to the quality of life that gives me a reason to smile today and many more days ahead.
A very good day on Stauffer Avenue. The Koi are in the pond and swimming laps. My car has a new battery after the 2008 battery sputtered just enough to make it suspicious and unreliable. Subway made fantastic seafood subs for supper. As always, no complaints on Stauffer Ave.
A very quiet town on this Palm Sunday. It may be that the 45 mph winds we are having do not require vehicles. The sun was bright and there is the scent that spring is right around the corner.
I hope this is the last of the chilly sunny days. Snuggles and Butter Ball spent very little time outside this evening. About the time it is dusk, they will be meowing to be let out the patio door. Honey Bunny doesn’t find her way home until dusk has turned into dark. Honey Bunny is five years old and sure doesn’t like to stick around home during the day, but by golly she will make sure she knows who is boss at the end of the day.